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Black Swan Widow for one year Ирвинг Джон

Black Swan Widow for one year Ирвинг Джон

цена 2 623 руб.
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'One night when she was four and sleeping in the bottom bunk of her bunk bed, Ruth Cole awoke to the sound of lovemaking - it was coming from her parents' bedroom.' • This is the story of Ruth Cole. It is told in three parts: on Long Island, in the summer of 1958, when she is only four; in 1990, when she is an unmarried woman whose personal life is not nearly as successful as her literary career; and in the autumn of 1995, when Ruth Cole is a forty-one-year-old widow and mother. She's also about to fall in love for the first time подробнее
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'According to his mother, Jack Burns was an actor before he was an actor, but Jack's most vivid memories of childhood were those moments when he felt compelled to hold his mother's hand. He wasn't acting then.' • Jack Burns' mother, Alice, is a tattoo artist in search of the boy's father, a virtuoso organist named William who has fled America to Europe. To fund her journey, she plies her trade in the seaports of the Baltic coast. But her four-year-old son's errant father can't be found, and soon even Jack's memories of that perplexing time are called into question. It is only when he becomes a Hollywood actor in later life that what he has experienced in the past comes into telling play in his present
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Ruth Cole is a complex, often self-contradictory character - a "difficult" woman. By no means is she conventionally "nice", but she will never be forgotten. Ruth's story is told in three parts, each focusing on a crucial time in her life. When we first meet her - on Long Island, in the summer of 1958 - Ruth is only four. The second window into Ruth's life opens in the fall of 1990, when Ruth is an unmarried woman whose personal life is not nearly as successful as her
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Pickpocket John Jacob Turnstile is on his way to be detained at His Majesty's Pleasure when he is offered a lifeline, what seems like a freedom of sorts - the job of personal valet to a departing naval captain. Little does he realise that it is anything but - and by accepting the devil's bargain he will put his life in perilous danger. For the ship is HMS Bounty, his new captain William Bligh and their destination Tahiti • From the moment the ship leaves port, Turnstile's life is turned upside down, for not only must he put his own demons to rest, but he must also confront the many adversaries he will encounter on the Bounty's extraordinary last voyage. Walking a dangerous line between an unhappy crew and a captain he comes to admire, he finds himself in a no-man's land where the distinction between friend and foe is increasingly difficult to determine
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Матье Зела прожил свою жизнь хорошо. На самом деле, он прожил несколько жизней хорошо. Потому что жизнь Мэтью Зельды характеризуется одним удивительным фактом: его тело перестало стареть еще до конца восемнадцатого века • Начиная с 1758 года, молодой Матье бежит из Парижа после того, как стал свидетелем жестокого убийства своей матери. История его жизни переносит нас от Французской революции к Голливуду 1920-х годов, от Великой выставки до краха Уолл-стрит, и к концу двадцатого века Матье был инженером, мошенником, киномагнатом, солдатом, финансистом, возлюбленным многих, кабельщиком, и многое другое • Блестяще переплетая историю и личный опыт, Джон Бойн создает роман "Похититель времени" - ослепительную историю любви, убийства, упущенных шансов, предательства и искупления
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1867. Темной и холодной ночью Элиза Кейн прибывает в Норфолк, чтобы занять должность гувернантки в Годлин-холле. Когда она пересекает платформу вокзала, пара невидимых рук толкает ее сзади на путь приближающегося поезда. Ее спасает только бдительность проходящего мимо врача • Это начало путешествия в мир брошенных детей, необъяснимых происшествий и ужасающих переживаний, которые Элизе придется преодолеть, если она хочет узнать секреты, скрывающиеся в стенах Годлина… • Книга на английском языке • 1867. On a dark and chilling night Eliza Caine arrives in Norfolk to take up her position as governess at Gaudlin Hall. As she makes her way across the station platform, a pair of invisible hands push her from behind into the path of an approaching train
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Одран Йейтс поступает в Клонлиффскую семинарию в 1972 году после того, как его мать сообщает ему, что у него есть призвание к священству. Он поступает туда, полный амбиций и надежд, преданный своей учебе и стремящийся завести друзей • Сорок лет спустя преданность Одрана была поставлена под сомнение откровениями, которые пошатнули веру ирландского народа в церковь. Он видел, как друзья предстали перед судом, коллеги были заключены в тюрьму, жизни молодых прихожан разрушены, и стал опасаться появляться на публике, опасаясь неодобрительных взглядов и оскорбительных замечаний • Но когда семейная трагедия вскрывает раны из его прошлого, он вынужден противостоять демонам, которые бушевали в некогда уважаемом учреждении, и признать свое собственное соучастие в их распространении
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'If you care about something you have to protect it. If you're lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it.' • Summer, 1953. In the small town of Gravesend, New Hampshire, eleven-year-old John Wheelwright and his best friend Owen Meany are playing in a Little League baseball game. When Owen hits a foul ball which kills John's mother, their lives are changed in an instant • It is dismissed as a tragic accident but Owen disagrees. He believes that he is God's instrument, put on Earth for a higher purpose. And as the boys come into adulthood to the background of the Vietnam War, a series of remarkable events show that perhaps Owen's divine plan was not imagined after all • Discover the funny yet poignant classic by the bestselling author of The World According to Garp
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'Isn’t the life of any person made up out of the telling of two tales, after all? The whole world makes more sense if you remember that everyone has two lives, their real lives and their dreams, both stories only a tape’s breadth apart from each other, impossibly divided, indivisibly close.' • Every year, Robert's family comes together at a rambling old house to celebrate his birthday. Aunts, uncles, distant cousins - it has been a milestone in their lives for decades. But this year Robert doesn't want to be reminded of what has happened since they last met - and nor, for quite different reasons, does his granddaughter Kate. Neither of them is sure they can face the party. But for both Robert and Kate, it may become the most important gathering of all
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Три женщины, умные и успешные, работающие в мире журналистики, раз в месяц встречаются за коктейлями и сплетнями • Роксана: очаровательная, уверенная в себе, с тайным любовником - и надеющаяся, что однажды он оставит свою жену и женится на ней • Мэгги: способная и добивающаяся больших успехов, пока не найдет то, с чем не может справиться, - материнство • Кэндис: честная, порядочная, по крайней мере, она так считает - пока не появляется призрак из ее прошлого и почти разрушает ее жизнь • "Коктейли для троих" - остроумная книга Софи Кинселлы (Маделин Уикхэм), которая непременно понравится любителям серии "Шопоголик" • Three women, smart and successful, working in the fast and furious world of magazines, meet for cocktails and gossip once a month • Roxanne: glamorous, self-confident, with a secret lover -- and hoping that one day he will leave his wife and marry her
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A strange craft falls from the stars and crashes into the jungle near an isolated West African community. Inside, the locals discover the broken body of a man unlike any they have seen before – a man who is perhaps something more than human • His name is Samara and he speaks with terror of a place called Tartarus – an orbiting prison where hope doesn’t exist • As Samara begins to heal, he also transforms the lives his rescuers. But in so doing, he attracts the attention of a warlord whose gunmen now threaten the very existence of the villagers themselves – and the one, slim chance Samara has of finding his way home • And all the while, in the darkness above, waits the simmering fury at the heart of Tartarus
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