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A & C Black Best Handwriting for Ages 4-5 Brodie Andrew

A & C Black Best Handwriting for Ages 4-5 Brodie Andrew

цена 552 руб.
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These really useful workbooks provide consolidation and practice of handwriting skills starting with correct letter formation and progressing to joining whole words in sentences подробнее
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Лучший почерк для детей 5-6 лет • Эти действительно полезные рабочие тетради обеспечивают закрепление и практику навыков рукописного ввода, начиная с правильного формирования букв и заканчивая соединением целых слов в предложения • Книга на английском языке • These really useful workbooks provide consolidation and practice of handwriting skills starting with correct letter formation and progressing to joining whole words in sentences
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'Isn’t the life of any person made up out of the telling of two tales, after all? The whole world makes more sense if you remember that everyone has two lives, their real lives and their dreams, both stories only a tape’s breadth apart from each other, impossibly divided, indivisibly close.' • Every year, Robert's family comes together at a rambling old house to celebrate his birthday. Aunts, uncles, distant cousins - it has been a milestone in their lives for decades. But this year Robert doesn't want to be reminded of what has happened since they last met - and nor, for quite different reasons, does his granddaughter Kate. Neither of them is sure they can face the party. But for both Robert and Kate, it may become the most important gathering of all
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Три женщины, умные и успешные, работающие в мире журналистики, раз в месяц встречаются за коктейлями и сплетнями • Роксана: очаровательная, уверенная в себе, с тайным любовником - и надеющаяся, что однажды он оставит свою жену и женится на ней • Мэгги: способная и добивающаяся больших успехов, пока не найдет то, с чем не может справиться, - материнство • Кэндис: честная, порядочная, по крайней мере, она так считает - пока не появляется призрак из ее прошлого и почти разрушает ее жизнь • "Коктейли для троих" - остроумная книга Софи Кинселлы (Маделин Уикхэм), которая непременно понравится любителям серии "Шопоголик" • Three women, smart and successful, working in the fast and furious world of magazines, meet for cocktails and gossip once a month • Roxanne: glamorous, self-confident, with a secret lover -- and hoping that one day he will leave his wife and marry her
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'One night when she was four and sleeping in the bottom bunk of her bunk bed, Ruth Cole awoke to the sound of lovemaking - it was coming from her parents' bedroom.' • This is the story of Ruth Cole. It is told in three parts: on Long Island, in the summer of 1958, when she is only four; in 1990, when she is an unmarried woman whose personal life is not nearly as successful as her literary career; and in the autumn of 1995, when Ruth Cole is a forty-one-year-old widow and mother. She's also about to fall in love for the first time
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"Персики для месье кюре" - третья часть "шоколадной тетралогии" Джоанн Харрис • Это история ярких героев, старых и новых друзей Вианн Роше: красивых мужчин, загадочных женщин, милых малышей и колоритных чудаков-стариков. Это магия - домашняя и вкусная, как персиковое варенье • Вианн страстно помогает людям, столкнувшимся с несправедливостью, отчуждением и откровенной жестокостью. Такой у нее характер. Накал страстей в финале невероятный • Книга на английском языке • It isn't often you receive a letter from the dead • When Vianne Rocher receives a letter from beyond the grave, she allows the wind to blow her back to the village in south-west France where, eight years ago, she opened up a chocolate shop. But Lansquenet is different now: women veiled in black, the scent of spices and peppermint tea, and, on the bank of the river Tannes, facing the church: a minaret
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A strange craft falls from the stars and crashes into the jungle near an isolated West African community. Inside, the locals discover the broken body of a man unlike any they have seen before – a man who is perhaps something more than human • His name is Samara and he speaks with terror of a place called Tartarus – an orbiting prison where hope doesn’t exist • As Samara begins to heal, he also transforms the lives his rescuers. But in so doing, he attracts the attention of a warlord whose gunmen now threaten the very existence of the villagers themselves – and the one, slim chance Samara has of finding his way home • And all the while, in the darkness above, waits the simmering fury at the heart of Tartarus
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It's late 1944. Hitler's rockets are slamming down on London with vicious regularity and it's the coldest winter in living memory. Allied victory is on its way, but it's bloody well dragging its feet • In a large house next to Hampstead Heath, Vee Sedge is just about scraping by, with a herd of lodgers to feed, and her young charge Noel ( almost fifteen ) to clothe and educate. When she witnesses a road accident and finds herself in court, the repercussions are both unexpectedly marvellous and potentially disastrous - disastrous because Vee is not actually the person she's pretending to be, and neither is Noel • The end of the war won't just mean peace, but discovery • With caustic wit and artful storytelling, Lissa Evans elegantly summons a time when the world could finally hope to emerge from the chaos of war
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On a hot summer night, a young man sits in a dark cell in a Hungarian prison. The guards do not explain why he is here; he does not know if he will ever be released. But he is far from alone. Others, too, are trapped within the stone walls - singers and students, sages and spies. As the days pass, the man is drawn into their conversations and their lives, and soon becomes a witness to their sometimes outlandish acts of rebellion • Written in the early 1980s and inspired by Andrew Szepessy's own experiences, Epitaphs for Underdogs is a beguiling and exhilarating novel about power, justice and freedom, and about the solidarity that can be found in even the most unexpected places
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Comprehension Ninja Workbooks are ideal for supporting your childs learning at home. With bespoke non-fiction texts and hundreds of questions, theyre packed full of comprehension practice with strong links to the National Curriculum. Created by trusted author and teacher Andrew Jennings, theyre perfect for developing those all-important literacy skills at home and for boosting childrens confidence in reading comprehension • Key features of Comprehension Ninja Workbook for Ages 5-6 • - Covers popular National Curriculum topics currently taught at Key Stage 1, such as minibeasts and healthy eating • - Features a variety of question types including true or false, fill the gap and multiple choice • - Contains illustrations throughout and a fun ninja theme to engage children
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A collection of the very best poems for children, edited by Roger McGough • A wonderful collection of contemporary and classic poems chosen by children from schools around the UK. Roger McGough made the final selection and wrote the introduction • Roger McGough was born in Liverpool and educated at the University of Hull. He came to prominence in the 1960s with the publication of The Mersey Sound, and is one of today's most popular poets. He writes for children and adults and performs his poetry all over the world. He was honoured with an OBE in 1997, and won the Signal Poetry Award in 1998. Roger now lives in London • Sheila Moxley is gaining a powerful reputation for her multi-cultural illustration. She lives in London
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Пол: Мужской • Объем: 100 мл • Год выпуска: 2014 • Семейство: древесные, пряные • Верхние ноты: ягоды можжевельника • Средние ноты: кашемировое дерево, полынь • Базовые ноты: ноты ладана, ром • Доставка духов в Москву - Paco Rabanne Black XS Potion for Him. Аромат оригинален. В случае претензий возможен возврат. Качественный парфюм Пако Рабан Блэк Хс Потион Фор Хим
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Пол: Женский • Объем: 80 мл • Год выпуска: 2014 • Семейство: восточные, цветочные • Верхние ноты: грейпфрут • Средние ноты: морозник, роза • Базовые ноты: амбра, сандаловое дерево • Доставка духов в Москву - Paco Rabanne Black XS Potion for Her. Аромат оригинален. В случае претензий возможен возврат. Качественный парфюм Пако Рабан Блэк Иск Эс Поушен Фор Хе
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