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Penguin Barchester Towers Троллоп Энтони

Penguin Barchester Towers Троллоп Энтони

цена 2 087 руб.
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After the death of old Dr Grantly, a bitter struggle begins over who will succeed him as Bishop of Barchester. And when the decision is finally made to appoint the evangelical Dr Proudie, rather than the son of the old bishop, Archdeacon Grantly, resentment and suspicion threaten to cause deep divisions within the diocese. Trollope's masterly depiction of the plotting and back-stabbing that ensues lies at the heart of one of the most vivid and comic of his Barsetshire novels, peopled by such very different figures as the saintly Warden of Hiram's Hospital, Septimus Harding, the ineffectual but well-meaning new bishop and his terrifying wife, and the oily chaplain Mr Slope who has designs on Mr Harding's daughter подробнее
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Anthony Trollope was well aware that the seemingly parochial power struggles that determine the action of Barchester Towers – struggles whose comic possibilities he exploits to hilarious effect – actually went to the heart of mid-Victorian English society, and had, in other times and other guises, led to civil war and constitutional upheaval. That awareness heightens the comedy and intensifies the drama in this magnificent novel and it transforms the story of a fight for ascendency among the clergy and dependants of a great English cathedral into something fundamental and universal. Barchester Towers is the second of Trollope's six Barchester Novels, all published by Everyman's Library
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 576 руб.
Anthony Trollope's The Warden is the first of his well-loved Chronicles of Barsetshire, edited with an introduction and notes by Robin Gilmour in Penguin Classics • The tranquil atmosphere of the cathedral town of Barchester is shattered when a scandal breaks concerning the financial affairs of a Church-run almshouse for elderly men. In the ensuing furore, Septimus Harding, the almshouse's well-meaning warden, finds himself pitted against his daughter's suitor Dr John Bold, a zealous local reformer. Matters are not improved when Harding's abrasive son-in law, Archdeacon Grantly, leaps into the fray to defend him against a campaign Bold begins in the national press. An affectionate and wittily satirical view of the workings of the Church of England, The Warden is also a subtle exploration of the rights and wrongs of moral crusades and, in its account of Harding's intensely felt personal drama, a moving depiction of the private impact of public affairs
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 390 руб.
Сын обанкротившегося землевладельца, Фрэнк Грэшем намерен жениться на своей возлюбленной Мэри Торн, несмотря на ее незаконнорожденность и бедность. Однако амбициозная мать и надменная тетя Фрэнка настроены против этого брака и подталкивают его спасти заложенное имущество семьи, удачно женившись на богатой наследнице. Только любящий дядя Мэри, доктор Торн, знает тайну ее рождения и состояние, которое она унаследует, что изменит отношение к ней семьи Фрэнка, но принципиальный доктор считает, что они должны принять ее, не зная о ее богатстве. Роман "Доктор Торн" - красноречивое исследование взаимоотношений между обществом, деньгами и моралью, - неизменно популярен благодаря нежному изображению Энтони Троллопом сельской английской жизни и обманчиво простому изображению человеческой натуры
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 349 руб.
"Phineas Redux" - четвёртый "роман о Плантагенете Паллисьере", в котором Энтони Троллоп рассказывает о возвращении Финеаса Финна в опасный мир Вестминстерской политики. Оппонента Финеаса убивают, и он попадает сначала под подозрение, а затем на скамью подсудимых. Ситуацию осложняет присутствие в его жизни двух женщин: леди Лоры, его былой любви, отделившийся от которой супруг хочет разрушить репутацию Финеса, и мадам Макс, богатой и загадочной вдовы • По циклу был снят сериал "Паллисеры" • Книга на английском языке • In the fourth of the 'Palliser' stories, Trollope follows Phineas Finn's return to the dangerous world of Westminster politics. When his political rival is murdered, Phineas is thrown under suspicion and eventually finds himself standing trial at the Old Bailey
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 551 руб.
The Penguin English Library Edition of The Warden by Anthony Trollope • 'It was so hard that the pleasant waters of his little stream should be disturbed and muddied ... that his quiet paths should be made a battlefield: that the unobtrusive corner of the world which been allotted to him ... made miserable and unsound' • Trollope's witty, satirical story of a quiet cathedral town shaken by scandal - as the traditional values of Septimus Harding are attacked by zealous reformers and ruthless newspapers - is a drama of conscience that pits individual integrity against worldly ambition. In The Warden Anthony Trollope brought the fictional county of Barsetshire to life, peopled by a cast of brilliantly realised characters that have made him among the supreme chroniclers of the minutiae of Victorian England
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 670 руб.
Когда преподобного Джосайю Кроули, обедневшего викария Хогглстока, обвиняют в краже, это вызывает публичный скандал, сотрясающий мир Барсетшира. Кроули отчаянно пытаются сохранять достоинство, в то время как общество избегает их, но скандал угрожает разлучить их и общество в целом • Опираясь на свой собственный детский опыт благородной бедности, в своем романе "Последняя хроника Барсета" Энтони Троллоп дает кропотливо реалистичное описание испытаний семьи, стремящейся поддерживать свои стандарты любой ценой. Благодаря чувствительному изображению гордой и склонной к саморазрушению фигуры Кроули, этот заключительный том является самым мрачным и сложным из всех романов Барсетшира • Книга на английском языке • When Reverend Josiah Crawley, the impoverished curate of Hogglestock, is accused of theft it causes a public scandal, sending shockwaves through the world of Barsetshire
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 266 руб.
Плантагенет Паллисер, премьер-министр Англии - человек могущественный и престижный, со всем сопутствующим ему происхождением и унаследованным богатством, - потрясен неумолимым возвышением Фердинанда Лопеса. Экзотический самозванец, появившийся, казалось бы, из ниоткуда, мгновенно покорил общество. Но когда он заключает социально выгодный брак, Паллисер должен решить, поддержать ли Лопеса на дополнительных выборах или выставить его авантюристом, охотящегося за состоянием жены • Роман Энтони Троллопа "Премьер-министр" - о социальной, сексуальной и внутренней политике - поднимает один из самых насущных вопросов в правительстве: может ли высокоморальный джентльмен стать эффективным лидером • Книга на английском языке • Plantaganet Palliser, Prime Minister of England - a man of power and prestige, with all the breeding and inherited wealth that goes with it - is appalled at the inexorable rise of Ferdinand Lopez
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 118 руб.
Engaged to the ambitious and self-serving Adolphus Crosbie, Lily Dale is devastated when he jilts her for the aristocratic Lady Alexandrina. Although crushed by his faithlessness, Lily still believes she is bound to her unworthy former fiance for life and therefore condemned to remain single after his betrayal. And when a more deserving suitor pays his addresses, she is unable to see past her feelings for Crosbie. Written when Trollope was at the height of his popularity, The Small House at Allington (1864) contains his most admired heroine in Lily Dale - a young woman of independent spirit who nonetheless longs to be loved - and is a moving dramatization of the ways in which personal dilemmas are affected by social pressures
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 551 руб.
Plantagenet Palliser, the Duke of Omnium and former Prime Minister of England, is widowed and wracked by grief. Struggling to adapt to life without his beloved Lady Glencora, he works hard to guide and support his three adult children. Palliser soon discovers, however, that his own plans for them are very different from their desires. Sent down from university in disgrace, his two sons quickly begin to run up gambling debts. His only daughter, meanwhile, longs passionately to marry the poor son of a county squire against her father's will. But while the Duke's dearest wishes for the three are thwarted one by one, he ultimately comes to understand that parents can learn from their own children. The final volume in the Palliser novels, The Duke's Children (1880) is a compelling exploration of wealth, pride and ultimately the strength of love
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 015 руб.
Following the death of her husband Sir Florian, beautiful Lizzie Eustace mysteriously comes into possession of a hugely expensive diamond necklace. She maintains it was a gift from her husband, but the Eustace lawyers insist she give it up, and while her cousin Frank takes her side, her new lover Lord Fawn states that he will only marry her if the necklace is surrendered. As gossip and scandal intensify, Lizzie's truthfulness is thrown into doubt, and, in her desire to keep the jewels, she is driven to increasingly desperate acts. The third in Trollope's Palliser series, The Eustace Diamonds bears all the hallmarks of his later works, blending dark cynicism with humour and a keen perception of human nature
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 584 руб.
Энтони Троллоп (1815-1882) принадлежит к числу великих викторианских писателей, а его книги - лучшие образцы из произведений английских авторов. "Троллоп убивает меня своим мастерством", - писал о нем в дневнике Лев Толстой • Троллоп, по его словам, стремился показать "христианскую добродетель и христианское ханжество", выставить на суд общества и высмеять все тайные помыслы, эгоизм во всех его проявлениях. Воспринимать окружающий мир только как часть своих интересов, возможно ли это? Эта тема как никогда актуальна и сегодня • "Барчестерские башни" - один из романов, принадлежащих к большому циклу "Барсетширских хроник", по нему был снят популярнейший британский телесериал с участием Алана Рикмана, Дональда Плезенса и других звезд
My-shop.ru г. Москва
478 руб.
In the third novel of the Barsetshire series, Trollope continues his study of a small cathedral city and the surrounding rural community which he presents as a microcosm of nineteenth-century England. Through each of the Barsershire novels can be read on its own, the six together present an incomparable portrait of life and manners in the quiet but troubled heart of a great nation at the zenith of its prosperity. Doctor Thorne revolves round the characters of the doctor and his niece, Mary, but the complex social life of which they are a part, ranging in scope from great houses to poor cottages, is almost more important than individual characters. If God is in the details, these novels are indeed divine
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 101 руб.
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