г. Москва, Московская область

The Psychology of Religious Experience Edward Scribner Ames Книга по Требованию

1910. Ames, who was the Professor of Philosophy in the University of Chicago writes that this work undertakes an investigation of the religious aspect of normal human experience. The point of view employed is that of functional psychology, which is necessarily genetic and social. The method adopted involves the use of much material from anthropology, the history of religion, and other social sciences, but an attempt has been made to organize this material and interpret it from the psychological standpoint. The hypothesis that religion is the consciousness of the highest social values arose from studies in these fields, and this conception has been strengthened by further investigations. These highest social values appear to embody more or less ...
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Learn how to handle stress in every area of life, from the workplace to relationships, and emerge happier, healthier, and more productive.Drawing on cutting-edge research, Stress: The Psychology of Managing Pressure gives you the techniques you need to understand and deal with stress head-on, all explained through infographics, questionnaires, and constructive advice. Identify the causes of stress in your life and reframe unhelpful patterns of thought into powerful psychological solutions that you can apply every day.Develop a work-life balance, learn how to deal with an anxiety attack, discover relaxation techniques such as mindfulness, and put stress in perspective with insightful chapters and expert advice
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Fans takes the reader on a journey through a constellation of fandoms, and along the way demonstrates some fundamental truths about the human condition • Part behavioural study, part entertainment, at its heart, Fans is a story of collectives, of what happens to us when we interact with people who share our passions. The human brain is wired to reach out, and while our groupish tendencies can bring much strife (religious intolerance, racism, war, etc.), they are also the source of some of our greatest satisfactions • Fandoms offer much of the pleasure of tribalism with little of the harm: a feeling of belonging and of shared culture, a sense of meaning and purpose, improved mental well-being, reassurance that our most outlandish convictions will be taken seriously, and the freedom to try to emulate (and dress like) our hero
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В данное издание включены новеллы из различных сборников и романов знаменитого британского писателя Дж.К. Джерома (1859-1927), по уровню писательского мастерства не уступающие самой известной его книге - роману "Трое в лодке, не считая собаки". Неадаптированный текст на языке оригинала снабжен постраничными комментариями и словарем
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183 руб.
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Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803—1873) was an English novelist, poet, playwright and politician. A lot of his works contributed to the early growth of the science fiction genre. "The Last of the Barons" is a historical novel first published in 1843. Its plot revolves around the power struggle between the English King Edward IV and his powerful minister Earl of Warwick, known as "Warwick the kingmaker." The novel also explores the themes of romance and science in the Middle Ages
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545 руб.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803—1873) was an English novelist, poet, playwright and politician. A lot of his works contributed to the early growth of the science fiction genre. "The Last of the Barons" is a historical novel first published in 1843. Its plot revolves around the power struggle between the English King Edward IV and his powerful minister Earl of Warwick, known as "Warwick the kingmaker." The novel also explores the themes of romance and science in the Middle Ages
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The definitive post-Brexit novel, and long-awaited sequel to the bestselling A Very British Coup • 'Brexit Britain was a gloomy place. True, the Armageddon that some had prophesied had not occurred, but neither had economic miracle promised by the Brexiteers. Instead there had been a long, slow decline into insularity and irrelevance. The value of the pound had fallen steadily against the Euro, the dollar and the Yuan. The much vaunted increase in trade with the Commonwealth had not materialised. The Americans, too, were proving particularly obstreperous. Even now after a nearly decade of negotiations no significant agreements had been reached. At the UN there was talk of relieving the UK of its seat on the Security Council.' • In post-Brexit Britain, the country's international standing is the lowest it's ever been, and social tensions have reached boiling point
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