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Pavilion Books Group The Greatest ShowPenguin Freegard Lucy

Pavilion Books Group The Greatest ShowPenguin Freegard Lucy

цена 961 руб.
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What could be better than "The Greatest Showman?" "The Greatest Showpenguin" of course! Hot on the heels of the record-breaking movie, and with a sequel coming shortly, we present a funny and sensitive parody • Poppy the Penguin comes from a long line of circus performers. Many skills have been passed down from penguin to penguin. However, Poppy feels that performing in the family circus might not be for her. But the hardest thing is not juggling, or riding a unicycle - it's telling her mum that she doesn't want to perform any more. The bravery is worth it when Poppy discovers a role more suited to her - organising and coordinating the whole show. And what a show it turns out to be! • A tale of overcoming shyness and lack of confidence, finding success and a celebration of girl power! подробнее
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The Natural Menopause Method is a complete one-stop guide to the perimenopause and menopause, covering everything from recognising symptoms to managing relationships and understanding which treatments really work. Author Karen Newby takes a wholistic approach to Midlife and the biological and social challenges it throws at us • Everything you need to know about achieving nutritional balance to support flagging vitality and celebrate the potential of your midlife • Are you tired all the time? Suffer with mood swings? Do you have stubborn weight gain especially around the middle? Are you dealing with brain fog? Is disturbed sleep making you feel exhausted? • The Natural Menopause Method is a nutritional guide to address these and many other common menopause symptoms; helping readers to navigate the biological and social challenges of midlife through the healing lens of food
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2 928 руб.
The Food Almanac is a monthly collection of food stories told by an eclectic mix of voices from the literary, performance and food worlds • From legendary food writers and lauded chefs to up-and-coming poets and debut novelists, each story looks at the gastronomic world through a cultural prism, using food as a way to explore deeper issues • The Food Almanac is a seasonal collection of recipes and stories celebrating the joy of food – a dazzling, diverse mix of memoir, history, short stories and poems alongside recipes, cooking tips, menus and reading lists. Join Miranda York, editor of At The Table, as she guides you through the year, with contributions from legendary food writers, lauded chefs, up-and-coming poets and award-winning novelists
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3 136 руб.
The Avocado Book is a celebration of the world’s most instagrammed fruit • With over 60 recipes taking you from breakfast to dessert, this book proves that avocados are not only tasty and nutritious but incredibly versatile. With everything from Avo Nuggets to Avo Ice Pops, The Avocado Book is filled with pages of culinary creations and inspiration on how to prep, style and eat this #1 superfood • Chapters include • Toast and Eggs – Is there a more iconic duo? • Avocado Gardens – An instant eye-catcher, without too much effort • Bowls and Salads – The avocado's velvety richness turns even the simplest salad into on that is sumptuous and substantial • Fancy Fast Food – The deliciously rich and creamy flavour of avocado makes it an excellent substitute for 'greasy' snacks
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2 398 руб.
The Upholsterer's Step-by-step Handbook reveals the techniques and tips of the upholstery trade in an easy to understand format • Fully illustrated throughout with informative illustrations and inspiring photography, this book will enable you to confidently create a statement piece of furniture for your home • Learn how to follow a technique-based approach to upholstery, from assessing the work involved and estimating your materials to planning your order of working to get professional results – whatever the size or scale of the project. Further information on the design of chairs and working with chair types enables you to work on any model of chair without limiting you to specific projects • Additional chapters include information on upholstery tools and materials, furnishing fabrics and trimmings
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3 691 руб.
An updated edition – with completely new chapters – of the most accessible and compelling history of the cinema yet published, and complements Mark Cousins' fascinating 15-hour film documentary The Story of Film: An Odyssey • Filmmaker and author Mark Cousins shows how filmmakers are influenced both by the historical events of their times, and by each other. He demonstrates, for example, how Douglas Sirk’s Hollywood melodramas of the 1950s influenced Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s despairing visions of 1970s Germany; and how George Lucas’ Star Wars epics grew out of Akira Kurosawa’s The Hidden Fortress • The Story of Film is divided into three main epochs: Silent (1885–1928), Sound (1928–1990) and Digital (1990–Present). Films are discussed within chapters reflecting both the stylistic concerns of the film-makers and the political and social themes of the time
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5 771 руб.
Whisky is the world’s favourite spirit and is enjoying booming sales, yet too often it’s shrouded in mystery, myth and complex-sounding terminology • This authoritative book, written by three world experts, gives simple advice on how to seek out and enjoy the immense diversity of flavours and styles on offer, and how to become more adventurous • As with any subject, the more you know, the more you can appreciate and enjoy it. This book aims to equip you with enough knowledge to be able to find your way around the whisky sections of a specialist drinks retailer and to help you feel confident choosing whisky in a bar or restaurant. We aim to demystify whisky without taking away the magic. The history of whisky and production methods are clearly explained, and there is advice on how to nose, taste and savour, as well as a selection of classic whisky cocktails and advice on matching food and whisky
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5 537 руб.
You shouldn’t have to compromise on flavour, texture and the look of your cake just because it’s vegan. From carrot cake and chocolate cookies to madeleines and muffins; in this ultimate bible, Karolina has veganised old baking favourites as well as creating new baking recipes to make vegan baking accessible and fun to the novice baker • Over 10 years of hard work and trial-and-error, the talented Karolina Tegelaar has created the ultimate vegan baking book – a must-have for every baking-enthusiast’s kitchen. Vegan baking has been revolutionised by the introduction of aquafaba and plant-based dairy products, and this definitive bible chronicles everything you need to know to create all the baking classics, as well as new and interesting bakes, using the latest techniques
My-shop.ru г. Москва
5 078 руб.
Доступная, простая в использовании "Кулинарная книга для гурманов" Лизы и Аланы Макфарлейн предлагает простые инструкции, позволяющие вам без проблем добавлять ферментированные продукты в свой ежедневный рацион. Все рецепты были тщательно подобраны таким образом, чтобы включить три наиболее важных элемента для здоровой пищеварительной системы • Книга на английском языке • A follow-up to The Gut Stuff, this is an accessible, easy-to-follow cookbook that offers easy How-Tos so you can add fermented food seamlessly into your daily diet for a healthy, happy gut. All recipes have been carefully constructed to include the top three most important elements for a healthy digestive system… variety, fibre and ferments • Welcome to The Gut Stuff dinner table, you CAN sit with us
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 136 руб.
Just 10 minutes of training per day can help you work towards unlocking your body’s full potential • Beginning with a basic squat (which we as children do naturally but then as adults struggle to perform), ‘The Flexible Body : Move better anywhere, anytime in 10 minutes a day’ guides you through a series of positions, stretches, rolls and balances that re-train your body to move like it once could • Forget everything you think you know about exercise. International model and fitness expert Roger Frampton has developed a revolutionary new approach to movement, designed to get your body working in the way it was designed to • We are born with perfect spines that can move in millions of ways. But our sedentary western lifestyles rob us of our natural range of motion and leave us with stiff bodies, bad posture and a high incidence of back pain
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 767 руб.
Вдохновленная историей Британии, от дерева, под которым был создан первый профсоюз, до ветвей, на которых вешали преступников, биография Великого британского дерева подробно описывает увлекательные истории, связанные с деревьями на протяжении всей истории Британских островов • Как много вы знали о боярышнике Гластонберийском? Дерево на месте аббатства Гластонбери, которое цветет на Рождество и, как полагают, происходит от оригинального шипа, посаженного на территории аббатства Иосифом Аримафейским. А еще есть дерево Освальда, где, как говорили, Пенда, король Мерсии, повесил расчлененное тело Освальда, христианского короля Нортумбрии, в назидание другим – и откуда город Освестри получил свое название • Есть липа, которая упрямо растет на крикетном поле в Кенте, ясень, окруженный надгробиями 19-го века на кладбище Сент-Панкрас, и дуб Ноул, увековеченный на странице в "Орландо" Вирджинии Вулф и в видеоклипе на песню The Beatles "Strawberry Fields Forever"
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 136 руб.
Посмотри вверх! Посмотри вниз! Оглянись вокруг! Окружающий мир полон захватывающих вещей… "Зазеркалье. Вдохновляйтесь – смотрите на мир как художник!" - это прекрасная книга для творческих занятий, которая побудит детей ценить окружающий мир и развивать свои навыки рисования, письма и фотографии • Мир вокруг нас полон захватывающих вещей – людей, мест, форм, узоров, цветов, – но многое из этого проходит мимо нас. Изменение нашего внешнего вида может помочь нам увидеть больше замечательных вещей, которые мы обычно принимаем как должное, и заметить то, что может заставить нас улыбнуться. Может быть, вы увидите особенно красивую лужу, здание с глазами и ртом, облако, похожее на собаку, или собаку, похожую на облако! • Книга Лусии Винти поможет вам внимательнее присмотреться ко всему, что вас окружает, и зафиксировать свои наблюдения с помощью рисования, письма и фотографии
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 845 руб.
Оригинальное издание "Классической кухни Северной Италии" в 1996 году получило книжную премию Гильдии кулинарных писателей и премию Орио Вергани Итальянской академии делла Кучина. В этом обновленном издании Анна Дель Конте возвращается к классическим блюдам, чтобы показать лучшее из североитальянской кухни – как деревенской, так и изысканной • В этой подборке из более чем 150 рецептов Анна выбрала самые лучшие идеи, почерпнутые из известных ресторанов, элегантных домашних кухонь, сельских гостиниц и фермерских хозяйств. Многие традиционные блюда могут быть вам незнакомы, например, лепешки из нутовой муки, лигурийский чуппин или пирог с макаронами в сладком тесте, но она также представляет оригинальные варианты популярных блюд, таких как песто, рагу и Оссобуко
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 691 руб.
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