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Penguin The Warden Троллоп Энтони

Penguin The Warden Троллоп Энтони

цена 1 390 руб.
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Anthony Trollope's The Warden is the first of his well-loved Chronicles of Barsetshire, edited with an introduction and notes by Robin Gilmour in Penguin Classics • The tranquil atmosphere of the cathedral town of Barchester is shattered when a scandal breaks concerning the financial affairs of a Church-run almshouse for elderly men. In the ensuing furore, Septimus Harding, the almshouse's well-meaning warden, finds himself pitted against his daughter's suitor Dr John Bold, a zealous local reformer. Matters are not improved when Harding's abrasive son-in law, Archdeacon Grantly, leaps into the fray to defend him against a campaign Bold begins in the national press. An affectionate and wittily satirical view of the workings of the Church of England, The Warden is also a subtle exploration of the rights and wrongs of moral crusades and, in its account of Harding's intensely felt personal drama, a moving depiction of the private impact of public affairs подробнее
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The Penguin English Library Edition of The Warden by Anthony Trollope • 'It was so hard that the pleasant waters of his little stream should be disturbed and muddied ... that his quiet paths should be made a battlefield: that the unobtrusive corner of the world which been allotted to him ... made miserable and unsound' • Trollope's witty, satirical story of a quiet cathedral town shaken by scandal - as the traditional values of Septimus Harding are attacked by zealous reformers and ruthless newspapers - is a drama of conscience that pits individual integrity against worldly ambition. In The Warden Anthony Trollope brought the fictional county of Barsetshire to life, peopled by a cast of brilliantly realised characters that have made him among the supreme chroniclers of the minutiae of Victorian England
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 670 руб.
The first book in Anthony Trollope's Barchester Chronicles is a moving, insightful exploration of moral dilemmas fought in public and private • Mr Harding is a good man, the warden to an alms house which provides a peaceful home to twelve old men. The young and zealous John Bold is also a good man, but he believes he sees in Harding's comfortable existence an injustice which must be exposed. The law, the church and the self-righteous national press all have their say in the scandal that ensues, causing a crisis in the hearts and minds of many in the quiet country town of Barchester • ‘An affecting and delicate short novel’ Guardian
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 666 руб.
When the peaceful atmosphere of Barchester is destroyed by a scandal concerning the financial affairs of an almshouse, Septimus Harding, the kindly but unworldly warden who is responsible for the care of the establishment's twelve elderly residents, finds himself in conflict with his daughter's suitor, the zealous reformer John Bold, who unwittingly unleashes the full might of the press against his prospective father-in-law • The first in the Chronicles of Barsetshire series, The Warden is both a humorous satire on the Church of England and a poignant insight into the manner in which public matters can affect private lives • This edition contains extensive annotations and extra material
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 701 руб.
After the death of old Dr Grantly, a bitter struggle begins over who will succeed him as Bishop of Barchester. And when the decision is finally made to appoint the evangelical Dr Proudie, rather than the son of the old bishop, Archdeacon Grantly, resentment and suspicion threaten to cause deep divisions within the diocese. Trollope's masterly depiction of the plotting and back-stabbing that ensues lies at the heart of one of the most vivid and comic of his Barsetshire novels, peopled by such very different figures as the saintly Warden of Hiram's Hospital, Septimus Harding, the ineffectual but well-meaning new bishop and his terrifying wife, and the oily chaplain Mr Slope who has designs on Mr Harding's daughter
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 087 руб.
"Phineas Redux" - четвёртый "роман о Плантагенете Паллисьере", в котором Энтони Троллоп рассказывает о возвращении Финеаса Финна в опасный мир Вестминстерской политики. Оппонента Финеаса убивают, и он попадает сначала под подозрение, а затем на скамью подсудимых. Ситуацию осложняет присутствие в его жизни двух женщин: леди Лоры, его былой любви, отделившийся от которой супруг хочет разрушить репутацию Финеса, и мадам Макс, богатой и загадочной вдовы • По циклу был снят сериал "Паллисеры" • Книга на английском языке • In the fourth of the 'Palliser' stories, Trollope follows Phineas Finn's return to the dangerous world of Westminster politics. When his political rival is murdered, Phineas is thrown under suspicion and eventually finds himself standing trial at the Old Bailey
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 551 руб.
Сын обанкротившегося землевладельца, Фрэнк Грэшем намерен жениться на своей возлюбленной Мэри Торн, несмотря на ее незаконнорожденность и бедность. Однако амбициозная мать и надменная тетя Фрэнка настроены против этого брака и подталкивают его спасти заложенное имущество семьи, удачно женившись на богатой наследнице. Только любящий дядя Мэри, доктор Торн, знает тайну ее рождения и состояние, которое она унаследует, что изменит отношение к ней семьи Фрэнка, но принципиальный доктор считает, что они должны принять ее, не зная о ее богатстве. Роман "Доктор Торн" - красноречивое исследование взаимоотношений между обществом, деньгами и моралью, - неизменно популярен благодаря нежному изображению Энтони Троллопом сельской английской жизни и обманчиво простому изображению человеческой натуры
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 349 руб.
Penguin Readers is a graded reading series for English Language Teaching (ELT) markets, designed for teenagers and young adults learning English as a foreign or second language • In Yukon, Canada during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, strong sled dogs are in high demand. Buck is stolen from his comfortable home in California and sold into service as a sled dog in Alaska. Will he survive life in the wild? • Penguin Readers is a series of the best new fiction, essential non-fiction and popular classics written for learners of English as a foreign language. Beautifully illustrated and carefully adapted, the series introduces language learners around the world to the bestselling authors and most compelling content from Penguin Random House. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework and include language activities that help readers to develop key skills
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 304 руб.
The Penguin English Library Edition of The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad • 'Madness and despair! Give me that for a lever, and I'll move the world' • In the only novel Conrad set in London, The Secret Agent communicates a profoundly ironic view of human affairs. The story is woven around an attack on the Greenwich Observatory in 1894 masterminded by Verloc, a Russian spy working for the police, and ostensibly a member of an anarchist group in Soho. His masters instruct him to discredit the anarchists in a humiliating fashion, and when his evil plan goes horribly awry, Verlac must deal with the repercussions of his actions • The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction written in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels, to the beginning of the First World War
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 583 руб.
Энтони Пэтч и его жена Глория – наглядный пример гламура в эпоху джаза. Прекрасная, притягательная пара, они живут ярко и энергично. Нью-Йорк – их бар и танцевальная площадка, а их брак – страстная театральная постановка. Они молоды, богаты, живы и полны сил, а весь мир принадлежит им. Но стоит кошельку истощиться, их брак вдруг становится немыслимо хрупким. Теперь им придётся встать лицом к лицу с жестокой реальностью и осознать, что пусть они и прекрасны, но они так же прокляты • В истории Американской литературы Фицджеральд стал почти мифологической фигурой, а его роман «Великий Гэтсби» многими считается величайшим американским романом. В 1920 году он женился на Зельде Сейр, звезде ранней американской эмансипации. Их нездоровый брак и прогрессирующее безумие жены оказали ключевое влияние на творчество писателя и легли в основу этого романа
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 384 руб.
The Penguin English Library Edition of The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot • If life had no love in it, what else was there for Maggie? • Tragic and moving, The Mill on the Floss is a novel of grand passions and tormented lives. As the rebellious Maggie's fiery spirit and imaginative nature bring her into bitter conflict with her narrow provincial family, most painfully with her beloved brother Tom, their fates are played out on an epic scale. George Eliot drew on her own frustrated rural upbringing to create one of the great novels of childhood, and one of literature's most unforgettable heroines • The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War
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2 146 руб.
The Penguin English Library Edition of The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells • 'Death!' I shouted. 'Death is coming! Death!' • In this pioneering, shocking and nightmarish tale, naive suburban Londoners investigate a strange cylinder from space, but are instantly incinerated by an all-destroying heat-ray. Soon, gigantic killing machines that chase and feed on human prey are threatening the whole of humanity. A pioneering work of alien invasion fiction, The War of the World's journalistic style contrasts disturbingly with its horrifying visions of the human race under siege • The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 078 руб.
The Penguin English Library Edition of The Five Orange Pips and Other Cases by Arthur Conan Doyle • 'He is the Napoleon of crime, Watson ... He sits motionless, like a spider in the centre of its web, but that web has a thousand radiations, and he knows well every quiver of each of them' • Sherlock Holmes, scourge of criminals everywhere, whether they be lurking in London's foggy backstreets or plotting behind the walls of an idyllic country mansion, and his faithful colleague Dr Watson, solve these breathtaking and perplexing mysteries. In Arthur Conan Doyle's The Five Orange Pips and Other Cases we encounter some of his most famous and devilishly difficult problems • The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 670 руб.
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