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Vintage books The Sailor Who Fell from Grace With the Sea Mishima Yukio

Vintage books The Sailor Who Fell from Grace With the Sea Mishima Yukio

цена 1 994 руб.
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"Моряк, утративший благодать моря" - величайший роман Мисимы и один из величайших за последнее столетие. Банда свирепых тринадцатилетних мальчишек отвергает мир взрослых как иллюзорный, лицемерный и сентиментальный и воспитывает в себе жестокую черствость, которую они называют "объективностью". Когда мать одного из них заводит роман с корабельным офицером, он и его друзья сначала идеализируют этого человека; но вскоре они приходят к выводу, что на самом деле он мягкий и романтичный • Они расценивают это разочарование как акт предательства с его стороны - и возмездие, следующее за этим, преднамеренное и ужасающее • Книга на английском языке • Mishima's greatest novel, and one of the greatest of the past century' The Times • A band of savage thirteen-year-old boys reject the adult world as illusory, hypocritical, and sentimental, and train themselves in a brutal callousness they call 'objectivity' подробнее
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Юкио Мисима - самый знаменитый и читаемый в мире японский писатель. Прославился он в равной степени как своими произведениями во всех мыслимых жанрах (романы, пьесы, рассказы, эссе), так и экстравагантным стилем жизни и смерти (харакири после неудачной попытки монархического переворота) • «Моряк, которого разлюбило море», возможно, самый страстный роман Мисимы. В центре сюжета судьбы трех людей: мужчины, женщины, подростка. Их чувства, сплетенные в единый клубок, который невозможно распутать, стремительные события и внезапный, невообразимый финал… • Книга на английском языке • 'A major work of art' Time • A band of savage thirteen-year-old boys reject the adult world as illusory, hypocritical, and sentimental, and train themselves in a brutal callousness they call 'objectivity'
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Marian Sutro is an outsider: the daughter of a diplomat, brought up on the shores of Lake Geneva and in England, half French, half British, naive yet too clever for her own good. But when she is recruited from her desk job by SOE to go undercover in wartime France, it seems her hybrid status - and fluent French - will be of service to a greater, more dangerous cause. Trained in sabotage, dead-drops, how to perform under interrogation and how to kill, Marian parachutes into south-west France, her official mission to act as a Resistance courier. But her real destination is Paris, where she must seek out family friend Clement Pelletier, once the focus of her adolescent desires. A nuclear physicist engaged in the race for a new and terrifying weapon, he is of urgent significance to her superiors
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A ground-breaking investigation into the oil and gas industry, international corruption and world politics • Award-winning American news presenter Rachel Maddow investigates remarkable stories from around the globe, all leading back to the same crooked source: the unimaginably lucrative and equally corrupting oil and gas industry • From Oklahoma, Texas and Washington, to Kyiv, Siberia and Moscow, to Equatorial Guinea and Alaska; from a mansion in Malibu with the world's largest collection of Michael Jackson memorabilia to luxury hotels in central London; from deep within the earth's crust to the icy surface of the Arctic seas, Blowout uncovers a web of international corruption • With her trademark black humour, Maddow takes us through the purposeful detonation of a fifty-kiloton nuclear bomb underground near Colarado, man-made earthquakes, murdered cows and the international financial crisis, to the greed and incompetence of Big Oil and Gas, and a surprising conclusion about why the Russian government hacked the 2016 U
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The remarkable story of Bess of Hardwick, her ascent through Elizabethan society and the houses she built that shaped British architectural history • Born in 1521, Bess of Hardwick, businesswoman, money-lender and property tycoon, lived an astonishing eighty-seven years. Through canny choices, four husbands and a will of steel she rose from country squire's daughter to Dowager Countess, establishing herself as one of the richest and most powerful women in England, second only to Queen Elizabeth • Bess forged her way not merely by judicious marriage, but by shrewd exploitation of whatever assets each marriage brought. Wealth took concrete form in her passion for building and she oversaw every stage of the construction of her four houses including Hardwick New Hall, her sole surviving building, which stands as a celebration of one woman's triumphant progress through Elizabethan England
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'Like to spend a night in the Goblin?’ • The Swallows are staying on the Suffolk coast while they wait for their father to return home from China. But although the harbour is bursting with bobbing yachts, barges and steamers, this year there's no chance of any sailing for the landlocked Swallows. That is until they rescue young Jim Brading and his boat the Goblin from a sticky situation and to their delight are recruited as crew members. Mother agrees they can go, on one condition – they absolutely must not sail out past Beach End Buoy and into the open sea… • Includes exclusive content: In the 'Backstory' you can test your knowledge of the book, and learn all about the art of sailing! • Vintage Children’s Classics is a twenty-first century classics list aimed at 8-12 year olds and the adults in their lives
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Between 1943 and 2003 nine people have been stabbed to death with a most unusual weapon: a trident. In each case, arrests were made, suspects confessed their crimes and were sentenced to life in prison. One slightly worrying detail: each presumed murderer lost consciousness during the night of the crime and has no recollection of it • Commissaire Adamsberg is convinced all the murders are the work of one person, the terrifying Judge Fulgence. Years before, Adamsberg's own brother had been the principal suspect in a similar case and avoided prison only thanks to Adamsberg's help • History repeats itself when Adamsberg, who is temporarily based in Quebec for a training mission, is accused of having savagely murdered a young woman he had met. In order to prove his innocence, Adamsberg must go on the run from the Canadian police and find Judge Fulgence
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Two tigers cannot share the same mountain - Chinese proverb • Despite geographical proximity, cultural similarities, and shared status as highly powerful nations, China, Korea and Japan love to hate each other. Why? • In search of an answer, Michael Booth journeys across East Asia to explore the mutual animosity that frequently threatens to draw the world into all-out war. From misjudged cake decorations to electoral meddling, contradictory origin myths to territorial disputes, this deeply researched and hugely entertaining book shows that no conflict is too small to keep the fires of neighbourly hostility burning
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Взгляните на мир по-новому - глазами животных. Таким вы его точно никогда не видели • Земля наполнена видами и текстурами, звуками и вибрациями, запахами и вкусами, электрическими и магнитными полями. Но каждое животное заключено в свой уникальный сенсорный пузырь, воспринимающий лишь крошечную часть этого мира • В «Огромном мире» Эд Йонг уговаривает нас выйти за пределы наших собственных чувств, приглашая нас в ранее непостижимые измерения – мир, каким он действительно воспринимается другими животными. Показывая нам, что для того, чтобы понять наш мир, нам не нужно путешествовать в другие места; нам нужно смотреть другими глазами • язык издания: Английский • Discover the world as you've never seen it before - through the eyes of animals • The Earth teems with sights and textures, sounds and vibrations, smells and tastes, electric and magnetic fields
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Alice is one of the most beloved characters of English writing. A bright and inquisitive child, one boring summer afternoon she follows a white rabbit down a rabbit-hole. At the bottom she finds herself in a bizarre world full of strange creatures, and attends a very strange tea party and croquet match. This immensely witty and unique story mixes satire and puzzles, comedy and anxiety, to provide an astute depiction of the experience of childhood
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First published in 1964 and 1965, In His Own Write and A Spaniard in the Works are a brilliantly inventive and offbeat collection of John Lennon's stories, drawings and poems
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The Apollo Moon Programme has been called the last optimistic act of the twentieth century. In Moondust, Andrew Smith set out to find and interview the nine remaining Moonwalkers in order to learn how their lives, and ours, were irrevocably changed by this surreal expedition • On the fiftieth anniversary of the first moon landing, Smith's powerful and gripping account of the most courageous adventure of the last century is re-released with a new chapter, detailing his fascinating interactions with Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Edgar Mitchell and Alan Bean in the years since publication • With thought-provoking meditations on the dramatic recent upswing in cosmic exploration, including astonishing encounters with the would-be astronaut-settlers of the Mars One project and the scientists leading the search for life in our solar system, this is an indispensable update to the definitive classic
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