г. Москва, Московская область
Everyman A Prefect's Uncle Вудхаус Пелам Гренвилл

Everyman A Prefect's Uncle Вудхаус Пелам Гренвилл

цена 2 407 руб.
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The uncle of the title is a mysterious stranger who arrives at Beckford College and turns out to be younger than his nephew, already a prefect at the school. Thus the scene is set for comic confusion and misunderstanding. But the plot is the least interesting part of this charming early book which turns more impressively on a series of sporting events which Wodehouse describes with the perception and panache of an afficionado. An amusing variation on the traditional school story in which the youthful uncle foreshadows both Psmith and Ukridge подробнее
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Фредерик, граф Икенхэм, не тот человек, который убегает от романтических проблем других людей, даже когда сталкивается с запутанными отношениями своего крестника Джонни, подруги Джонни Белинды, дворецкого Альберта Писмарча и возлюбленной Писмарча Фиби, которая случайно оказывается сестрой его работодателя, вспыльчивый сэр Рэймонд "Бифи" Бастэйбл. Сэр Рэймонд сам преследует Барбару Кроу. Все зависит от судьбы сценария к фильму под названием "Время коктейлей" племянника Бастэйбла, Космо Уиздома, но просто для того, чтобы еще немного размешать смесь, Вудхаус добавляет американского мошенника Оли Карлайла. Теперь читайте дальше • Книга на английском языке • Frederick, Earl of Ickenham, is not the man to run away from other people's romantic problems, not even when faced with the tangled relationships of his godson, Johnny, Johnny's girlfriend, Belinda, butler Albert Peasemarch and Peasemarch's beloved, Phoebe, who happens to be the sister of his employer, bad-tempered Sir Raymond 'Beefy' Bastable
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В этом сборнике рассказов представлены знакомые персонажи Вудхауса, в том числе Дживс и Вустер, Укридж и его грозная тетя Джулия, Бинго Литтл и его жена, романистка-романтик Рози М. Бэнкс, братья-близнецы Муллинер Джордж (сценарист) и Альфред (фокусник), Галахад Трипвуд, Дотти Лорд Эмсворт и его младший сын Фредди, продавец собачьего печенья. В перерывах между рассказами автор исследует некоторые из наиболее необычных тем в американских новостях своего времени • Книга на английском языке • This collection of stories features familiar Wodehouse characters includes Jeeves and Wooster, Ukridge and his fearsome Aunt Julia, Bingo Little and his wife, romantic novelist Rosie M. Banks, twin Mulliner brothers George (the screenwriter) and Alfred (the conjuror), Galahad Threepwood, dotty Lord Emsworth and his younger son Freddie, the dog-biscuit salesman
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 407 руб.
Три американские сестры покидают свою птицефабрику на Лонг-Айленде, чтобы провести отпуск в Европе. Во Франции они встречают очаровательного, но нищего маркиза де Мофриньез, его сына-писателя Джеффа и суровую бывшую жену маркиза-американку. Когда они все оказываются вместе на эксклюзивном курорте Сен-Рок - одна из сестер в поисках мужа, маркиз в поисках состояния, писатель в поисках любви, - возникают осложнения в стиле Вудхауза • Во "Французском отпуске" Вудхаус покидает свой привычный мир английских загородных домов и лондонских клубов ради более утонченной европейской среды, но комедия такая же беззаботная • Книга на английском языке • Three American sisters leave their chicken farm on Long Island for a holiday in Europe. In France they encounter the charming but penniless Marquis de Maufringneuse, his writer son Jeff, and the marquis’s tough American ex-wife
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 407 руб.
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When a man needs only two hundred pounds to marry his cook and buy a public house, one would expect his life to be trouble free, but the fifth Earl of Shortlands has to reckon with his haughty daughter, Lady Adela, and Mervyn Spink, his butler, who also happens to be his rival in love. Mike Cardinal offers to sort out the problem by pretending to be Stanwood Cobbold but his way is blocked by Spink and reformed burglar, Augustus Robb. Confused? Let P.G.Wodehouse untangle the complications in this light-hearted comedy which ends happily – for almost everyone
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Much married American movie mogul Ivor Llewellyn depends on his friends at Bachelors Anonymous to keep him out of romantic entanglements on his trip to London. First, they arrange for Joe Pickering to be his bodyguard. Then his lawyer, Ephraim Trout, is sent to England to help fend off the actress Vera Dalrymple who is determined to ensnare Llewellyn. All seems to be going well. But when devoted bachelor Trout takes it upon himself to thwart a romance between Pickering and a beautiful journalist, he sets in train a series of events which end in more than one marriage including his own
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2 205 руб.
Always to be found in the bar-parlour of the Angler's Rest where he is a favourite with the accomplished barmaid, Miss Postlethwaite, Mr Mulliner, the narrator of Meet Mr Mulliner, returns for another series of stories about his extraordinary relations, including Lancelot, Adrian, Cyril, Sacheverell, Eustace, Egbert and Augustine Mulliner. In a text teeming with tipsy bishops, angry baronets, lady novelists and haughty dowagers, the Mulliner boys always manage to come out on top
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 407 руб.
When two of Wodehouse's favourite early characters, Psmith and Mike, find themselves in New York City, it isn't long before those quintessential Englishmen are involved in the mysteries of American gang warfare. Their adventure begins when they meet the acting editor of Cosy Moments, a sentimental magazine which Psmith transforms into a crusading journal attacking slum landlords. When one of their targets sets the underworld onto them, the fun really takes off. Psmith, Journalist is an extraordinary combination of comedy, adventure story and – unusually in Wodehouse – social comment. There is even a boxing match graphically described. As such, it is unique among his novels in content, but characteristic in wit and entertainment value
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 407 руб.
When is an autobiography not an autobiography? When the author is P. G. Wodehouse • Over Seventy purports to be a series of answers to stray questions about ageing given by a rambling old gentleman full of irrelevant anecdote and wise saws, but when the rambling old gentleman in question happens to be P. G. Wodehouse we know that this persona is a shrewd literary strategy. Underneath the strategy, Wodehouse's feeling for literary form and his nose for comedy are as strong as ever • Presenting himself as a traditional Englishman who deplores the baring of souls - and doubts if he has a soul of his own to bare - Wodehouse neatly sidesteps difficult biographical questions in favour of self deprecating humour and comic vignette. But if Over Seventy is deliberately evasive, its very discretion tells us a lot more about one of the most celebrated twentieth-century writers
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2 407 руб.
J. Wellington Gedge seems to have everything a man could desire: a rich wife, a chateau, a life of ease in the south of France. But all he really wants is to return to California, not least because Mrs Gedge, who holds the purse-strings, is scheming to have him appointed as American ambassador in Paris, which means he will have to wear a sissy uniform. Fortunately, her plans are thwarted by a complicated series of events which involves French aristocrats, American crooks, an English novelist and the appalling Senator Opal, whose daughter, Jane, has a mind of her own
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 407 руб.
Set in the Elysian suburb of Valley Fields where the sixth Viscount Uffenham is lodging with his former butler while his ancestral mansion is let to an American millionaire, Something Fishy follows the romantic fortunes of Lord Uffenham’s niece, Jane, her unspeakable fiance, and Bill Hollister, the dashing stranger who comes to her rescue. When all the characters find themselves involved in the fate of a million-pound fortune, the stage is set for a classic chain of comic muddles and misunderstandings which naturally result in Bill getting both the girl and the cash
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 205 руб.
Take a pig, a fat-headed earl, a country house, several pairs of frustrated lovers, some scheming outsiders, and all sorts of people who aren’t who they say they are. Mix thoroughly and apply the Wodehouse magic. The result is the lightest of literary soufflees, another instalment in the long-running saga of the Threepwood family, including the head of the clan, Lord Emsworth, his virago sister, Lady Constance, and his debonair brother, the Honourable Galahad Threepwood, ex-boulevardier and solver of romantic problems
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 407 руб.
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