г. Москва, Московская область

Jeeves and the Yule - Tide Spirit and Other Stories Wodehouse P.G. Random House, Inc.

'Does one desire the Yule-tide spirit, sir?' 'Certainly one does. I am all for it.' Aunts, engagements, misunderstandings and hangover cures; this delightful collection from 'the greatest chronicler of a certain kind of Englishness' (Julian Fellowes) brings together a baker's dozen of P. G. Wodehouse's finest short stories. "A comic master". (David Walliams). "A cavalcade of perfect joy". (Caitlin Moran).
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Тетушки, помолвки, недоразумения и средства от похмелья; восхитительный сборник от величайшего летописца Англии «Дживс и дух Святочного прилива, и другие истории» объединяет дюжину лучших рассказов П. Г. Вудхауза • Книга на английском языке • 'Does one desire the Yule-tide spirit, sir?' • 'Certainly one does. I am all for it.' • Aunts, engagements, misunderstandings and hangover cures; this delightful collection from 'the greatest chronicler of a certain kind of Englishness' (Julian Fellowes) brings together a baker's dozen of P. G. Wodehouse's finest short stories
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 172 руб.
The Drones club's in peril. Gussie's in love. Spode's on the warpath. And His Majesty's Government needs a favour. Thank goodness Bertie Wooster is back! • From the mean streets of Mayfair to the scheming spires of Cambridge, prepare to meet a joyous cast of characters: chiselling painters and criminal bookies, eccentric philosophers and dodgy clairvoyants, appalling poets and pocket dictators, vexatious aunts and their vicious hounds • Have we ever needed Jeeves and Wooster more?
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 036 руб.
A gloriously witty novel from Sebastian Faulks using P.G. Wodehouse’s much-loved characters, Jeeves and Wooster, fully authorised by the Wodehouse estate • Bertie Wooster is staying at the stately home of Sir Henry Hackwood in Dorset. He is more than familiar with the country-house set-up: he is a veteran of the cocktail hour and, thanks to Jeeves, his gentleman’s personal gentleman, is never less than immaculately dressed • On this occasion, however, it is Jeeves who is to be seen in the drawing room while Bertie finds himself below stairs – which he doesn’t care for at all • His predicament is, of course, all in the name of love …
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 795 руб.
Storm clouds loom over Europe. Treason is afoot in the highest social circles. The very security of the nation is in peril. Jeeves, it transpires, has long been an agent of British Intelligence, but now His Majesty's Government must turn to the one man who can help... Bertie Wooster. In this magnificent new homage to P.G. Wodehouse, Ben Schott leads Jeeves and Wooster on an uproarious adventure of espionage through the secret corridors of Whitehall, the sunlit lawns of Brinkley Court, and the private clubs of St James's. We encounter an unforgettable cast of characters old and new including outraged chefs and exasperated aunts, disreputable politicians and gambling bankers, slushy debs and Cockney cabbies, sphinx-like tailors, and sylph-like spies
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 152 руб.
"Дживс и феодальная верность" - один из лучших романов П.Г. Вудхауса о невероятных приключениях добродушного великосветского разгильдяя Берти Вустера и его слуги, спасителя и лучшего друга - изобретательного Дживса • На сей раз Берти Вустер, кажется, превзошел самого себя в умении влипать в неприятности. Сначала он загремел в полицейский участок, а теперь ему угрожает доля намного худшая, чем тюрьма и позор, - беднягу намереваются женить. В довершение всех его несчастий Вустеру угрожает убийством ревнивый соперник. Но и это еще не все • Словом, ситуация такова, что вновь приходится надеяться лишь на чудо или на помощь хитроумного Дживса • Книга на английском языке • The beefy 'Stilton' Cheesewright has drawn Bertie Wooster as red-hot favourite in the Drones club annual darts tournament - which is lucky for Bertie because otherwise Stilton would have beaten him to a pulp and buttered the lawn with him
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 795 руб.
Когда Берти Вустер отправляется погостить к своей тете Далии в Бринкли-Корт и обнаруживает, что помолвлен с властной леди Флоренс Крей, катастрофа угрожает со всех сторон. Пока Флоренс пытается развить его ум, ее бывший жених, здоровенный экс-полицейский Стилтон Чизрайт, угрожает избить его до полусмерти, а ее новый поклонник, блеющий поэт Перси Горриндж, пытается занять тысячу фунтов. В довершение всего Берти навлек на себя неодобрение Дживса тем, что отрастил усы. Добавьте к этому исчезающее жемчужное ожерелье, журнал тети Далии "Будуар миледи", ее повара Анатоля, матч по дартсу в клубе "Дроны" и мистера и миссис Л.Г. Троттер из Ливерпуля, и у вас есть все ингредиенты для классического фарса Вудхауса • Книга на английском языке • When Bertie Wooster goes to stay with his Aunt Dahlia at Brinkley Court and finds himself engaged to the imperious Lady Florence Craye, disaster threatens from all sides
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 407 руб.
The newest instalment in the phenomenal Night Watch series. The streets of Moscow aren’t safe. Vampires are attacking innocent people, and the names of the victims are spelling out a message: ANTON GORODETSKY. Higher Light Magician Anton is one of the Others, possessed of magical powers and able to enter the Twilight, a shadowy world parallel to our own. Each Other must swear allegiance to one side: either the Light, or the Dark. But who is after Anton and what do they want? Anton’s investigation leads him to a Prophet, an Other with the gift of seeing the future. Her horrifying vision heralds the end of all life at the hands of an ancient threat – unless Anton can reunite a mysterious organisation known only as the Sixth Watch, before it’s too late
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 146 руб.
The Untold History of the United States is filmmaker Oliver Stone and historian Peter Kuznick's riveting landmark account of the rise and decline of the American empire - the most powerful and dominant nation the world has ever seen. Probing the dark corners of the administrations of 17 presidents, from Woodrow Wilson to Barack Obama, they dare to ask just how far the US has drifted from its founding democratic ideals • Beginning with the bloody suppression of the Filipino struggle for independence and spanning the two World Wars, it documents how US administrations have repeatedly intervened in conflicts on foreign soil, taking part in covert operations and wars in Latin American, Asia and the Middle East. At various times it has overthrown elected leaders in favour of right-wing dictators, for both economic and political gain
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 262 руб.
The everything-you-need-to-know WIRED guide to the future of genomics • Genome sequencing is one of the most exciting scientific breakthroughs of the past thirty years. But what precisely does it involve and how is it developing? • In this brilliantly wide-ranging, one-stop guide WIRED journalist Rachael Pells explains the science behind genomics. She analyses its practical applications in medical diagnosis and the treatment of conditions that range from cancer to severe allergic reactions to cystic fibrosis. She considers its potential to help with advances in agriculture and environmental science. She explores the ethics of genetic modification and the dangers involved when humans 'play God'. And she addresses the fundamental question: to what extent will future advances transform human longevity and the quality of life
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 802 руб.
The new economics of culture and commerce • What happens when there is almost unlimited choice? When everything becomes available to everyone? And when the combined value of the millions of items that only sell in small quantities equals or even exceeds the value of a handful of best-sellers? • In this ground-breaking book, Chris Anderson shows that the future of business does not lie in hits - the high-volume end of a traditional demand curve - but in what used to be regarded as misses - the endlessly long tail of that same curve. As our world is transformed by the Internet and the near infinite choice it offers consumers, so traditional business models are being overturned and new truths revealed about what consumers want and how they want to get it
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 004 руб.
A Jeeves and Wooster novel Jeeves is on holiday in Herne Bay, and while he's away the world caves in on Bertie Wooster. For a start, he's astonished to read in The Times of his engagement to the mercurial Bobbie Wickham. Then at Brinkley Court, his Aunt Dahlia's establishment, he finds his awful former head master in attendance ready to award the prizes at Market Snodsbury Grammar School. And finally the Brinkley butler turns out for reasons of his own to be Bertie's nemesis in disguise, the brain surgeon Sir Roderick Glossop. With all occasions informing against him, Bertie has to hightail it to Herne Bay to liberate Jeeves from his shrimping net. And after that, the fun really starts
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 795 руб.
A P.G. Wodehouse novel Seize this wonderful chance to embark on a Wodehousian voyage on the luxurious liner S.S. Atlantic - in the company of Monty Bodkin, whose passion for Gertrude Butterwick knows no bounds (except those set by the wild-at-heart Hollywood starlet Lotus Blossom and her pet alligator). Also aboard are a movie mogul, the centre-forward for the All-England ladies hockey team and the two Tennyson brothers (one of whom has been mistaken for the late poet laureate and given a fat movie contract...). Also a chatty steward, and a mouse doll in which all manner of things can be hidden. This hilarious comic novel is Wodehouse at full sail - a voyage of pure delight
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 795 руб.
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