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Thorsons Core of the Yoga Sutras. The Definitive Guide to the Philosophy of Yoga Iyengar B.K.S

Thorsons Core of the Yoga Sutras. The Definitive Guide to the Philosophy of Yoga Iyengar B.K.S

цена 2 928 руб.
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B.K.S. Iyengar has devoted his life to the practice and study of yoga. It was B.K.S. Iyengar’s unique teaching style, bringing precision and clarity to the practice, as well as a mindset of ‘yoga for all’, which has made it into a worldwide phenomenon • His seminal book, ‘Light on Yoga’, is widely called ‘the bible of yoga’ and has served as the source book for generations of yoga students around the world. In ‘Core of the Yoga Sutras’, he applies this same clarity to the philosophical core of yoga–the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are 196 aphorisms forming the foundational text of yoga philosophy. Each sutra is short and to the point – each being only a line or two long. B.K.S. Iyengar has translated each one, providing an insightful commentary and explanation for modern readers, as well as linking the various themes throughout the sutras to one another подробнее
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