Push until it hurts, then push some more • Even by the standards of a sport that requires enormous stamina and capacity for suffering, Jens Voigt is in a class on his own. Beloved by cycling fans for his madcap one-man breakaways as much as his sense of humour and quotable catchphrases, Jens is one of the most popular personalities in cycling • Jens was born near Hamburg, and came up through the East German system before the Wall came down. He got into the national team through the German army, before signing for his first big team. In many ways he is cycling’s anti-star; despite arguably spending more time at the front of the Tour de France than any other rider he has only worn the yellow jersey twice as his efforts have always been in the service of others
г. Москва
3 592 руб.
Rewind to 1971, and Sue Barker's coach is sending his 15-year-old tennis protegee to a junior championship in France, alone, with a one-way ticket, telling her she'll have to win the money to pay for her return fare. Sue hides in the grounds of the hosting tennis club overnight, to avoid paying for a hotel. The next day, she walks onto court and smashes it. Five years later, and she's Britain's No 1 • The same combination of grit, grace and talent took her to the top of live Sports TV. And now, after four decades on camera encouraging other legends to share their stories, she is telling her own • Going all in for her once-only autobiography, Sue takes us inside the showbizzy world of 70s and early 80s tennis. She reveals the battles she fought for hard-won success in two careers and gives us a ringside seat on the nation's biggest sporting dramas, and a fascinating insider's understanding of competitors under pressure
г. Москва
3 054 руб.
В книге "Вьетнам. Окончательная устная история, рассказанная со всех сторон" профессор Кристиан Г. Аппи создал ошеломляющую и монументальную устную историю такого типа, которая создается только раз в поколение. Яркие рассказы 135 мужчин и женщин охватывают всю историю вьетнамского конфликта от его темных истоков в 1940-х годах до хаотического падения Сайгона в 1975 году • Свидетельства, приведенные в этой книге, иногда отстраненные и рефлексивные, часто грубые и эмоциональные, позволяют нам увидеть и прочувствовать, что значила эта война для людей со всех сторон - американцев и вьетнамцев, генералов и партизан, политиков и протестующих, оперативников ЦРУ, пилотов и врачей, художников и журналистов, а также множества других людей. обычные граждане, чьи жизни были разрушены катаклизмом, унесшим жизни трех миллионов человек
г. Москва
4 530 руб.
The first definitive story of the greatest cyclist of all time • 'The whole point of a race is to find a winner... I chose to race, so I chose to win.' • For 14 years between 1965 and 1978, cyclist Edouard Louis Joseph Merckx simply devoured his rivals, their hopes and their careers. His legacy resides as much in the careers he ruined as the 445 victories - including five Tour de France wins and all the monument races - he amassed in his own right. So dominant had Merckx become by 1973 that he was ordered to stay away from the Tour for the good of the event • Stage 17 of the 1969 Tour de France perfectly illustrates his untouchable brilliance. Already wearing the yellow jersey on the col du Tourmalet, the Tour's most famous peak, Merckx powered clear and rode the last 140 kilometres to the finish-line in jaw-dropping solitude, eight minutes ahead of his nearest competitor
г. Москва
3 573 руб.
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В интернет-магазине shop.buka.ru вы можете купить цифровую версию игры Tour de France 2021 с активацией в сервисе Steam • В режиме Pro Team вы сможете возглавить команду велогонщиков и привести ее на вершину командного рейтинга Pro Cycling
г. Москва
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