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Dorling Kindersley A Short History of The American Civil War

Dorling Kindersley A Short History of The American Civil War

цена 3 130 руб.
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Explore the fascinating history of America's bloodiest ever conflict • Combining expert historical insight with the eyewitness accounts of soldiers and civilians, A Short History of the American Civil War offers a brilliant summary of the key events and wider context of the hostilities between North and South • Profiles of influential military and political leaders, and thought-provoking features on themes and experiences, from the evils of slavery to the treatment of wounded soldiers, bring the story dramatically to life. This book also features clear timelines that give an instant overview of the developments during the tumultuous war • Richly illustrated with a wealth of original artefacts, weaponry and equipment, photography, and maps, this unique combination of image provides the most accessible, episode-by-episode account ever подробнее
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This is the definitive story of one of the longest and most controversial conflicts in US history • Created in association with the Smithsonian Institution, this authoritative history of the Vietnam War examines the key figures and events of the conflict, and its lasting effects on the world. This history book for adults combines compelling text with maps and archive photography, A Short History of the Vietnam War is an all-encompassing showcase of every aspect of the fighting and the wider political landscape, from the struggle for civil rights to the treatment of prisoners • Inside the pages of this retelling of America's bloodiest conflict, you'll discover • - Vivid, moving, and informative details of the Vietnam war, including eyewitness accounts and iconic photographs • - A clear and compelling account of the conflict, in short, self-contained events from the Battle of Ia Drang to the Tet Offensive and The Khmer Rouge • - Biography spreads highlighting major military and political figures • - Features on everyday life in the war offering additional context • - Stunning image spreads displaying weapons, spy gear, and other equipment that defined the war • - Maps and feature boxes provide additional information on major events during the conflict • Detailed descriptions of events, from Operation Passage to Freedom to the evacuation of the US embassy in Saigon, are brought to life with eyewitness accounts and iconic photographs
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3 130 руб.
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This major and long-awaited work is the definitive history of the American Civil War by our greatest military historian • The American Civil War was one of the longest and bloodiest of modern wars. It is also one of the most mysterious. It has captured the imagination of writers, artists and film-makers for decades but the reality of it confuses and divides historians even today • In this magisterial history of the first modern war, the distinguished military historian John Keegan unpicks the geography, leadership and strategic logic of the war and takes us to the heart of the conflict. His captivating work promises to be the definitive history of the American Civil War
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From the plains of ancient Mesopotamia to the vast sheep farms of modern-day Australia, sheep have been central to the human story. Since our our Neolithic ancestors' first forays into sheep-rearing nearly 11,000 years ago, these remarkable animals have fed us, clothed us, changed our diet and language and financed the conquest of large swathes of the earth • Sally Coulthard weaves this fascinating story into a vivid and colourful tapestry of engaging anecdotes and extraordinary ovine facts, whose multiple strands celebrate just how pivotal these woolly animals are to almost every aspect of human society and culture • This title was published also in the United States under the title Follow the Flock
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Новая история тридцатилетней войны" • Ужасающая серия конфликтов, известная как Тридцатилетняя война (1618-1648), разорвала сердце Европы, убив, возможно, четверть всех немцев и опустошив целые районы Центральной Европы до такой степени, что многие города и регионы так и не восстановились. Все крупные европейские державы были активно вовлечены в войну • Книга Питера Уилсона "Трагедия Европы. Новая история тридцатилетней войны" - это крупный труд, первая новая история войны за последнее поколение и увлекательная, блестяще написанная попытка объяснить убедительную череду событий. Великая сила Уилсона в том, что он позволяет читателю понять трагедию множества мотивов, которые позволили правителям рисковать будущим своих стран с такими ужасающими результатами
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Packed with stunning photography, Eyewitness American Civil War explores the war that turned the nation against itself • Become an eyewitness to one of the most important times in US history, in this picture-led reference guide that will take you on a visual tour of the American Civil War. Children will be mesmerised by the key events of the conflict, from brutal battles to legendary commanders • This unique, beautifully illustrated guide reveals the conflict between the North and South, of more than 50 battles, and shows both sides of the conflict in equal light. Using striking full-colour photographs of paintings, artefacts and illustrations of battles, discover how tensions about slavery exploded into a war that lasted four years • Throughout the pages of this newly-revised book on the American Civil War, you can expect to find • - A fresh new look, new photographs, updated information, and a new "eyewitness" feature
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