г. Москва, Московская область

Bluebird Attached. Are you Anxious, Avoidant or Secure? How the science of adult attachment can help you find - and keep - love Levine Amir, Heller Rachel S. F

An insightful look at the science behind love, Attached offers readers a road map for building stronger, more fulfilling connections • Is there a science to love? In this groundbreaking book, psychiatrist and neuroscientist Amir Levine and psychologist Rachel S.F. Heller reveal how an understanding of attachment theory - the most advanced relationship science in existence today - can help us find and sustain love • Pioneered by psychologist John Bowlby in the 1950s, the field of attachment explains that each of us behaves in relationships in one of three distinct ways • Anxious people are often preoccupied with their relationships and tend to worry about their partner's ability to love them back • Avoidant people equate intimacy with a loss of independence and constantly try to minimize closeness
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Что собаки на самом деле думают о нас? Что собаки знают и понимают об окружающем мире? Похожи ли их эмоции на наши собственные? Любят ли они так же, как мы? • Движимый собственной любовью к собакам, Чарльз Дарвин мучился подобными вопросами. Чтобы найти ответы, его современники поиграли с собачьим языком жестов. Чтобы найти подсказки, они изготовили специальные коробки с головоломками и тщательно продумали тесты на обнюхивание, используя старые носки. Позже те же самые извечные вопросы о разуме собак привели Павлова и Пастера к невыразимой жестокости в их поисках истины. Эти громкие имена в науке оказали влияние на целые лиги психологов и специалистов по поведению животных, каждый из которых опирался на идеи и мудрость предыдущих поколений,но не смог увидеть того, что бросалось им в глаза,- что те самые методы,которые люди использовали для изучения разума собак, влияли на отраженные в них идеи
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 464 руб.
Professor Richard Wiseman is clear about one thing: paranormal phenomena don't exist. But in the same way that the science of space travel transforms our everyday lives, so research into telepathy, fortune-telling and out-of-body experiences produces remarkable insights into our brains, behaviour and beliefs. Paranormality embarks on a wild ghost chase into this new science of the supernatural and is packed with activities that allow you to experience the impossible. So throw away your crystals, ditch your lucky charms and cancel your subscription to Reincarnation Weekly. It is time to discover the real secrets of the paranormal • Learn how to control your dreams - and leave your body behind • Convince complete strangers that you know all about them • Unleash the power of your unconscious mind
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 047 руб.
This is the definitive story of the science behind the cars of our dreams, featuring inside information from the major players of the supercar world - including design legend Adrian Newey, McLaren F1 creator Gordon Murray, supercar mavericks Horacio Pagani and Christian von Koenigsegg, as well as contributions from manufacturers such as Lamborghini, Porsche, Bugatti and McLaren. What powers the greatest cars in the world? How did we get from the crude mechanics of yesteryear to the high-tech, computer aided designs we see today? Which cars broke the mould? Featuring bespoke technical drawings from F1 championship-winning engineer Neil Waterman, The Science of Supercars traces the evolution of the supercar through the technology that drives it
My-shop.ru г. Москва
4 016 руб.
Изучите науку, лежащую в основе ваших повседневных привычек, и сделайте свой день здоровее, счастливее и продуктивнее • Автор бестселлеров Стюарт Фарримонд представляет вам новаторскую книгу о здоровье, которая оживит ваш распорядок дня и прольет свет на новейшие исследования в области психологии, питания, биологии и физики • Это доступное, занимательное и легкое для чтения руководство по фитнесу для тех, кто стремится к саморазвитию, подкрепленное убедительными научными данными The Science of Living, призванное раскрыть факты, стоящие за псевдонаучными причудами, и дать полезные советы по каждой сфере нашей жизни • Все эти фундаментальные повседневные вопросы рассматриваются в этой книге о здоровье, которая сочетает научно-популярную литературу с практическим самосовершенствованием, учитывает последние научные исследования, развенчивающие распространенные мифы
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 149 руб.
- Have you ever forgotten the name of someone you’ve met dozens of times? • - Or discovered that your memory of an important event was completely different from everyone else’s? • - Or vividly recalled being in a particular place at a particular time, only to discover later that you couldn’t possibly have been? • We rely on our memories every day of our lives. They make us who we are. And yet the truth is, they are far from being the accurate record of the past we like to think they are. In The Memory Illusion, forensic psychologist and memory expert Dr Julia Shaw draws on the latest research to show why our memories so often play tricks on us – and how, if we understand their fallibility, we can actually improve their accuracy. The result is an exploration of our minds that both fascinating and unnerving, and that will make you question how much you can ever truly know about yourself
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 004 руб.
So many of us believe that we are free to shape our own destiny. But what if free will doesn't exist? What if our lives are largely predetermined, hardwired in our brains and our choices over what we eat, who we fall in love with, even what we believe are not real choices at all? • Neuroscience is challenging everything we think we know about ourselves, revealing how we make decisions and form our own reality, unaware of the role of our unconscious minds. Did you know, for example, that • - You can carry anxieties and phobias across generations of your family? • - Your genes and pleasure and reward receptors in your brain will determine how much you eat? • - We can sniff out ideal partners with genes that give our offspring the best chance of survival? • Leading neuroscientist Hannah Critchlow draws vividly from everyday life and other experts in their field to show the extraordinary potential, as well as dangers, which come with being able to predict our likely futures and looking at how we can alter what's in store for us
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 766 руб.
Начните укреплять свой иммунитет • В новаторской книге "Иммунитет. Наука о том, как оставаться здоровым" эксперт-иммунолог доктор Дженна Маккиокки раскрывает новую науку об иммунитете • Предлагая простые, понятные и квалифицированные советы, попутно развенчивая популярные мифы, эта увлекательная книга раскрывает секреты людей, которые, кажется, никогда не болеют, как защитить себя от вирусов и почему некоторые микробы на самом деле полезны для нас • Книга на английском языке • Start strengthening your immunity for good • In this ground-breaking book, expert immunologist Dr Jenna Macciochi unravels the new science around immunity • Immunity decodes exactly what it takes to be well in the modern day and reveals tips and tricks you can start putting into practice immediately, including chapters on • ·Immunity-nourishing nutrition and the best foods to eat • ·The importance of movement and how often to exercise • ·How immunity and sleep are deeply linked • ·Why mental health matters when it comes to your immunity • Offering simple, clear and expert advice, debunking popular myths along the way, this fascinating book explores the secrets of people who never seem to get ill, how to protect yourself against viruses and why some germs are actually good for us
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 317 руб.
Why can’t we think straight when hungry? What’s the point of nightmares? And why is it so impossible to forget embarrassing memories? • Emotions can be a pain. After losing his dad to Covid-19, Dean Burnett found himself wondering what life would be like without them. And so, he decided to put his feelings under the microscope – for science • In Emotional Ignorance, Dean takes us on an incredible journey of discovery, stretching from the origins of life to the end of the universe. Along the way he reveals • – why we would ever follow our gut • – whether things really were better in the old days • – why doomscrolling is so addictive • – and how sad music can make us happier • Combining expert analysis, brilliant humour and powerful insights into the grieving process, Dean uncovers how, far from holding us back, our emotions make us who we are
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 017 руб.
Pain is a universal human experience, but we understand very little about the mechanics behind it. We hurt ourselves, we feel pain, we seek help from a professional or learn to avoid certain behaviours that cause pain. But the story of what goes on in our body is far from simple. Even medical practitioners themselves often fail to grasp the complexities between our minds and bodies and how they interact when dealing with pain stimulus • Common conception still equates pain with tissue damage but that is only a very small part of the story – the organ which produces pain is the brain. Case studies show that a woman who has undergone a caesarean reports dramatically less pain than a patient who has had a comparably invasive operation. The soldier who drags themselves to safety after being shot deals with pain in a remarkably different way from someone suffering a similar injury on a street
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 357 руб.
Einstein’s Fridge tells the story of how scientists uncovered the least known and yet most consequential of all the sciences, and learned to harness the power of heat and ice • The laws of thermodynamics govern everything from the behaviour of atoms to that of living cells, from the engines that power our world to the black hole at the centre of our galaxy. Not only that, but thermodynamics explains why we must eat and breathe, how the lights come on, and ultimately how the universe will end. The people who decoded its laws came from every branch of the sciences – they were engineers, physicists, chemists, biologists, cosmologists and mathematicians • Their discoveries, set over two hundred years, kick-started the industrial revolution, changed the course of world wars and informed modern understanding of black holes
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 545 руб.
Терри Пратчетт - признанный создатель мировой серии бестселлеров "Плоский мир", первая из которых, "Цвет волшебства", была опубликована в 1983 году. "Поднимая пар" - его сороковой роман о плоском мире. Его книги были широко адаптированы для сцены и экрана, и он является лауреатом множества премий, включая медаль Карнеги, а также удостоен рыцарского звания за заслуги перед литературой. После того, как он поссорился со своей клавиатурой, он теперь разговаривает со своим компьютером. Иногда, в наши дни, он отвечает взаимностью • Книга на английском языке • The fantastic first book in the Sunday Times bestselling Science of Discworld series • The fantastic first book in the Sunday Times bestselling Science of Discworld series • When a wizardly experiment goes adrift, the wizards of Unseen University find themselves with a pocket universe on their hands: Roundworld, where neither magic nor common sense seems to stand a chance against logic
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 673 руб.
India joined the railway age late: the first line was not completed until 1853 but, by 1929, 41,000 miles of track served the country. However, the creation of this vast network was not intended to modernize India for the sake of its people but rather was a means for the colonial power to govern the huge country under its control, serving its British economic and military interests • Despite the dubious intentions behind the construction of the network, the Indian people quickly took to the railways, as the trains allowed them to travel easily for the first time. The Indian Railways network remains one of the largest in the world, serving over 25 million passengers each day • In this expertly told history, Christian Wolmar reveals the full story of India’s railways, from its very beginnings to the present day, and examines the chequered role they have played in Indian history and the creation of today’s modern state
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 493 руб.
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