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Everyman Life and Fate Grossman Vasily

Everyman Life and Fate Grossman Vasily

цена 3 692 руб.
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Based around the pivotal WWII battle of Stalingrad (1942-3), where the German advance into Russia was eventually halted by the Red Army, and around an extended family, the Shaposhnikovs, and their many friends and acquaintances, Life and Fate recounts the experience of characters caught up in an immense struggle between opposing armies and ideologies. Nazism and Communism are appallingly similar, ‘two poles of one magnet’, as a German camp commander tells a shocked old Bolshevik prisoner. At the height of the battle Russian soldiers and citizens alike are at last able to speak out as they choose, and without reprisal – an unexpected and short-lived moment of freedom. Grossman himself was on the front line as a war correspondent at Stalingrad – hence his gripping battle scenes, though these are more than matched by the drama of the individual conscience struggling against massive pressure to submit to the State подробнее
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Life and Fate is an epic tale of a country told through the fate of a single family, the Shaposhnikovs. As the battle of Stalingrad looms, Grossman's characters must work out their destinies in a world torn by ideological tyranny and war • Completed in 1960 and then confiscated by the KGB, this sweeping panorama of Soviet Society remained unpublished until it was smuggled into the West in 1980, where it was hailed as a masterpiece
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 525 руб.
Пронзительную, безысходную правду о жизни людей и мира рассказал в романе-эпопее "Жизнь и судьба" безжалостный и отважный писатель Василий Гроссман • Лучшие герои этой книги неизбежно попадают между двух огней: сражаясь с фашизмом, защищают сталинскую систему, но существенно ли различаются немецкий лагерь и Лубянка?.. Из последних сил люди воюют за свободу и справедливость, но наступят ли они после победы? • История об освободительной войне ради нового рабства вышла из-под пера Гроссмана вопреки осторожности и инстинкту самосохранения: полвека назад роман арестовали, и это укоротило автору жизнь. Сегодня его книга, получившая мировую известность, читается как суровый гимн подлинной свободе - свободе духа, сохранение которой составляет основу человеческого бытия, а утрата означает неизбежную смерть
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В сборнике статей "Громче и смешнее", впервые подготовленном для журналов и существенно переписанных для публикации в книге, Вудхаус раскрывает свой непреходящий талант автора комиксов и тематических эссе. Но уход из художественной литературы не означает перехода на незнакомую территорию: любой читатель рассказов Вудхауза будет знаком с затронутыми здесь темами, которые занимали его всю жизнь, начиная от Шекспира, Голливуда и музыкальной комедии и заканчивая дворецкими, триллерами, океанскими лайнерами и подоходным налогом • Книга на английском языке • In these articles first produced for magazines and substantially rewritten for book publication, Wodehouse reveals his enduring brilliance as a comic writer of topical essays. But the move out of fiction does not mean a move into unfamiliar territory: any reader of Wodehouse's stories will be familiar with the topics covered here which preoccupied him all his life, ranging from Shakespeare, Hollywood and musical comedy, to butlers, thrillers, ocean liners and income tax
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2 557 руб.
Turgenev’s most celebrated story examines the conflict of generations and attitudes in mid-nineteenth-century Russia, as distant pre-echoes of the revolution rumble through the rural landscape. This is a novel of ideas, but ideas brought vividly to life through the members of the Kirsanov family and their strange new friend, the Nihilist Bazarov
My-shop.ru г. Москва
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A dazzling collection of early stories and later fragments which throw an entirely new light on Jane Austen. In particular, they reveal a precociously brilliant genius with a talent for broad comedy and even farce. Most of the pieces in this collection are very funny indeed, and several - including the novella Lady Susan and the unfinished novel Sandition are also neglected masterpieces. Other material includes the celebrated History of England, poems, prayers, the Plan of a Novel, etc. The volume is arranged in two parts, with the mature stories in Part 1 edited for easy reading, and the juvenilia collected by Austen herself presented exactly as she wrote them in Part 2. It includes everything she wrote apart from letters and the six famous novels, and is the final volume in the complete Everyman edition of her works now available in seven uniform volumes
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Painting and sculpture have inspired great poetry, but so also have photography, calligraphy, tapestry and folk art. Included here are poems celebrating Leonardo da Vinci's 'Mona Lisa', Monet's 'Waterlilies' and Grant Wood's 'American Gothic'; well-known poems such as Keats's 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' and Auden's 'Musee de Beaux-Arts', Homer's immortal account of the forging of the Shield of Achilles and Garcia Lorca's breathtaking ode to the surreal paintings of Salvador Dali. Allen Ginsberg writes about Cezanne, E. E. Cummings about Picasso, Billy Collins about Hieronymous Bosch, and Joyce Carol Oates about Edward Hopper. Here too are poems that take on the artists themselves, from Michelangelo and Rembrandt to Georgia O'Keeffe and Andy Warhol
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 004 руб.
Celebrated in their time and still popular over a century after their deaths, Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett had a unique relationship which is reflected in their work. Both were distinguished as poets before they met, and they learnt from one another without ever sacrificing their individuality. If Elizabeth recognized that Robert’s talent was the greater of the two, Robert understood that his wife’s voice was unique. All the great themes they shared are represented in this collection of their shorter poems – love, marriage, poetry, religion, England and Italy, the natural world – and the poems are accompanied by a selection from the marvellous letters they wrote to one another, especially in the years of their courtship. Among the items included are extracts from Aurora Leigh and Pauline, and the whole of Sonnets from the Portuguese, together with many lyrics and narrative poems by both poets
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2 362 руб.
Tacitus was the greatest historian of the Roman empire. Born in about AD 55, he served as administrator and leading senator. This career gave him an intimate view of the empire at its highest levels, experience brought to bear on his writing • His major works are the Annals and the Histories, both of which have come down to us incomplete. Between them, they cover a period of about 80 years, from the death of the first emperor, Augustus, to the death of Domitian in 96AD. In addition, Tacitus also composed two short historical books or essays, the Agricola (about his father-in-law, a distinguished provincial governor) and the Germania, an account of the tribes beyond the Rhine • Tacitus is a brilliant narrator and master stylist who had ample material for his story in the dramatic, violent and often bloody events of the first century
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 738 руб.
The spirit of satire flourished during the Enlightenment as in no other period and the crowning achievement of that caustic, brilliantly learned age was Voltaire’s Candide, published in 1759, at the height of its author’s enormous European fame. Following the worldwide encounters – with shipwrecks, earthquakes, pestilence and human insanity – of its hero and his incomparably absurd tutor, Dr Pangloss, Candide is the most entertaining of all philosophical novels and the most philosophical of entertainments
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 557 руб.
With his "counter-novel" Hopscotch and his unforgettable short stories, Julio Cortazar earned a place among the most innovative authors of the twentieth century. Hopscotch follows the adventures of an Argentinean writer living in Paris with his lover and a circle of bohemian friends, and consists of 155 short chapters that the author advises us to read out of order. Blow-Up brings together the most famous of Cortazar's short fiction--stories where invisible beasts stalk children in their homes, where a man reading a mystery finds out that he is the murderer's intended victim. In Cortazar's work, laws of nature, physics, and narrative all fall away, leaving us with an astonishing new view of the world
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 738 руб.
Published in 1913, Lawrence’s closely autobiographical first major novel is set in the coal-mining villages where he spent his own childhood and youth. The novel traces with passionate sensitivity Paul Morel’s growing up into adulthood and the frustrations of his love for Miriam and Clara caused by his mother’s possessiveness and his devotion to her
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 756 руб.
Джейн Остин, похоже, родилась с комической точностью и потусторонним прозрением, которые она повсюду демонстрирует в "Смысле и восприимчивости", ее первом опубликованном романе (1811), который, хотя и был переработан позже, был завершен в 1797 году в возрасте двадцати двух лет. Эта тщательно сконструированная история о двух сестрах с противоположными темпераментами и романтическими наклонностями является примером чистого духа классицизма в английской литературе • Книга на английском языке • Jane Austen seems to have been born with the comic precision and other-worldly insight she everywhere displays in Sense and Sensibility, her first published novel (1811), which, though revised later, was completed in 1797 at the age of twenty-two. This meticulously constructed story of two sisters with opposing temperaments and romantic inclinations exemplifies the distilled spirit of classicism in English literature
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 914 руб.
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