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Pan Books A Second Chance at Eden Гамильтон Питер

Pan Books A Second Chance at Eden Гамильтон Питер

цена 2 227 руб.
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This is a brilliant collection of six short stories and a novella, set in the same universe as Peter F. Hamilton's Night's Dawn trilogy. The author presents us with a compelling mix of human dilemmas, imagined technologies and extraordinary new cultures • Among others, this collection includes Sonnie's Edge - featuring contests to the death between constructed monsters. But one has a special advantage . . . We also visit an abandoned alien spacecraft in Escape Route. However, is it really as empty as it seems? And in the title novella, A Second Chance at Eden, a habitat creator is murdered. But nobody can identify the perpetrator - or the motive • This is a must-have collection from a writer at the top of his game подробнее
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