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Pavilion Books Group Tales of the Tea Trade. The Secret to Sourcing and Enjoying Tea for the Modern Drinker Comins Michelle, Comins Rob

Pavilion Books Group Tales of the Tea Trade. The Secret to Sourcing and Enjoying Tea for the Modern Drinker Comins Michelle, Comins Rob

цена 3 136 руб.
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Tales of the Tea Trade looks at the world of tea from a completely new perspective • Taking the reader on a fascinating journey directly into the lives of those who plant, pluck and process tea; going beyond the standard story of leaf to cup; this book offers readers a unique first-hand insight into the culture, ceremony, opportunities and threats surrounding an ancient art. Closer to home, Michelle and Rob Comins offer their perspectives on how Eastern tea rituals can find a place in our increasingly busy Western lives. Beyond this, the book explores the key ingredients that separate a ‘good’ from a ‘great’ tea, covers ethical sourcing and shows how readers can translate and recreate tea ceremonies at home • Chapters include The Story of Tea, The Tea Plant, The Main Types of Tea, The International Tea Industry, Tea and Health and Time for Tea подробнее
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My Cool Bike celebrates a love affair with bikes and bike culture. The bicycle is the most popular form of transport on the planet. Cycling is simply ideal for many things and we are now at the dawn of a new golden age of this versatile machine • This book will appeal to all who have taken up cycling for sport, fun, health and wealth. As the individual stories in the book show, a bike is a way of seeking solitude – a leisurely trip taken at one's own pace, only relying on pedal power • For some the bike is much more than an accessory for the daily commute: there are the plucky few who have have embarked on life-changing momentous global journeys; while for others bike ownership offers the chance to be part of a loyal, passionate and strong-minded community of fellow enthusiasts embarking on club excursions
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3 136 руб.
Присоединяйтесь к Джейн Филд-Льюис и Крису Хэддону, которые отправляются в путешествие протяженностью 3500 миль, чтобы найти кемперов и гордых владельцев, делясь своими воспоминаниями о семейном отдыхе под разноцветными крышами, солнечными днями и простыми удовольствиями. Окунитесь в мир путешествий по дорогам, пока Джейн и Крис знакомят нас с чередой отличительных кемперов, запоминающимися местами и классическими моделями, иногда прекрасно отреставрированными, а иногда любимыми и хорошо используемыми • My Cool Campervan открывает мир, выходящий за рамки стереотипов: винтажные фургоны другой эпохи, забытые раритеты и прекрасно отреставрированные модели массового производства • Книга на английском языке • My Cool Campervan celebrates a new wave of interest in modern-retro campervans
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1 845 руб.
Книга Криса Хэддона "My cool scooter" вдохновлена успехом "my cool motorcycle", его предыдущего путеводителя по миру колёсного транспорта. Она знакомит читателей с красивыми скутерами из разных стран мира и рассказывает об их истории. Скромный скутер не просто средство передвижения, но и модный, стильный, современный аксессуар • С точки зрения репутации, скутеры и мопеды всегда уступали мотоциклам. Но в этом не в последнюю очередь виноваты стереотипы, и сходств между ними куда больше, чем различий: все эти виды транспорта обеспечивают хозяевам независимость, мобильность, неуловимость и ореол крутости • Из историй на страницах этой книги становится ясно, что скутер способен пережить самые разнообразные приключения как на городских дорогах, так и в сельской местности
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3 136 руб.
What do people with a particularly long life-span eat? • How can you lose weight efficiently? • Are illnesses in old age avoidable? • Can you ‘eat yourself young’? • Discover the answers to these questions and more in this practical, science-based guide to eating well and living longer, which has sold over a million copies worldwide • When science journalist Bas Kast collapsed with chest pains, he feared he had ruined his health forever with a diet of junk food. So he set off on a journey to uncover the essentials of diet and longevity • Here, filtered from thousands of sometimes conflicting research findings, Kast presents the key scientific insights that reveal the most beneficial diet possible. From analysing how much sugar you should consume to looking at the impact of supplements, fasting, and even whether you should drink tea or coffee, Kast breaks down diet myths to present the key facts you need to know in clear, accessible language
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The definitive account of the modern art made in St Ives between the 1930s and the 1960s, telling the story of this extraordinary artistic community and its legacy • For twenty-five years the small town of St Ives was one of the leading places in the world for the production of avant-garde art. The community there spanned three generations and included such international figures as Naum Gabo, Barbara Hepworth and Ben Nicholson, as well as a number of the foremost artists in post-war Britain, including Peter Lanyon, Patrick Heron, Terry Frost and Roger Hilton. They found themselves contributing to the international search for art in the post-war world and they established a modernist practice that continues to influence today • The story of St Ives and artists who lived and worked there has captured the imagination of art lovers since it began
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This is a modern, practical guide on how to grow and make your own skincare products, no matter how big your garden • This handbook enables you to switch from toxic to nourishing skincare products that are better for you and the environment. Harness the therapeutic power of plants and natural ingredients to look after your skin – the body’s largest organ – simply, gently and effectively • Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Skin – understanding what the skin is and how we take care of it; Chapter 2: Plotting My Skincare Garden: What to grow and how to arrange it; Chapter 3: Choosing Skincare Plants: The top 22 skincare plants to grow and forage for and their beneficial properties; Chapter 4: The natural skincare garden through the seasons: What to do to maintain your garden through the year and how to harvest and store your plants; Chapter 5: Basic formulations and 30 skincare recipes, including skincare teas cleanses, oils, creams and more; Sustainability – how to make a Natural Cleaning Spray and Botanical Household Soap
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A collection of 120 fish and shellfish dishes, all made using accessible yet sustainable fish – from salmon and trout to bream and bass to mussels and crayfish • The five chapters are based on cooking methods– The Grill, The Frying Pan, The Casserole Pot, The Oven and The Parcel (for fish baked in a foil parcel). Each chapter features tips on how to get the best results from your cooking, whatever your heat source • There are lots of tips and tricks with the recipes too – including how to simplify the cooking further and how to make a similar dish more cheaply • Specially commissioned photographs of the dishes and step-by-steps for lots of the techniques complete this beautiful and accessible book
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Remarkable Football Grounds is a collection of some of the most memorable places to watch and play football around the world • Ranging from the stellar stadiums of the Premier League to windswept islands in the Scottish Hebrides or the far-flung Pacific, including stadia that resemble flying saucers, a crocodile and an armadillo! Remarkable Football Grounds features a range of the oldest, biggest, highest, quirkiest and furthest flung stadia and the stories behind their existence. Italian Serie B team Venezia can be reached by canal, with moorings nearby; Bamburgh Castle football ground lies in the shadow of a Game of Thrones-scale fortress, while Estadio Silvestre is a full-size pitch on the roof of a building in Tenerife • Some of the oldest, storied stadiums are here, including Anfield for Liverpool, Fulham, which has a tunnel under the pitch and the two Dundee football clubs, that have sizeable grounds, Tannadice and Dens Park, just 183 metres (200 yards) apart
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