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Penguin Your Face Tomorrow. Volume 1. Fever and Spear Marias Javier

Penguin Your Face Tomorrow. Volume 1. Fever and Spear Marias Javier

цена 2 586 руб.
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'I am myself my own fever and pain' • Jacques Deza has been told he has a gift: he can see through people; guess just from their faces what will become of them. When he encounters the enigmatic Bertram Tupra at a party, Deza is persuaded to join a mysterious underground group. His task: to observe an assortment of people - politicians, celebrities, seemingly ordinary citizens - and predict their next move. But where will Deza's descent into this twilight world eventually take him? The first part of Javier Marias' masterly trilogy asks how well we truly know and understand those around us подробнее
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'Fear is the greatest force that exists, as long as you can adapt to it' • Jacques Deza has been recruited into an undercover spy network by the inscrutable Bertram Tupra. But when he is forced to witness an act of horrifying brutality in a night-club, he finds himself falling apart, haunted by his own memories of the bloodshed of the Spanish Civil War. As Deza tries to disentangle himself from an increasingly disturbing world, the second volume in Javier Marias' magnificent trilogy explores violence, corruption and what we are capable of
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The concluding part in Javier Marias' spy trilogy masterwork • Jacques Deza is back in London and once again working for the secret intelligence agency run by Bertram Tupra. Deza finds himself forced to watch Tupra's collection of incriminating videotapes of important public figures. The recordings document unconventional private lives - and horrific acts. The scenes enter him like a poison, contaminating everything good, yet he is powerless to counteract them. Set against a background of brutality, Poison, Shadow and Farewell asks whether violence can ever be justified and completes the extraordinary journey that has led us on a descent into hell and a re-emergence, not entirely unscathed, into life
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 348 руб.
Виктор, писатель-призрак, как раз собирается завести роман с Мартой, замужней женщиной, когда - в спальне, полураздетая - она падает замертво в его объятия. Он впадает в панику и ускользает. Но семья Марты слишком хорошо осведомлена о том, что она была не одна, когда умерла, и Дин, овдовевший муж, полон решимости выяснить, кто делил с ней постель в ту ночь. Виктор, привыкший к притворству, понимает, что не может вечно жить в тени • Книга на английском языке • Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me is a gripping and moving meditation on the hold that the dead have over the living, by Javier Marias, whose highly-anticipated new novel The Infatuations is published in 2013 • Victor, a ghostwriter, is just about to have an affair with Marta, a married woman, when - in the bedroom, half-undressed - she drops dead in his arms
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Being a mum is often anything but mindful • Having suffered from anxiety for much of her life, Izzy Judd has brought together a brilliant and inspiring collection of simple activities and exercises to help parents find their own piece of calm • Included are exercises both for you to do alone and with your children of all ages, giving them their own tools to help remain happy and peaceful too • Inside you'll discover • · Ways of bringing mindfulness to your day • · Your own self-care routine • · Breathing exercises to do with children • · How to prepare for a good night's sleep • · One-minute mindfulness • Izzy Judd's beautiful and practical book will hold your hand through the challenging and exhausting days as well as the exciting and happy days • Most importantly, it will help you to create special memories for you to share with your children
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Want to improve your health, lose weight or gain more energy? A plant-based diet might be the answer you're looking for • The Happy Health Plan brings you 90 brand new, mouth-watering recipes and four bespoke meals straight from the Happy Pear kitchen. The recipes have been specially designed with medical experts to look after your heart, give you glowing skin, calm your gut and help you lose weight, without counting a single calorie • Cooking with more plants means that every meal is full of fibre, high in vitamins and low in saturated fat, which means they boost your energy, reduce cholesterol and keep you fuller for longer • Including lots of classic dishes, from a creamy carbonara to a katsu curry, a fluffy pancake stack and even a berry crumble, this book will help you to look after your whole body health, inside and out, with tastier food than ever before
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Dark Back of Time is a compelling story of the way in which reality blurs into fiction by Javier Marias, whose highly-anticipated new novel The Infatuations is published in 2013. It is translated by Esther Allen in Penguin Modern Classics • 'We lose everything because everything remains except us', says the mysterious narrator of this extraordinary novel, which meditates on the transience, chance and fragility of life. As a man called Javier Marias recalls the strange events and people that shaped his past, including ghostly literary figures, a pilot, an adventurer, a brother who died as a child and the king of an island in the Caribbean, we begin to question the nature of time, memory and reality itself. Here the writer is both a keeper of memories and a purveyor of illusions, destined to be lost in the dark back of time
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All Souls is a compelling black comedy of Oxford life by Javier Marias, whose highly-anticipated new novel The Infatuations is published in 2013. This Penguin Modern Classics edition features a new Introduction by John Banville, author of The Sea • The pretty young tutor Clare Bayes attracts many eyes at an Oxford college dinner, not least those of a visiting Spanish lecturer (desperate to escape his conversation with an obese economist about an eighteenth-century cider tax). As they begin an affair, meeting in hotel bedrooms away from the eyes of Clare's husband, the Spaniard finds himself increasingly drawn into the strange world of Oxford, 'one of the cities in the world where the least work gets done', in a story of lust, loneliness, vanity and memory
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 384 руб.
A collection of chilling tales, ironic, unsettling, imbued with dread and with droll humour • A dapper Paris doctor dispenses a treatment for dissatisfied wives. A mother auditions for her first porn movie. A writer working on a study of pain makes himself the subject of his experiments. A voyeur mistakes a murderer for a fellow peeping tom ... these are some of the characters observed by the narrator of these chilling stories. Ironic, unsettling, imbued with dread and with droll humour, Javier Marias' short tales cast a shrewd, sardonic eye on humanity
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"Такое белое сердце" - захватывающий международный бестселлер и шедевр, удостоенный премии IMPAC Хавьера Мариаса, чей долгожданный новый роман "Влюбленности" был опубликован в 2013 году. Это издание Penguin Modern Classics содержит новое введение Джонатана Коу • "Такое белое сердце" начинается с того, что в середине семейного обеда Тереза, только что вышедшая замуж, идет в ванную, расстегивает блузку и стреляет себе в сердце. Что заставило ее покончить с собой сразу после медового месяца? Годы спустя эта тайна завораживает молодого новобрачного Хуана, чей отец был женат на Терезе до того, как женился на матери Хуана. По мере того как Хуан приближается к истине, он начинает сомневаться в своих собственных отношениях и в том, действительно ли он хочет знать, что произошло
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 387 руб.
Take charge of your menopause and feel great • Dr Louise Newson is the UK's leading menopause specialist, and she's determined to help women thrive during the menopause • Despite being something that almost every woman will experience at some point in their lives, misdiagnosis, misinformation and stigma are commonplace. In Preparing for the Perimenopause and Menopause, Dr Newson will demystify the menopause and show why every woman should be perimenopause aware, regardless of their age • Drawing on new research and empowering patient stories from a diverse range of women who have struggled to secure adequate treatment and correct diagnosis, Dr Newson will equip you with expert advice on • · Common and 'taboo' symptoms to look out for • · HRT treatment options • · Going through an early menopause • · Getting a good night sleep • · Optimising your nutrition in the menopause • · Exercising for a better menopause • · Your mental health during the menopause • Dr Newson empowers women to confidently take charge of their health and their changing bodies
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2 384 руб.
Neil Shubin's Your Inner Fish is the unexpected story of how one creature's journey out of the water made the human body what it is today - and one man's voyage of discovery in search of our origins • Have you ever wondered why our bodies look and work and fail the way they do? • One of the world's leading experts in evolutionary history, Neil Shubin reveals the secrets of our biology: why if we want to understand our limbs we should take a close look at Tiktaalik, the first fish capable of doing a push-up; why if we want to know why we hiccup, the answer is in the way fish breathe; and why it is that fish teeth are surprisingly similar to human breasts • 'This would be Darwin's book of the year' • Sunday Telegraph • 'An intelligent, exhilarating, and compelling scientific adventure story' • Oliver Sacks, author of The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat • 'Delightful
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About to turn forty, Alice feels stuck: She works at the school she attended. Her boyfriend isn't the man of her dreams. And her beloved father Leonard is dying • But after one too many drinks, she wakes up in her childhood home to find forty-year-old Leonard celebrating her sixteenth birthday • Now Alice gets to relive this one day in 1996, over and over. When the slightest change will impact the rest of her life • Can she fix her life and save her father? • Or will her good intentions only cause harm to those she loves most?
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2 348 руб.
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