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Vintage books The Age of Innocence Уортон Эдит

Vintage books The Age of Innocence Уортон Эдит

цена 1 795 руб.
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'Wharton's dazzling skills as a stylist, creator of character, ironical observer and unveiler of passionate, thwarted emotions have earned her a devoted following’ Sunday Times • Newland Archer and May Welland are the perfect couple. He is a wealthy young lawyer and she is a lovely and sweet-natured girl. All seems set for success until the arrival of May's unconventional cousin Ellen Olenska, who returns from Europe without her husband and proceeds to shake up polite New York society. To Newland, she is a breath of fresh air and a free spirit, but the bond that develops between them throws his values into confusion and threatens his relationship with May подробнее
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The intelligent and charming Newland Archer – a member of one of New York’s most prominent families – is living the life that has always been expected of him: he is engaged to the beautiful and well-connected May Welland and understands the rarefied world of Fifth Avenue society inside out. However, with the arrival of May’s cousin, the free-spirited and unconventional Countess Ellen Olenska, Newland begins to doubt all that once seemed so natural to him • An extraordinarily well-observed dissection of New York high society in the 1870s – the world in which Edith Wharton grew up – The Age of Innocence shines a critical light on the social mores and values of the old order
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 424 руб.
The House of Mirth follows the tragic fall of Lily Bart, a beautiful socialite who loses her footing in the savage social-climbing world of New York high society in the nineteenth century • Lily Bart has no fortune, but she possesses everything else she needs to make an excellent marriage: beauty, intelligence, a love of luxury and an elegant skill in negotiating the hidden traps and false friends of New York's high society. But time and again Lily cannot bring herself to make the final decisive move: to abandon her sense of self and a chance of love for the final soulless leap into a mercenary union. Her time is running out, and degradation awaits. Edith Wharton's masterful novel is a tragedy of money, morality and missed opportunity
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 359 руб.
'We can't behave like people in novels, though, can we?' • Newland Archer and May Welland are the perfect couple. He is a wealthy young lawyer and she is a lovely and sweet-natured girl. All seems set for success until the arrival of May's unconventional cousin Ellen Olenska, who returns from Europe without her husband and proceeds to shake up polite New York society. To Newland, she is a breath of fresh air and a free spirit, but the bond that develops between them throws his values into confusion and threatens his relationship with May • Vintage Deco: Nine blazing, daring novels to celebrate the 1920s - 100 years on
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 102 руб.
The return of the beautiful Countess Olenska into the rigidly conventional society of New York sends reverberations throughout the upper reaches of society • Newland Archer, an eligible young man of the establishment is about to announce his engagement to May Welland, a pretty ingenue, when May's cousin, Countess Olenska, is introduced into their circle. The Countess brings with her an aura of European sophistication and a hint of scandal, having left her husband and claimed her independence • Her sorrowful eyes, her tragic worldliness and her air of unapproachability attract the sensitive Newland and, almost against their will, a passionate bond develops between them. But Archer's life has no place for passion and, with society on the side of May and all she stands for, he finds himself drawn into a bitter conflict between love and duty
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 896 руб.
«Эпоха невинности» Эдит Уортон — это история любовного треугольника и при этом широкая картина нью-йоркского высшего общества конца 70-х годов XIX века. Ньюленд Арчер — амбициозный и респектабельный адвокат, ведет обыденную жизнь, собирается жениться на красавице Мэй Уэлланд, а в глубине души он желает страсти среди своих рутинных дней. Но вот из Европы в Нью-Йорк возвращается кузина Мэй, графиня Эллен Оленска, после публичного скандала со своим мужем. Эллен Оленска очень красива, весь ее образ окутан тайнами, и для консервативного нью-йоркского общества ее поведение и взгляды недопустимы. Ньюленд очарован Эллен, он влюбляется в нее • Книга на английском языке • Edith Wharton's novel reworks the eternal triangle of two women and a man in a strikingly original manner
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 559 руб.
Роман Эдит Уортон "Эпоха невинности", удостоенный Пулитцеровской премии, - это одновременно пронзительная история о несостоявшейся любви и необычайно яркое, восхитительно сатирическое повествование об исчезнувшем мире • Это издание содержит предисловие писательницы, удостоенной множества наград, Рэйчел Каск • Будучи отпрыском одной из ведущих семей Нью-Йорка, Ньюленд Арчер родился в жизни, полной роскошных привилегий и строгих обязанностей. Но приезд графини Оленской, свободной души, которая дышит облаками европейской утонченности, заставляет его усомниться в пути, на который его направило воспитание. По мере того как его увлечение ею растет, он обнаруживает, насколько трудно вырваться из уз общества, которое сформировало его • Книга на английском языке
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 987 руб.
An impoverished member of the privileged high society of old New York, Lily Bart is beautiful and socially agreeable, but she is almost thirty and still unmarried. Now she is keen to secure a wealthy husband to confirm her status, but the debts she contracts at the card table, her reduced circumstances and the constant gossip she attracts from malevolent tongues through her heedless behaviour and faux pas make her prospects look bleak. As suitor after suitor appears and fades away, and she is drawn further and further down a spiral of loneliness and unhappiness, she realizes that she is just one step away from losing everything she has • Published in 1905 to immediate critical and commercial success, Edith Wharton’s enduringly popular novel of manners is a brilliant evocation of the economic and social changes wrought by the Gilded Age, as well as a universal satire on the constraints and follies of upper-crust conventions
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 424 руб.
Широко признанный одним из величайших достижений Эдит Уортон, "Век невинности" - это не только тонкая сатира, но и порой мрачная и тревожащая комедия нравов, исследующая "вечный треугольник" любви • Действие происходит на фоне жизни высшего класса нью-йоркского общества 1870-х годов, и сочетание мощной прозы автора с тщательно проработанным и скрупулезным воспроизведением манер и стиля того периода восхищает читателей с момента первой публикации романа в 1920 году • В 1921 году "Эпоха невинности" удостоилась двойного отличия - она получила Пулитцеровскую премию, и это был первый случай, когда эту престижную награду получила женщина-автор • Книга на английском языке • Widely regarded as one of Edith Wharton's greatest achievements, The Age of Innocence is not only subtly satirical, but also a sometimes dark and disturbing comedy of manners in its exploration of the 'eternal triangle' of love
My-shop.ru г. Москва
680 руб.
Sara has never left Sweden but at the age of 28 she decides it’s time. She cashes in her savings, packs a suitcase full of books and sets off for Broken Wheel, Iowa, a town where she knows nobody • Sara quickly realises that Broken Wheel is in desperate need of some adventure, a dose of self-help and perhaps a little romance, too. In short, this is a town in need of a bookshop • With a little help from the locals, Sara sets up Broken Wheel’s first bookstore. The shop might be a little quirky but then again, so is Sara. And as Broken Wheel’s story begins to take shape, there are some surprises in store for Sara too…
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 995 руб.
Юкио Мисима: Распад ангела • Четвертая и заключительная книга знаменитой тетралогии Мисимы "Море плодородия" • Драматическая кульминация тетралогии "Море плодородия" происходит в конце 1960-х годов. Хонда, ныне пожилой и богатый человек, обнаруживает и усыновляет шестнадцатилетнего сироту Тору в качестве своего наследника, отождествляя его с трагическими героями трех предыдущих романов, каждый из которых умер в возрасте двадцати лет. Хонда растит и обучает мальчика, но в то же время наблюдает за ним, ожидая • Книга на английском языке • The fourth and final book in Mishima's landmark tetralogy, The Sea of Fertility • The dramatic climax of The Sea of Fertility tetraology takes place in the late 1960s. Honda, now an aged and wealthy man, discovers and adopts a sixteen-year-old orphan, Toru, as his heir, identifying him with the tragic protagonists of the three previous novels, each of whom died at the age of twenty
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 897 руб.
The second novel in Willa Cather’s Great Plains trilogy, is a lyrical coming-of-age story charting the struggles of an artists life • Thea Kronberg, gifted with a beautiful voice, defies her humble beginnings in Colorado and finds success far from her small hometown. But her achievements come with painful drawbacks. As the distance between Thea and her roots increases, she must fight to find her inner strength and reach her full potential
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 770 руб.
The story of modern Australia begins in eighteenth-century Britain, where people were hanged for petty offences but crime was rife, and the gaols were bursting. From this situation was born the Sydney experiment, with criminals perceived to be damaging British society transported to Sydney, an 'open air prison with walls 14,000 miles thick' • Eleven ships were dispatched in 1781, and arrived in Australia after eight hellish months at sea. Tom Keneally describes the first four years of the 'thief colony' and how, despite the escapes, the floggings, the murders and the rebellions, it survived against the odds to create a culture which would never have been tolerated in its homeland but which, in Australia, became part of the identity of a new and audacious nation
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 164 руб.
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