г. Москва, Московская область

A Simples Life: The Life and Times of Aleksandr Orlov Random House, Inc.

Aleksandr Orlov has in the last year become one of the most loved figures in British culture and his catchphrase - Simples! - can be heard from the playground to the office. Written in his inimitable voice (as dictated to his sidekick Sergei), his autobiography will offer the same humour as his TV ads, giving us the full story of his ancestor's Journey of Courageousness from the Kalahari to Russia, the low-down on his life as entrepreneur and founder of comparethemeerkat.com and his love of grubs and cravats. 'My name is Aleksandr Orlov. I live and make work in Moscow. I have a success business. I have a mansion decorate with many fine things. I have a naturally majestic posture. But I would have none of these things if it were not for my family. ...
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The Little Book of Calm for New Mums will share advice and support on issues that new mothers face, from A for Anger, to I for Insomnia, providing an empowering pep talk for those days when new mothers need it most • Psychotherapist and mother of three, Anna Mathur, will support readers through the rollercoaster of feelings that come with being a new mum and provide expert advice based on her own professional and personal experiences. Whether you need some quick grounding, a note of compassion, or you want to untangle a feeling, flick to a page for a quick, uplifting moment of much-needed support • There are quick takeaway mantras and action tips for those tight on time, and further reading should you want to explore topics more deeply. This comprehensive A-Z covers everything from baby blues and anxiety to guilt, insomnia, stress, your inner critic and maintaining friendships
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 944 руб.
Food is our greatest ally for good health, but the question of what to eat in the age of ultra-processed food has never seemed so complicated. Bestselling author and scientist Tim Spector has the answers in this definitive, easy-to-follow guide to the new science of eating well • Tim Spector has pioneered a new approach to nutrition, encouraging us to forget misleading calorie counts and nutritional breakdowns. In Food for Life he draws on over a decade of cutting-edge scientific research, along with his own personal insights, to deliver a new and comprehensive approach to what we should all know about food today • Investigating everything from environmental impact and food fraud to allergies, ultra-processed food and deceptive labelling, Spector also shows us the many wondrous and surprising properties of everyday foods, which scientists are only just beginning to understand
My-shop.ru г. Москва
5 171 руб.
From one of our most beloved and bestselling authors, a vivid, nostalgic, and utterly hilarious memoir of growing up in the 1950s • Born in 1951 in the middle of the United States, Des Moines, Iowa, Bill Bryson is perfectly positioned to mine his memories of a totally all-American childhood for 24 carat memoir gold. Like millions of his generation, Bryson grew up with a rich fantasy life as a superhero. In his case, he ran around the house wearing a jersey with a thunderbolt on it and a towel round his neck that served as his cape, leaping tall buildings in a single bound and vanquishing evildoers (in his head) as The Thunderbolt Kid • Using his childhood fantasy life as a springboard, Bill Bryson recreates the life of his family in the 1950s in all its transcendent normality
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 623 руб.
Facts meet fiction in this exciting, intricate Victorian detective story! • Jane Pinny has moved to the very grand Lytton House to be a Maid Of All Work. And being a Maid Of All Work means that she has to do… well, ALL the work, obviously! Cleaning, dusting, scrubbing, washing – there’s SO much to do in a Victorian country house. But when a priceless jade necklace belonging to the lady of the house disappears, Jane turns accidental detective (with the help of her best friend, a pigeon called Plump…) – can she solve the mystery of the missing jewels before it’s too late? • Perfect for fans of Horrible Histories, filled with amazing facts and historical trivia, with an exciting story and brilliant illustrations, you won’t be able to put this SECRET DIARY down!
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 602 руб.
Большинство "маленьких проблем", с которыми столкнулась мисс Марпл, произошли в симпатичной сельской деревушке Сент-Мэри-Мид и приняли форму убийств, грабежей и шантажа. За 40 лет своей карьеры она раскрывала дела даже в таких отдаленных местах, как Лондон и Карибские острова. Но хотя она обычно выдавала себя за "всеобщую любимую двоюродную бабушку", какой она была на самом деле? • В книге "Мисс Марпл Агаты Кристи. Жизнь и времена мисс Джейн Марпл", авторизованной биографии самой известной в мире женщины–сыщика, Энн Харт рассматривает 12 романов и 20 рассказов, в которых фигурировала мисс Марпл, находя ключ к разгадке и собирая все улики, чтобы раскрыть самое сложное дело из всех - тайну мисс Марпл • Книга на английском языке • The definitive companion to the Miss Marple novels, short stories, films and TV appearances, now revised and updated
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 729 руб.
Щеголеватый, подкручивающий усы маленький бельгиец с яйцевидной головой, странными манерами и чрезмерным уважением к собственным "серым клеточкам" раскрыл несколько самых загадочных преступлений века. Однако, несмотря на то, что Пуаро знаком миллионам людей, сам он оставался загадкой – до сих пор • С его первого появления в 1920 году до последнего в 1975 году, от гостиных загородного дома до опиумных притонов в Лаймхаусе, от Мэйфэра до Средиземноморья, Энн Харт преследует легендарного сыщика, раскрывая тайны, которые его окружают. Просмотрев 33 романа и 56 коротких рассказов, она исследует его происхождение, вкусы, взаимоотношения и особенности, раскрывая характер столь же увлекательный, как и сами книги • Это новое издание было обновлено, чтобы включить новую информацию о датах первоначальных публикаций, сериалах в газетах и журналах, а также обновленные списки фильмов, теле-, радио- и сценических адаптаций
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 586 руб.
В Южной Африке, раздираемой на части гражданской войной, Михаэл К хочет вернуть свою мать к ней домой, в сельскую местность. По пути туда она умирает, и её сын остаётся один в этом охваченном анархией царстве жестоких кочующих армий. Михаэл попадает в плен, но не выносит заточения и сбегает, преисполенный решимости сохранить своё достоинство. Книга "Жизнь и время Михаэла К" посвящена ядру человеческих переживаний - нашей потребности во внутренней, духовной жизни, в связи с окружающим нас миром и незамутнённом видении нашего в нём места • "Это поистине потрясающий роман... "Жизнь и время Михаэла К" привели меня в восторг, хоть эта книга и полна несчастий и страданий. У меня не хватает слов, чтобы описать, насколько она заслуживает внимания" - Evening Standard
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 349 руб.
Датское слово hygge — одно из тех красивых слов, которые нельзя дословно перевести на русский. По смыслу оно близко к понятиям «комфорт», «уют», «тепло» или «единение» • Это то чувство, которое вы испытываете, лежа в теплых вязаных носках на диване перед камином в обнимку с любимым человеком, когда на улице темно и холодно. Это то чувство, когда ты делишься вкусной, теплой едой со своими самыми близкими друзьями при свете свечей и ведёшь непринужденную беседу. Это те холодные утра с ясным голубым небом, когда из окна падает идеальный солнечный свет • Дания — самая счастливая страна в мире, и Майк объясняет это в основном тем, что они живут по принципу hygge. Они уделяют внимание важным мелочам, проводят больше времени с друзьями и семьёй, наслаждаются жизнью
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 946 руб.
The Untold History of the United States is filmmaker Oliver Stone and historian Peter Kuznick's riveting landmark account of the rise and decline of the American empire - the most powerful and dominant nation the world has ever seen. Probing the dark corners of the administrations of 17 presidents, from Woodrow Wilson to Barack Obama, they dare to ask just how far the US has drifted from its founding democratic ideals • Beginning with the bloody suppression of the Filipino struggle for independence and spanning the two World Wars, it documents how US administrations have repeatedly intervened in conflicts on foreign soil, taking part in covert operations and wars in Latin American, Asia and the Middle East. At various times it has overthrown elected leaders in favour of right-wing dictators, for both economic and political gain
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 194 руб.
The cofounder of LinkedIn offers a revolutionary new blueprint for thriving in today's fractured world of work • From the co-founder and chairman of LinkedIn and author Ben Casnocha comes a revolutionary new book on how to apply the strategies of successful entrepreneurship to your career: in other words, how to run the 'start-up of you' • In a world where wages are virtually stagnant, creative disruption is rocking every industry, global competition for jobs is fierce, and job security is a thing of the past, we're all on our own when it comes to our careers. In the face of such uncertainty, the key to success is to think and act like an entrepreneur: to be nimble and self-reliant, to be innovative, and to know how to network and stand out from the crowd
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 631 руб.
The newest instalment in the phenomenal Night Watch series. The streets of Moscow aren’t safe. Vampires are attacking innocent people, and the names of the victims are spelling out a message: ANTON GORODETSKY. Higher Light Magician Anton is one of the Others, possessed of magical powers and able to enter the Twilight, a shadowy world parallel to our own. Each Other must swear allegiance to one side: either the Light, or the Dark. But who is after Anton and what do they want? Anton’s investigation leads him to a Prophet, an Other with the gift of seeing the future. Her horrifying vision heralds the end of all life at the hands of an ancient threat – unless Anton can reunite a mysterious organisation known only as the Sixth Watch, before it’s too late
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 368 руб.
The first book of the blockbuster trilogy is the basis for the buzzed about Fox TV series, The Passage, set to premiere in January 2019. An epic and gripping tale of catastrophe and survival, The Passage is the story of Amy abandoned by her mother at the age of six, pursued and then imprisoned by the shadowy figures behind a government experiment of apocalyptic proportions. But Special Agent Brad Wolgast, the lawman sent to track her down, is disarmed by the curiously quiet girl and risks everything to save her. As the experiment goes nightmarishly wrong, Wolgast secures her escape but he can't stop civilization's collapse. And as Amy walks alone, across miles and decades, into a future dark with violence and despair, she is filled with the mysterious and terrifying knowledge that only she has the power to save the ruined world
My-shop.ru г. Москва
941 руб.
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