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Pan Books Misspent Youth Гамильтон Питер

Pan Books Misspent Youth Гамильтон Питер

цена 2 227 руб.
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Set in the near-future, over three hundred years before Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained, Peter F. Hamilton's Misspent Youth is a gripping introduction to the world of the Commonwealth Saga • Jeff Baker is granted the gift of eternal youth. However, it's not all it seems… • It is 2040 and, after decades of research, we can finally rejuvenate a human being. At seventy-eight years old, Jeff Baker - renowned inventor and philanthropist - has given the world much of his creative genius. He's therefore selected as first choice for this gift • At first, rejuvenation feels like a miracle, until the glow begins to fade. Personal relationships start to break down and the world waits for more brilliant new work. Living the dream will come at a cost, but can Jeff pay the price? подробнее
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In Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Mary is the middle of the five Bennet girls and the plainest of them all, so what hope does she have? Prim and pious, with no redeeming features, she is unloved and seemingly unlovable • The Other Bennet Sister, though, shows another side to Mary. An introvert in a family of extroverts; a constant disappointment to her mother who values beauty above all else; fearful of her father's sharp tongue; with little in common with her siblings - is it any wonder she turns to books for both company and guidance? And, if she finds her life lonely or lacking, that she determines to try harder at the one thing she can be: right • One by one, her sisters marry - Jane and Lizzy for love; Lydia for some semblance of respectability - but Mary, it seems, is destined to remain single and live out her life at Longbourn, at least until her father dies and the house is bequeathed to the reviled Mr Collins
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Scandal and intrigue among the rich and famous, Players is the glamorous debut novel from the bestselling author of The Paris Secret, Karen Swan • Harry Hunter is the new golden boy of the literary scene. With his books selling by the millions, the paparazzi on his tail, and a supermodel on each arm, he seems to have the world at his feet. Women all over the globe adore him but few suspect that his angelic looks hide a darker side, a side that conceals a lifetime of lies and deceit • Tor, Cress and Kate have been best friends for as long as they can remember. Through all the challenges of marriage, raising children and maintaining their high-flying careers, they have stuck together as a powerful and loyal force to be reckoned with - living proof that twenty-first-century women can have it all, and do
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Return to Woodbury by Jay Bonansinga is the eighth novel in Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead spin-off series, is based on the award-winning comic books and blockbuster television show • She has weathered over four years of the apocalypse. She has done things that she would not have dreamt of doing in her darkest nightmares. But she has survived. And now, she has staked a claim in the plague-ravaged city of Atlanta. It is a safe haven for her people, rising high above the walker-ridden streets • But for Lilly Caul, something is missing • She still dreams of her former home, the little village known as Woodbury - a place of heartache as well as hope. For Lilly, Woodbury has become a symbol of the future, of family, of a return to normal life amidst this hell on earth
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