Познакомьтесь с людьми, которые изменили мир науки и техники, биологии, химии и физики! • Узнайте о самых умных людях, которые когда-либо жили, и о научных открытиях, которые они совершили. Каждая страница иллюстрирует жизнь знаменитого ученого и то, что сделало их вклад в эту увлекательную область таким важным • "Ученые. Вдохновляющие рассказы о самых ярких научных умах мира" Исабел Томас - увлекательная книга, идеально подходящая для детей в возрасте 7-9 лет • Книга на английском языке • Meet the people who changed the world of science and technology, biology, chemistry, and physics! • Read the stories of the brainiest people who ever lived and the scientific discoveries they made. Each page illustrated a famous scientist's life and what made their contribution to this fascinating field so important
г. Москва
1 933 руб.
Live and see the world through the eyes of 50 of the world's greatest explorers and their trusty companions! • This book for kids is brimming with first-person accounts of gripping adventures in explorers' own words. Find exciting tales complemented by rare maps, specially commissioned photographs, and artworks that re-create history's greatest expeditions. Get ready to take a leap into the unknown • An adventure book that will surely rival even the most thrilling adventure movies! You'll meet some of the most famous explorers and adventurers of all time in this exciting non-fiction storybook for children • Great explorers have one thing in common - a desire to leap into the unknown, no matter the dangers it presents. This book will take you through Ferdinand Magellan's first circumnavigation of the world 500 years ago to Barbara Hillary's treks to the North and South poles while in her seventies, and beyond
г. Москва
3 345 руб.
Discover over 5000 years of seafaring history, packed with first-hand accounts of triumphs and disasters • A fascinating journey through more than 5,000 years of seafaring history in this essential guide to the most impressive seafaring tales, explorers, and maritime environments • For more than 5,000 years, the seas have challenged, rewarded, and punished the brave sailors who set forth to explore it. This history of the seas and sailing tells the remarkable story of those individuals - whether they lived to tell the tale themselves or not • From the early Polynesian seafarers and the first full circumnavigations of the globe, to explorers picking their way through the coral reefs of the West Indies, this book tells the compelling story of life at sea that lies behind man's search for new lands, new trade, conquest, and uncharted waters
г. Москва
1 969 руб.
Go on a musical journey around the world in this children's introduction • Discover the power of music and be inspired by cultures from all over the world with this extensive children's guide. This book is the perfect introduction for young readers to the world of music and celebrates music from every continent! • Children aged 9+ can find out how instruments are made and played, and learn about the fascinating lives and achievements of great composers and musicians, from Bach to Bowie, Bjork and Beyonce. All the essential information about music is covered, including the major movements, composers, instruments and techniques • Children's Book of Music is full of facts and photos highlighting musical styles from across the globe, from the very earliest music through to classical and blues, via reggae, Afropop, hip-hop and dance - making it the perfect gift for budding musicians
г. Москва
3 345 руб.
Go on an artistic journey around the world in this children's introduction • Discover the power of art and be inspired by cultures from all over the world with this extensive children's guide. This book is the perfect introduction for young readers to the world of art and celebrates different styles from every continent! • Children aged 9+ can enjoy reading about early art right through to present day, and learn about the fascinating lives and achievements of great artists and sculptors, from Leonardo da Vinci to Tracey Emin and Henry Moore. All the essential information about art is covered, including the major movements, artists from around the world and techniques • Children's Book of Art is full of facts and photos highlighting artistic styles from across the globe, from the very earliest cave paintings through to Renaissance art and surrealism, via China's terracotta army and African sculptors
г. Москва
3 345 руб.
Explore the fascinating history of America's bloodiest ever conflict • Combining expert historical insight with the eyewitness accounts of soldiers and civilians, A Short History of the American Civil War offers a brilliant summary of the key events and wider context of the hostilities between North and South • Profiles of influential military and political leaders, and thought-provoking features on themes and experiences, from the evils of slavery to the treatment of wounded soldiers, bring the story dramatically to life. This book also features clear timelines that give an instant overview of the developments during the tumultuous war • Richly illustrated with a wealth of original artefacts, weaponry and equipment, photography, and maps, this unique combination of image provides the most accessible, episode-by-episode account ever
г. Москва
3 737 руб.
Learn everything you need to know about the world of philosophy- from the key thinkers to modern concepts in a brand new portable size • To the complete novice learning about philosophy can be daunting - The Little Book of Philosophy changes all that. With the use of powerful and easy-to-follow images, famous quotations, and explanations that are easily understandable, this book cuts through any misunderstandings to demystify the subject • Each chapter is organised chronologically, and covers not only the big ideas, but the philosophers who first voiced them, as well as cross-referencing with earlier and later ideas and thinkers. The Little Book of Philosophy untangles knotty theories and sheds light on abstract concepts, and is perfect for anyone with a general interest in how our social, political, and ethical ideas are formed, as well as students of philosophy and politics
г. Москва
1 571 руб.
В The Little Book of Psychology объясняется более 100 новаторских идей из этой увлекательной области науки. Как появился язык? Что позволяет нам запоминать лица? Как мы принимаем решения? • Благодаря интересным и ярким иллюстрациям, цитатам мыслителей и доступным описаниям вы сможете понять даже самые сложные концепции, сформировавшие наши знания о человеческом разуме. В книге описаны все направления психологии – от когнитивной до поведенческой. The Little Book of Psychology станет прекрасным подарком для всех, кто хочет лучше разбираться в этой области научного знания • Книга на английском языке • The Little Book of Psychology clearly explains more than 100 groundbreaking ideas in this fascinating field of science. How does the brain remember faces? What makes us choose one decision over another? Where does language come from? • With the use of powerful and easy-to-follow images, quotations from all the major thinkers, and explanations that are easily understandable, this book demystifies hard-to-grasp concepts and shows how these have shaped our knowledge of the human mind
г. Москва
1 981 руб.
Эта книга является прекрасным введением в предмет экономики и экономические идеи на протяжении всей истории • От самых ранних форм валюты до промышленной революции, от зарождения фондового рынка до капитализма свободного рынка и глобализированной торговли - "Маленькая книга по экономике" воплощает в жизнь экономическую теорию и работы ключевых экономистов. Путешествуя по векам экономической мысли, это идеальное карманное руководство по предмету • Наполненная инфографикой и блок-схемами, которые ясно и просто объясняют сложные концепции, "Маленькая книга экономики" предлагает вам сочетание понятного текста и наглядной инфографики в портативном формате, который идеально подходит для чтения на ходу • Книга на английском языке • This book is the perfect introduction to the subject of economics and economic ideas through history
г. Москва
2 045 руб.
"Тайный мир растений. Рассказы о более чем 100 замечательных цветах, деревьях и семенах" - это вечная сокровищница из более чем 100 историй из невероятного царства растений, рассказанных автором и экспертом по природе Беном Хором • Растения встречаются почти повсюду на Земле, но для многих людей их жизнь остается загадкой. Узнайте, как цветет морская трава под водой, как венерина мухоловка рассчитывает, чтобы наверняка поймать свою добычу, и почему некоторые тюльпаны раньше стоили дороже дома! Эта увлекательная книга для детей исследует обширное царство растений и объясняет, как устроены растения, а также странные и чудесные отношения, которые они связывают с животными • Книга на английском языке • A timeless treasury of more than 100 stories from the incredible kingdom of plants, told by author and nature expert Ben Hoare
г. Москва
3 144 руб.
All Super Heroes need a monster to fight, or a monstrous sidekick to help them. Some are even monsters themselves • This comprehensive field guide to Marvel flora, fauna, and beasts great and small shows off claws, teeth, tails, and wings in sumptuous, never-seen-before detail • From tyrannosaurus rexes from alternative worlds and genetically modified deinonychuses from the future, to purple cat-sized dragons and swamp monsters, the Marvel multiverse is brimming with creatures both heroic and villainous. Explore swamps and the Savage Lands and more. Discover aerial beasts, artificially created creatures, and even monster team ups. This anthology is a beautifully curated guide to the best and the worst and ensures you will never get Fin Fang Foom and Tim Boom Ba mixed up again!
г. Москва
3 763 руб.
This is the definitive story of one of the longest and most controversial conflicts in US history • Created in association with the Smithsonian Institution, this authoritative history of the Vietnam War examines the key figures and events of the conflict, and its lasting effects on the world. This history book for adults combines compelling text with maps and archive photography, A Short History of the Vietnam War is an all-encompassing showcase of every aspect of the fighting and the wider political landscape, from the struggle for civil rights to the treatment of prisoners • Inside the pages of this retelling of America's bloodiest conflict, you'll discover • - Vivid, moving, and informative details of the Vietnam war, including eyewitness accounts and iconic photographs • - A clear and compelling account of the conflict, in short, self-contained events from the Battle of Ia Drang to the Tet Offensive and The Khmer Rouge • - Biography spreads highlighting major military and political figures • - Features on everyday life in the war offering additional context • - Stunning image spreads displaying weapons, spy gear, and other equipment that defined the war • - Maps and feature boxes provide additional information on major events during the conflict • Detailed descriptions of events, from Operation Passage to Freedom to the evacuation of the US embassy in Saigon, are brought to life with eyewitness accounts and iconic photographs
г. Москва
3 737 руб.