г. Москва, Московская область

The "Chappel of ease" and church of statesmen. Commemorative services at the completion of two hundred and fifty years since the gathering of the First Church of Christ in Quincy Wilson D M Книга по Требованию

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The Food Almanac is a monthly collection of food stories told by an eclectic mix of voices from the literary, performance and food worlds • From legendary food writers and lauded chefs to up-and-coming poets and debut novelists, each story looks at the gastronomic world through a cultural prism, using food as a way to explore deeper issues • The Food Almanac is a seasonal collection of recipes and stories celebrating the joy of food – a dazzling, diverse mix of memoir, history, short stories and poems alongside recipes, cooking tips, menus and reading lists. Join Miranda York, editor of At The Table, as she guides you through the year, with contributions from legendary food writers, lauded chefs, up-and-coming poets and award-winning novelists
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 626 руб.
A playful and accessible guide to fermenting at home • James Read is on a mission to smuggle bacteria into our kitchens. In Of Cabbages & Kimchi, he takes the ten greatest 'living' ferments - fermented foods that are neither cooked nor pasteurized - and places them under the microscope, before cooking with them in all their delicious versatility • From the fiery funk of kimchi to the velvet tang of kefir, James describes the microbial process, then shares his recipes for recreating these wonders in your own kitchen - no specialist equipment required. Alongside his recipes, James investigates the extraordinary cultural and historic backgrounds of fermented foods, exploring how the microbes that bring them to life have developed alongside our culinary evolution
My-shop.ru г. Москва
4 330 руб.
In May 1941 Lena Mukhina was an ordinary teenage girl, living in Leningrad, worrying about her homework and whether Vova - the boy she liked - liked her. Like a good Soviet schoolgirl, she was also diligently learning German, the language of Russia's Nazi ally. And she was keeping a diary, in which she recorded her hopes and dreams. Then, on 22 June 1941, Hitler broke his pact with Stalin and declared war on the Soviet Union • All too soon, Leningrad was besieged and life became a living hell. Lena and her family fought to stay alive; their city was starving and its citizens were dying in their hundreds of thousands. From day to dreadful day, Lena records her experiences: the desperate hunt for food, the bitter cold of the Russian winter and the cruel deaths of those she loved
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 057 руб.
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт – один из главных авторов историй о сверхъестественном XX века, творчество которого оставило неизгладимый след на массовой культуре. Его влияние прослеживается во множестве самых разных произведений в жанре ужасов, от Стивена Кинга до ряда серий «Баффи – истребительницы вампиров» • В данный сборник вошли семь ключевых произведений Лавкрафта, в том числе три повести: «Случай Чарльза Декстера Варда», «Хребты безумия» и «Сомнамбулический поиск неведомого Кадафа». Перед вами нестареющая классика хоррора, зловещие и гротескные истории, способные ввергать читателей в ужас и по сей день • Именно творчеству Лавкрафта мы обязаны культовой настольной игрой «Ужас Аркхэма», фильмами «Дагон» и «Цвет из иных миров», книгой «Страна Лавкрафта» и снятым по ней одноимённым сериалом, а также множеством других знаковых образцов современной массовой культурой
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 008 руб.
«Хребты безумия». Возможно, самая жуткая повесть Говарда Филлипса Лавкрафта. Её герои – команда учёных из Мискатоникского университета, изучающие покинутый город в Антарктике. Постепенно исследователи раскрывают его секреты, но один из них – древние создания, таящиеся под толщей льда и способные обречь человечество на неописуемо ужасное будущее • Также в данную книгу вошли два других произведения, крайне важные для канона Лавкрафта, – «Тень над Инсмутом» и «Тварь на пороге». Они наглядно демонстрируют, с каким мастерством классик жанра ужасов пугает своих читателей. Этот сборник – отличное введение в мир мифоса Ктулху • Именно творчеству Лавкрафта мы обязаны культовой настольной игрой «Ужас Аркхэма», фильмами «Дагон» и «Цвет из иных миров», книгой «Страна Лавкрафта» и снятым по ней одноимённым сериалом, а также множеством других знаковых образцов современной массовой культурой
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 592 руб.
A history of Piccadilly: London's bustling meeting place for over a century • There's nowhere quite like Piccadilly Circus • From the moment they emerge, blinking from the underground station, visitors to Piccadilly Circus face a sensory onslaught. Its streets and alleyways merge into an intoxicating thoroughfare, with the power to propel an individual onwards to adventure, romance, or something more sinister. Ever since its iconic Eros statue appeared in 1893, the junction has been a vibrant meeting place, attracting visitors and pleasure-seekers from all walks of life: political plans and theatrical careers were hatched at its restaurant and cafe tables, lovers met below the statue of Eros, and to this day tourists pour out of its historic Tube to experience the bright lights of London's nightlife
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 733 руб.
THE HISTORY OF WHOO Питательный набор по уходу за лицом THE WHOO GONGJINHYANG 2P SET Наборы для ухода за лицом
Л'Этуаль г. Москва
9 592 руб.
“One in ten trees comes up sweet…” • In the inhospitable Black Swamp of Ohio, the Goodenough family are barely scratching out a living. Life there is harsh, tempered only by the apples they grow for eating and for the cider that dulls their pain. Hot-headed Sadie and buttoned-up James are a poor match, and Robert and his sister Martha can only watch helplessly as their parents tear each other apart. One particularly vicious fight sends Robert out alone across America, far from his sister, to seek his fortune among the mighty redwoods and sequoias of Gold Rush California. But even across a continent, he can feel the pull of family loyalties…
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 390 руб.
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
455 руб.
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
1 058 руб.
Авторы J.M. Jauch & F. Rohrlich. Topics Radiation, Photons, S-Matrix, Divergence, Renormalisation, Positronium, Quantum, Electrodynamics. На английском языке
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
593 руб.
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
2 373 руб.
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