г. Москва, Московская область

Panic! At The Disco. A Fever You Can't Sweat Out (LP)

Издание: импортное • Side 1: Tracks 1-8 Side 2: Tracks 9-13
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Артист: Panic! At The Disco, • Жанр: Rock, • Альбом: Pretty. Odd., • Формат носителя: LP
М.Видео г. Москва
2 490 руб.
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
2 149 руб.
The more we notice and appreciate all the good things around us, the better we feel — and the better we feel, the more good we can do for others. Give Thanks offers simple ways kids can be aware of the gifts at hand in their lives — and reap the feel-good benefits. The book features 50 simple activity prompts, from starting a gratitude journal and taking a thankfulness walk to playing gratitude games at the dinner table and making thankful flowers (the petals represent points of gratitude), that go beyond simply saying “thanks,” all brought to life by the irresistably charming illustrations of Hsinping Pan. Each page offers an encouraging, uplifting, actionable way to help kids recognize they are fortunate — and to feel good about their place in the world
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 690 руб.
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