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Vintage books Live a Little Джейкобсон Говард

Vintage books Live a Little Джейкобсон Говард

цена 2 146 руб.
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A wickedly observed novel about falling in love at the end of your life, by the Man Booker Prize-winning author of The Finkler Question • At the age of ninety-something, Beryl Dusinbery is forgetting everything – including her own children. She spends her days stitching morbid samplers and tormenting her two carers with tangled tales of her husbands and affairs • Shimi Carmelli can do up his own buttons, walks without a frame and speaks without spitting. Among the widows of North London, he’s whispered about as the last of the eligible bachelors. He forgets nothing –especially not the shame of a childhood incident that has long hung over him. There's very little left remaining for either of them. . . But perhaps just enough to heal some of the hurt inflicted along the way, and find new meaning in what's left подробнее
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Max Glickman is son to an atheist boxer, Jack 'The Jew' Glickman, and a glamorous card-playing mother. Growing up in the peace and security of the 1950s Manchester suburbs, the word 'extermination' haunts his vocabulary and Nazis lurk in his imagination • When his childhood friend Manny is released from prison, the tug of religion and history proves too strong to be ignored and Max must accept there is no refuge from the dead
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1 368 руб.
In 1975 Richard Beard was sent away to boarding school. So were Boris Johnson and David Cameron • He didn't enjoy it. But the first and most important lesson was not to let that show • A public school education has long been accepted in Britain as a preparation for leadership, but being separated from your parents at a young age is traumatic. What sort of adult does it mould? Tackling debates about privilege head-on, Sad Little Men reveals what happens when you put a succession of men from boarding schools into positions of influence, including at 10 Downing Street, and asks the question: is this really who we want in charge?
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Без своего любимого отца и за много миль от дома Саре Крю очень трудно привыкнуть к своей новой жизни в школе-интернате. К счастью, Сара всегда придумывает замечательные вещи, и ее умение рассказывать истории завоевывает у нее множество друзей. Когда приходит письмо с ужасными новостями, злая директриса мисс Минчин заставляет Сару стать служанкой. У нее забирают ее прекрасную одежду и игрушки. Она должна работать с рассвета до полуночи. Как Сара справится со своей вновь обретенной бедностью? Может ли ее воображение помочь ей преодолеть эту ужасную ситуацию? • Книга на английском языке • ‘I pretend I am a princess, so that I can try and behave like one’ • Without her beloved father and miles from home, it is very hard for Sara Crewe to like her new life at boarding school
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Если вдруг рядом с вами появится смешливый золотоволосый мальчуган, который не будет отвечать ни на какие вопросы, вы сразу поймёте, кто это такой • Маленький принц – таинтсвенный, невинный и симпатичный мальчонка, который является пилоту, застрявшему в пустыне, и обращается к нему с необычной просьбой. Он прибыл на нашу планету из другой галактики, встречаясь по пути с причудливыми взрослыми всех мастей, а также с лисом, который научил его ценить истинно-важные вещи. Но дома, на его родной звезде, осталась Роза – его сокровище и ноша, к которой он спешит вернуться • «Маленький принц» – история для каждого. Для детей и для взрослых детей. Для королей, географов и фонарщиков. Даже для очень серьёзных и очень мудрых • Виртуозный рассказчик Майкл Морпурго, автор романа «Боевой конь», создал новый перевод полюбившейся читателю сказки Антуана де Сент-Экзюпери, чтобы как можно больше англоязычных читателей могли ощутить радость от знакомства с этим чарующим произведением
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'A very fine collection of connected short stories - funny, disturbing, ironic and bloody' - Annie Proulx, Daily Telegraph • Panos Karnezis' remarkable stories are all set in the same nameless Greek village. His characters are the people who live there - the priest, the barber, the whore, the doctor, the seamstress, the mayor - and the occasional animal: a centaur, a parrot that recites Homer, a horse called History. Their lives intersect, as lives do in a small place, and they know each other's secrets - the hidden crimes, the mysteries, the little infamies that men commit. Karnezis observes his villagers with a forgiving eye, and creates a world where magic invariably loses out to harsh reality, a world at once universal, funny and utterly compelling
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 382 руб.
If you love Noel Streatfeild’s Ballet Shoes,you’ll adore The Bell Family • 'Well, little people, what's the news?’ • Meet the big, happy Bell family who live in the vicarage at St Marks. Father is a reverend, Mother is as kind as kind can be. Then there's all the children – practical Paul, dancing Jane, mischievous Ginnie, and finally the baby of the family, Angus, whose ambition is to own a private zoo (he has already begun with his six boxes of caterpillars). And not forgetting Esau, a surefire competitor for the most beautiful dog in Britain • Follow their eventful lives from tense auditions to birthday treats; from troubled times to hilarious escapades • Includes exclusive material: In the Backstory you can find out which one of the Bell children you most resemble! • Vintage Children’s Classics is a twenty-first century classics list aimed at 8-12 year olds and the adults in their lives
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Shark Drunk is, in part, the tale of two men in a very small boat on the trail of a very big fish. It is also a story of obsession, enchantment and adventure. A love song to the sea, in all its mystery, hardship, wonder and life-giving majesty • In the great depths surrounding the remote Lofoten islands in Norway lives the Greenland shark. Twenty-six feet in length and weighing more than a tonne, it can live for 200 years. Its fluorescent green, parasite-covered eyes are said to hypnotise its prey, and its meat is so riddled with poison that, when consumed, it sends people into a hallucinatory trance • Armed with little more than their wits and a tiny rubber boat, Morten Stroksnes and his friend Hugo set out in pursuit of this enigmatic creature
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2 382 руб.
American academic Hannah and runaway Moroccan teenager Tariq have little in common, yet both find themselves haunted by the ghosts of Paris • Hannah listens to the extraordinary witness of women living under the German Occupation and finds a city bursting with clues, connections and past love affairs, while in the migrant suburbs Tariq is searching for a mother he barely knew. Urgent and deeply moving, Paris Echo asks how much we really need to know in order to live a valuable life
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Tourists come to Bangkok for many reasons: a night of love, a stay in a luxury hotel, or simply to disappear for a while. Lawrence Osborne comes for the cheap dentistry, and then stays when he finds he can live off just a few dollars a day • Osborne's Bangkok is a vibrant, instinctual city full of contradictions. He wanders the streets, dining on insects, trawling through forgotten neighbourhoods, decayed temples and sleazy bars • Far more than a travel book, Bangkok Days explores both the little-known, extraordinary city and the lives of a handful of doomed ex-patriates living there, 'as vivid a set of liars and losers as was ever invented by Graham Greene' (New York Times)
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2 380 руб.
Reunion is a little-known novel. But it is also a universal story of friendship. It is a book of great power, waiting to be discovered • On a grey afternoon in 1932, a Stuttgart classroom is stirred by the arrival of a newcomer. Middle-class Hans is intrigued by the aristocratic new boy, Konradin, and before long they become best friends. It's a friendship of the greatest kind, of shared interests and long conversations, of hikes in the German hills and growing up together. But the boys live in a changing Germany. Powerful, delicate and daring, Reunion is a story of the fragility, and strength, of the bonds between friends
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We have to learn to live as part of nature, not apart from it. And the first step is to start looking after the insects, the little creatures that make our shared world go round • Insects are essential for life as we know it - without them, our world would look vastly different. Drawing on the latest ground-breaking research and a lifetime's study, Dave Goulson reveals the long decline of insect populations that has taken place in recent decades and its potential consequences • Eye-opening and inspiring, Silent Earth asks for profound change at every level and a passionate argument or us to love, respect and care for our six-legged friends
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Sara has never left Sweden but at the age of 28 she decides it’s time. She cashes in her savings, packs a suitcase full of books and sets off for Broken Wheel, Iowa, a town where she knows nobody • Sara quickly realises that Broken Wheel is in desperate need of some adventure, a dose of self-help and perhaps a little romance, too. In short, this is a town in need of a bookshop • With a little help from the locals, Sara sets up Broken Wheel’s first bookstore. The shop might be a little quirky but then again, so is Sara. And as Broken Wheel’s story begins to take shape, there are some surprises in store for Sara too…
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