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Stress The Psychology of Managing Pressure: Practical Strategies to turn Pressure into Positive Ener

Stress The Psychology of Managing Pressure: Practical Strategies to turn Pressure into Positive Ener

цена 1 127 руб.
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Learn how to handle stress in every area of life, from the workplace to relationships, and emerge happier, healthier, and more productive.Drawing on cutting-edge research, Stress: The Psychology of Managing Pressure gives you the techniques you need to understand and deal with stress head-on, all explained through infographics, questionnaires, and constructive advice. Identify the causes of stress in your life and reframe unhelpful patterns of thought into powerful psychological solutions that you can apply every day.Develop a work-life balance, learn how to deal with an anxiety attack, discover relaxation techniques such as mindfulness, and put stress in perspective with insightful chapters and expert advice подробнее
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