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Penguin Man at the Helm Stibbe Nina

Penguin Man at the Helm Stibbe Nina

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Знакомьтесь: Лиззи Фогель, 9 лет • Ее мама недавно развелась. В 31 год она оказалась совсем одна в английской деревушке, где вся ее компания – это трое детей и лабрадор. Не то чтобы жить без мужа плохо, но на дворе 1970-е, и на такое косо смотрят. Женщины из деревни опасаются, что мама Лиззи уведет у них мужей • Лиззи очень беспокоится из-за того, что социальные работники могут забрать ее у мамы, и вместе с сестрой намеревается помочь ей найти нового мужа • «Человек у руля» – это роман Нины Стиббе • Книга на английском языке • Meet Lizzie Vogel, 9 • Lizzie is concerned about her newly divorced mother; thirty-one years old and trapped in a hostile village in the English countryside with only three young children and a Labrador for company. It isn't that having a husband is good, but in 1970s rural Leicestershire, not having one is bad подробнее
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Сьюзан и Норма дружат уже много лет. Их свела работа (в галантерейном магазине The Pin Cushion в Лестершире 1990-х годов) и схожесть характеров (ни одна из них не горела желанием дружить с кем-либо еще). Прошло тридцать лет. Муж Сьюзан стремится к бессмертию, а Норма обрела профессиональную славу и теперь недоступна. Сьюзан начинает сомневаться в правильности своего выбора – в любви, в карьере и, что самое главное, в дружбе • One Day I Shall Astonish the World – это новый роман Нины Стиббе, история удивительной и неожиданной дружбы • Книга на английском языке • From the prize-winning author of Reasons to be Cheerful comes a story about the ebb and flow of female friendship over half a lifetime • Susan and Norma have been best friends for years, at first thrust together by force of circumstance (a job at The Pin Cushion, a haberdashery shop in 1990s Leicestershire) and then by force of character (neither being particularly inclined to make friends with anyone else)
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Anne Louvet needs to escape from Paris and from memories she cannot face. In the year 1936 she arrives at the faded Hotel du Lion d'Or on the Brittany coast, to work as a maid. There she meets Hartmann, a man she believes will change her life and save her from her past • From the author of Birdsong, comes a deeply moving story of love and conscience, will and desire
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'She came forward, the outlines of her figure blurred in the half-light. She came forward like a film star, or rather like the ideal woman in an adolescent's dream. 'I gather you wish to talk to me, Inspector . . . but first of all please sit down . . .' Her accent was more pronounced than Carl's. Her voice sang, dropping on the last syllable of the longer words.' • Maigret has been interrogating Carl Andersen for seventeen hours without a confession. He's either innocent or a very good liar. So why was the body of a diamond merchant found at his isolated mansion? Why is his sister always shut away in her room? And why does everyone at Three Widows Crossroads have something to hide? • This novel has been published in previous translations as Maigret at the Crossroads and The Crossroad Murders
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The FBI man was convinced, in short, that Maigret was a big shot in his own country but that here, in the United States, he was incapable of figuring out anything . . .well, Maigret happened to believe that men and their passions are the same everywhere • Maigret is touring the United States to observe American policing methods, when a visit to a coroner's inquest in Arizona draws him into the tragic story of a young woman and five airmen in the desert
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A dream home • Beca Valentino is ready to escape the city. When she sees the perfect house for sale in her hometown, it seems like fate. Is this her chance to build the foster family she dreams of, on the beautiful Pembrokeshire coast? • A big mistake? • Returning home isn't as easy as she thought, however. Her family's beloved ice cream cafe is gone - turned into a soulless wine bar by her hateful ex-boyfriend. Reconnecting with her oldest friend, fisherman Griff, isn't straightforward either. And when, instead of the children she expected to take in, two wary teenage boys appear on her doorstep, Beca fears she's made a terrible mistake • A recipe for change • But an old family recipe book is just the inspiration she needs. Soon, with a little help from friends old and new, Beca is selling mouth-watering homemade gelato from a pop-up cafe on the beach
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Америка начала 60-х. США оккупированы и поделены между Третьим рейхом и Японией. Прошли этнические чистки, но обыватели довольны - в каждом доме телевизор, а небо бороздят реактивные лайнеры "Люфтганзы". В Сан-Франциско "И Цзин" встречается чаще, чем обычный телефонный справочник. Филип К. Дик погружает нас в истории своих героев, в кошмар, от которого они могут проснуться, только найдя красоту и творя добро в своем вымышленном мире • Казалось бы, "Человек в высоком замке" - очередной роман "альтернативной истории". Но Дик не был бы Диком, если бы не вложил в него свою излюбленную идею: что есть реальность? Какая реальность - истинная, а какая - только кажущаяся? • Книга на английском языке • The most brilliant scifi mind on any planet, Rolling Stone
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2 348 руб.
В эпической повести "Сумасшедший дом на краю Земли. Путешествие "Бельгики" в темную антарктическую ночь" Джулиан Санктон рассказывает историю приключений, которые пошли наперекосяк. Поскольку команда балансировала на грани, капитан все больше полагался на двух молодых офицеров, дружба с которыми расцвела в плену - доктора Фредерика Кука, необузданного американца, чья последующая дурная слава затмит его блестящую службу на "Бельгике"; и первого помощника капитана, ставшего вскоре легендарным Руалем Амундсеном, который позже участвовал в гонках. Капитан Скотт на Южном полюсе. Вместе Кук и Амундсен спланировали бы отчаянный побег из-подо льдов, который либо вписал бы их имена в историю, либо обрек бы их на ужасную участь в замерзшем океане • Книга на английском языке
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 054 руб.
Сьюзан и Норма дружат уже много лет. Их свела работа (в галантерейном магазине The Pin Cushion в Лестершире 1990-х годов) и схожесть характеров (ни одна из них не горела желанием дружить с кем-либо еще). Прошло тридцать лет. Муж Сьюзан стремится к бессмертию, а Норма обрела профессиональную славу и теперь недоступна. Сьюзан начинает сомневаться в правильности своего выбора – в любви, в карьере и, что самое главное, в дружбе • One Day I Shall Astonish the World – это новый роман Нины Стиббе, история удивительной и неожиданной дружбы • Книга на английском языке • Susan and Norma have been best friends for years, at first thrust together by force of circumstance (a job at The Pin Cushion, a haberdashery shop in 1990s Leicestershire) and then by force of character (neither being particularly inclined to make friends with anyone else)
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The first of his peerless novels of Cold War espionage and international intrigue, Call for the Dead is also the debut of John le Carre's masterful creation George Smiley • After a routine security check by George Smiley, civil servant Samuel Fennan apparently kills himself. When Smiley finds Circus head Maston is trying to blame him for the man's death, he begins his own investigation, meeting with Fennan's widow to find out what could have led him to such desperation. But on the very day that Smiley is ordered off the enquiry he receives an urgent letter from the dead man. Do the East Germans - and their agents - know more about this man's death than the Circus previously imagined? Le Carre's first book, Call for the Dead, introduced the tenacious and retiring George Smiley in a gripping tale of espionage and deceit
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Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online • Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content • The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers story comprehension and develop vocabulary
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Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online • Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content • The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers story comprehension and develop vocabulary
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The residents of Churchwood have never needed their bookshop, or its community, more. But when the bookshop comes under threat at the worst possible time, can Alice, Kate and Naomi pull together to keep spirits high? • Kate has always found life on Brimbles Farm difficult, but now she is struggling more than ever to find time for the things that matter to her - particularly helping to save the village bookshop and seeing handsome pilot Leo Kinsella. Can two Land Girls help? Or will they be more trouble than they're worth? • Naomi has found new friends and purpose through the bookshop and is devastated when its future is threatened. But when she begins to suspect her husband of being unfaithful, she finds her attention divided. With old insecurities rearing up, she needs to uncover the truth
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