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Everyman The Age Of Innocence Уортон Эдит

Everyman The Age Of Innocence Уортон Эдит

цена 3 056 руб.
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«Эпоха невинности» Эдит Уортон — это история любовного треугольника и при этом широкая картина нью-йоркского высшего общества конца 70-х годов XIX века. Ньюленд Арчер — амбициозный и респектабельный адвокат, ведет обыденную жизнь, собирается жениться на красавице Мэй Уэлланд, а в глубине души он желает страсти среди своих рутинных дней. Но вот из Европы в Нью-Йорк возвращается кузина Мэй, графиня Эллен Оленска, после публичного скандала со своим мужем. Эллен Оленска очень красива, весь ее образ окутан тайнами, и для консервативного нью-йоркского общества ее поведение и взгляды недопустимы. Ньюленд очарован Эллен, он влюбляется в нее • Книга на английском языке • Edith Wharton's novel reworks the eternal triangle of two women and a man in a strikingly original manner подробнее
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The return of the beautiful Countess Olenska into the rigidly conventional society of New York sends reverberations throughout the upper reaches of society • Newland Archer, an eligible young man of the establishment is about to announce his engagement to May Welland, a pretty ingenue, when May's cousin, Countess Olenska, is introduced into their circle. The Countess brings with her an aura of European sophistication and a hint of scandal, having left her husband and claimed her independence • Her sorrowful eyes, her tragic worldliness and her air of unapproachability attract the sensitive Newland and, almost against their will, a passionate bond develops between them. But Archer's life has no place for passion and, with society on the side of May and all she stands for, he finds himself drawn into a bitter conflict between love and duty
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Роман Эдит Уортон "Эпоха невинности", удостоенный Пулитцеровской премии, - это одновременно пронзительная история о несостоявшейся любви и необычайно яркое, восхитительно сатирическое повествование об исчезнувшем мире • Это издание содержит предисловие писательницы, удостоенной множества наград, Рэйчел Каск • Будучи отпрыском одной из ведущих семей Нью-Йорка, Ньюленд Арчер родился в жизни, полной роскошных привилегий и строгих обязанностей. Но приезд графини Оленской, свободной души, которая дышит облаками европейской утонченности, заставляет его усомниться в пути, на который его направило воспитание. По мере того как его увлечение ею растет, он обнаруживает, насколько трудно вырваться из уз общества, которое сформировало его • Книга на английском языке
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The intelligent and charming Newland Archer – a member of one of New York’s most prominent families – is living the life that has always been expected of him: he is engaged to the beautiful and well-connected May Welland and understands the rarefied world of Fifth Avenue society inside out. However, with the arrival of May’s cousin, the free-spirited and unconventional Countess Ellen Olenska, Newland begins to doubt all that once seemed so natural to him • An extraordinarily well-observed dissection of New York high society in the 1870s – the world in which Edith Wharton grew up – The Age of Innocence shines a critical light on the social mores and values of the old order
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'Wharton's dazzling skills as a stylist, creator of character, ironical observer and unveiler of passionate, thwarted emotions have earned her a devoted following’ Sunday Times • Newland Archer and May Welland are the perfect couple. He is a wealthy young lawyer and she is a lovely and sweet-natured girl. All seems set for success until the arrival of May's unconventional cousin Ellen Olenska, who returns from Europe without her husband and proceeds to shake up polite New York society. To Newland, she is a breath of fresh air and a free spirit, but the bond that develops between them throws his values into confusion and threatens his relationship with May
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Alone in the great social whirl of New York high society, with little but her wit and beauty to support her, Lily Bart pays the ultimate price for defying convention and the hostesses of the Social Register. Edith Wharton’s beautifully told tale of Lily’s decline and fall matches the novels of Henry James in power and skill, while shedding a light on its subject denied to her male contemporary
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Широко признанный одним из величайших достижений Эдит Уортон, "Век невинности" - это не только тонкая сатира, но и порой мрачная и тревожащая комедия нравов, исследующая "вечный треугольник" любви • Действие происходит на фоне жизни высшего класса нью-йоркского общества 1870-х годов, и сочетание мощной прозы автора с тщательно проработанным и скрупулезным воспроизведением манер и стиля того периода восхищает читателей с момента первой публикации романа в 1920 году • В 1921 году "Эпоха невинности" удостоилась двойного отличия - она получила Пулитцеровскую премию, и это был первый случай, когда эту престижную награду получила женщина-автор • Книга на английском языке • Widely regarded as one of Edith Wharton's greatest achievements, The Age of Innocence is not only subtly satirical, but also a sometimes dark and disturbing comedy of manners in its exploration of the 'eternal triangle' of love
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A black comedy of manners about vast wealth and a woman who can define herself only through the perceptions of others • The beautiful Lily Bart lives among the nouveaux riches of New York City – people whose millions were made in railroads, shipping, land speculation and banking. In this morally and aesthetically bankrupt world, Lily, age twenty-nine, seeks a husband who can satisfy her cravings for endless admiration and all the trappings of wealth. But her quest comes to a scandalous end when she is accused of being the mistress of a wealthy man. Exiled from her familiar world of artificial conventions, Lily finds life impossible
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Lily Bart is twenty nine, beautiful and charming. She has expensive tastes, loves to gamble and socializes with the wealthy upper-class families of New York. But her meagre finances are dwindling and her place in society is slipping away from her. Her only hope of security is to find a suitable husband. However, Lily has an independence of spirit that stands in the way of her committing to the suitors available to her. As her options diminish, her friends become her enemies and her situation grows increasing perilous • In "The House of Mirth", Edith Wharton gives us a witty and piercingly insightful dark satire about the privileged society of early twentieth century New York • This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of "The House of Mirth" features an introduction by novelist Danuta Reah
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The age of Innocence (1920) won the 1921 Pulitzer Prize for literature, making Wharton the first woman to win the award. The novel is noted for its accurate portrayal of the East Coast American upper class, and for the social tragedy of the plot
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501 руб.
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