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Raven Books The Cove Clark-Platts Alice

Raven Books The Cove Clark-Platts Alice

цена 3 446 руб.
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It's the perfect escape... Until there is no escape • Welcome to Turtle Cove • A luxury resort surrounded by pristine sea and the dense beauty of the jungle, it is the perfect escape from the stresses of life and work. For couples Lou and Adam, Eliza and Noah, a few days spent relaxing on the beach, while their kids are happily distracted, is exactly what they need • But appearances can be deceiving • There's a strange tension brewing at the resort, with relations between the hotel and the locals threatening to spill over into violence. This is nothing though compared to the strained atmosphere between the two families. They haven't been friends for long and they are starting to realise they don't really know each other at all • Except for one of them подробнее
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It's The Perfect Escape... Until There IS No Escape • Welcome to Turtle Cove • A luxury resort surrounded by pristine sea and the dense beauty of the jungle, it is the perfect escape from the stresses of life and work. For couples Lou and Adam, Eliza and Noah, a few days spent relaxing on the beach, while their kids are happily distracted, is exactly what they need • But appearances can be deceiving • There's a strange tension brewing at the resort, with relations between the hotel and the locals threatening to spill over into violence. This is nothing though compared to the strained atmosphere between the two families. They haven't been friends for long and they are starting to realise they don't really know each other at all • Except for one of them
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It's The Perfect Escape... Until There is No Escape • Welcome to Turtle Cove • A luxury resort surrounded by pristine sea and the dense beauty of the jungle, it is the perfect escape from the stresses of life and work. For couples Lou and Adam, Eliza and Noah, a few days spent relaxing on the beach, while their kids are happily distracted, is exactly what they need • But appearances can be deceiving • There's a strange tension brewing at the resort, with relations between the hotel and the locals threatening to spill over into violence. This is nothing though compared to the strained atmosphere between the two families. They haven't been friends for long and they are starting to realise they don't really know each other at all • Except for one of them
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The second book in the acclaimed new historical crime series following on from the Richard & Judy Book Club 2019 pick, The House on Half Moon Street • It's been a year since Leo Stanhope lost the woman he loved, and came closing to losing his own life. Now, more than ever, he is determined to keep his head down and stay safe, without risking those he holds dear. But Leo's hopes for peace and security are shattered when the police unexpectedly arrive at his lodgings: a woman has been found murdered at a club for anarchists, and Leo's address is in her purse. When Leo is taken to the club by the police, he is shocked to discover there a man from his past, a man who knows Leo's birth identity. And if Leo does not provide him with an alibi for the night of the woman's killing, he is going to share this information with the authorities
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Be careful what you wish for... it may just come true • At The Mercury Theatre in London's West End, rumours are circulating of a curse • It is said that the lead actress Lilith has made a pact with Melpomene, the tragic muse of Greek mythology, to become the greatest actress to ever grace the stage. Suspicious of Lilith, the jealous wife of the theatre owner sends dresser Jenny to spy on her, and desperate for the money to help her family, Jenny agrees • What Jenny finds is a woman as astonishing in her performance as she is provocative in nature. On stage, it's as though Lilith is possessed by the characters she plays, yet off stage she is as tragic as the Muse who inspires her, and Jenny, sorry for her, befriends the troubled actress. But when strange events begin to take place around the theatre, Jenny wonders if the rumours are true, and fears that when the Muse comes calling for payment, the cost will be too high
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It's 1634 and Samuel Pipps, the world's greatest detective, is being transported from the Dutch East Indies to Amsterdam, where he is set to face trial for a crime that no one dares speak of • But no sooner is the ship out to sea than devilry begins to blight the voyage. Strange symbols appear on the sails. A figure stalks the decks. Livestock are slaughtered. Passengers are plagued with ominous threats, promising them three unholy miracles. First: an impossible pursuit. Second: an impossible theft • Then: an impossible murder • With Pipps imprisoned in the depths of the ship, can his loyal bodyguard, Arent Hayes solve the mystery before the ship descends into anarchy? • A beguiling historical mystery from the award-winning author of the dazzling The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
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A Bangladeshi camp. A British ambassador. A Harley Street doctor • Investigative journalist Casey Benedict is used to working on stories that will take her from the bottom to the top of society – stories with a huge human cost. And her latest case is no different • A frantic message is found hidden in clothes manufactured for the British high street. They take the girls… • Casey and her team at the Post know they are on the brink of a major expose but identifying the factories in which the clothes have been made is one challenge, following the trail of those taken is another • Their attempts to find the girls will take Casey from her London newsroom across the world and into the very heart of families who will be destroyed if what she uncovers is ever revealed
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1883. Two young people have been killed near Portsmouth's docks. When journalist and amateur detective Leo Stanhope arrives, the police have already dismissed the victims as a 'molly-lad' and a misfit. As Leo begins to investigate, what he uncovers will lead him to the dangers of the Navy shipyard, the temptations of Portsmouth's underground nightlife – and even the family of his wife, Rosie • But can he risk the people he loves for the sake of justice?
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She is Awake • Norfolk, 1643. Reluctant soldier Thomas Treadwater has been summoned home by his young sister in a letter accusing their new servant of improper conduct with their widowed father. By the time Thomas reaches the family farm, his father is on the verge of death, Esther is near hysterical and their new servant is in prison, facing charges of witchcraft • Thomas prides himself on being a rational, modern man. He is confident that he can free their servant, a beautiful if peculiarly self possessed young woman, and reassure his sister that there is nothing further to fear, now he has returned • But as he begins to unravels the mystery of what has happened to his family, he uncovers a tale, not of witchcraft, but of something dark and ancient, linked to a shipwreck many years before
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Everyone has a secret... Only some lead to murder • Introducing Leo Stanhope: a Victorian coroner's assistant who must uncover a killer without risking his own future • When the body of a young woman is wheeled into the hospital where Leo Stanhope works, his life is thrown into chaos • Maria, the woman he loves, has been murdered and it is not long before the finger of suspicion is turned on him, • threatening to expose his lifelong secret • Desperate to find Maria's killer, he now stands to lose not just his freedom, but ultimately his life
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A struggling silhouette artist in Victorian Bath seeks out a renowned child spirit medium in order to speak to the dead - and to try and identify their killers - in this beguiling new tale from Laura Purcell • Silhouette artist Agnes is struggling to keep her business afloat. Still recovering from a serious illness herself, making enough money to support her elderly mother and her orphaned nephew Cedric has never been easy, but then one of her clients is murdered shortly after sitting for Agnes, and then another, and another • Desperately seeking an answer, Agnes approaches Pearl, a child spirit medium lodging in Bath with her older half-sister and her ailing father, hoping that if Pearl can make contact with those who died, they might reveal who killed them
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Блестяще оригинальная детективная история с высокой концепцией от фантастического нового таланта • Сегодня вечером на балу кого-то убьют. Это не будет выглядеть как убийство, и поэтому убийца не будет пойман. Исправь эту несправедливость, и я покажу тебе выход". Это должно было стать праздником, но закончилось трагедией. Когда над головой взрывается фейерверк, Эвелин Хардкасл, молодая и красивая дочь хозяина дома, погибает. Но Эвелин умрет не только один раз. Пока Эйден - один из гостей, приглашенных в Блэкхит на вечеринку, - не сможет раскрыть ее убийство, день будет повторяться снова и снова. Каждый раз заканчивающийся роковым выстрелом из пистолета. Единственный способ разорвать этот порочный круг - установить личность убийцы. Но каждый раз, когда день начинается сначала, Эйден просыпается в теле другого гостя
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Элси теряет мужа вскоре после свадьбы и уезжает горевать в дальнее поместье, подальше от людских глаз. Однако и там Элси не находит утешения. Поскольку ее новые слуги и местные жители настроены враждебно, компанию Элси составляет только неуклюжий двоюродный брат ее мужа • По крайней мере, она так думает, что только он • Ведь внутри ее нового дома находится запертая комната, а за этой дверью - дневник двухсотлетней давности и глубоко тревожащая раскрашенная деревянная фигурка - которая поразительно похожа на саму Элси • "Безмолвные компаньоны" - атмосферный готический роман британской писательницы Лоры Перселл • Книга на английском языке • `[An] extraordinary, memorable and truly haunting book' Jojo Moyes • `Terrific. Perfect setting, great build-up, chilling
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