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Bloomsbury The Wandering Wombles Beresford Elisabeth

Bloomsbury The Wandering Wombles Beresford Elisabeth

цена 1 839 руб.
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The Wombles live in a beautifully snug, well-ordered and cosy burrow underneath Wimbledon Common - the perfect base from which to sort and recycle all the rubbish that unthinking humans constantly drop. But the Wombles' peaceful and harmonious existence is suddenly under threat. The heavy lorries that thunder along the roads near the Common make the burrow shake and tremble so much that it is no longer safe for the Wombles to live there. With a heavy heart, Great Uncle Bulgaria decides that the Wombles will have to move from the burrow that they have lived in for many, many years. And it is up to young Bungo and Orinoco to bravely sally forth and try to locate a new home for the Wombles подробнее
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Orinoco is certainly the tubbiest of the Wombles and is perhaps the Womble who needs the most encouragement to go out on the daily sortie to clear up and recycle all the rubbish that humans leave behind . . . Meanwhile, Tobermory, DIY-er extraordinaire, is getting to grips with the one of the humans' more ingenious inventions: the vacuum cleaner!
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 839 руб.
The Wombles is the first ever Wombles book and introduces the stern but kindly Great Uncle Bulgaria; Orinoco, who is particularly fond of his food and a subsequent forty winks; general handyman extraordinaire Tobermory, who can turn almost anything that the Wombles retrieve from Wimbledon Common into something useful; Madame Cholet, who cooks the most delicious and natural foods to keep the Wombles happy and contented; and last but not least, Bungo, one of the youngest and cheekiest Wombles of all, who has much to learn and is due to venture out on to the Common on his own for the very first time
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 839 руб.
"Уомблы путешествуют по миру" - книга Элизабет Бересфорд из серии про Уомблов • Двоюродный дедушка Булгари любит рассказывать младшим Уомблам историю кланов Уомблов. Но, к своей великой печали, он замечает, что внуки совсем не интересуются историей • Итак, двоюродный дедушка Булгари решает принять меры и показать этим юным Уомблам, насколько замечательна история Уомблов. Тобермори изобретает несколько заводных воздушных шаров для путешествий, и Ориноко, Бунго, Томск и Веллингтон отправляются в Америку, Тибет и Австралию • Книга на английском языке • Great Uncle Bulgaria loves telling the ancient and revered history of the Womble clans to the younger Wombles. But to his great sadness he notices that the young Wombles are not nearly as interested in the history as he is
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 060 руб.
M.C. Beaton meets Miss Marple in the second book in the charming Laetitia Rodd Mysteries, which sees Kate Saunders' Victorian lady detective on the hunt for a missing Oxford scholar who is soon to be the heir to a fortune • It is 1851 and Laetitia Rodd is enjoying a well-earned holiday when she receives an urgent request for her services • Wealthy businessman Jacob Welland implores Mrs. Rodd to find his beloved brother, a brilliant Oxford scholar who took to wandering the countryside and one day simply failed to return. The last sighting was in a gypsy camp ten years before – where it was rumoured he was learning great secrets that would one day astound the world • Mrs. Rodd travels to Oxford and begins her search for the wandering scholar. But as the investigation unfolds, she discovers something sinister is lurking in this peaceful landscape
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The Wombles have just gratefully returned to their burrow on Wimbledon Common. They had had to leave because heavy lorries thundering up and down the nearby road threatened to make the roof of the burrow cave in • However, now that the Wombles are safely back, there is another problem they have to contend with. It seems that the humans have realised they have an energy crisis and are throwing much less away. The Wombles' supplies begin to run low. What can the Wombles do? It is time for EMERGENCY SPECIAL PROJECTS - with DIY king Tobermory in charge!
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 846 руб.
The New Silk Roads – Peter Frankopan's follow-up to the 'Book of the Decade', The Silk Roads – takes a fresh look at the network of relationships being formed along the length and breadth of the Silk Roads today • The world is changing dramatically and in an age of Brexit and Trump, the themes of isolation and fragmentation permeating the western world stand in sharp contrast to events along the Silk Roads, where ties have been strengthened and mutual cooperation established • Following the Silk Roads eastwards from Europe through to China, by way of Russia and the Middle East, The New Silk Roads provides a timely reminder that we live in a world that is profoundly interconnected. In this prescient contemporary history, Peter Frankopan assesses the global reverberations of these continual shifts in the centre of power – all too often absent from headlines in the west
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The internet is a network of physical cables and connections, a web of wires enmeshing the world, linking huge data centres to one another and eventually to us. All are owned by someone, financed by someone, regulated by someone • We refer to the internet as abstract from reality. By doing so, we obscure where the real power lies • In this powerful and necessary book, James Ball sets out on a global journey into the inner workings of the system. From the computer scientists to the cable guys, the billionaire investors to the ad men, the intelligence agencies to the regulators, these are the real-life figures powering the internet and pulling the strings of our society • Ball brilliantly shows how an invention once hailed as a democratising force has concentrated power in places it already existed – that the system, in other words, remains the same as it did before
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 789 руб.
The New Silk Roads takes a fresh look at the relationships being formed along the length and breadth of the ancient trade routes today. The world is changing dramatically and in an age of Brexit and Trump, the themes of isolation and fragmentation permeating the western world stand in sharp contrast to events along the Silk Roads, where ties are being strengthened and mutual cooperation established • This prescient contemporary history provides a timely reminder that we live in a world that is profoundly interconnected. Following the Silk Roads eastwards from Europe through to China, by way of Russia and the Middle East, Peter Frankopan assesses the global reverberations of continual shifts in the centre of power - all too often absent from headlines in the west
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 987 руб.
The Digital Republic is the definitive guide to the great political question of our time: how can freedom and democracy survive in a world of powerful digital technologies? • Not long ago, the tech industry was widely admired and the internet was regarded as a tonic for freedom and democracy. Not anymore. Every day, the headlines blaze with reports of racist algorithms, data leaks, and social media platforms festering with falsehood and hate. In The Digital Republic, acclaimed author Jamie Susskind argues that these problems are not the fault of a few bad apples at the top of the industry. They are the result of our failure to govern technology properly, a failure derived from decades of muddled ideas and wishful thinking • The Digital Republic charts a new course, with new legal standards, new public bodies and institutions, new duties on platforms, new rights and regulators, and new codes of conduct for people in the tech industry
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5 748 руб.
The Sunday Times bestseller, from the bestselling author of The Bone Season and The Priory of the Orange Tree • Paige Mahoney has eluded death again. Snatched from the jaws of captivity and consigned to a safe house in the Scion Citadel of Paris, she finds herself caught between those factions that seek Scion's downfall and those who would kill to protect the Rephaim's puppet empire • The mysterious Domino Programme has plans for Paige, but she has ambitions of her own in this new citadel. With Arcturus Mesarthim - her former enemy - at her side, she embarks on an adventure that will lead her from the catacombs of Paris to the glittering hallways of Versailles. Her risks promise high reward: the Parisian underworld could yield the means to escalate her rebellion to outright war
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2 296 руб.
The Fitness Instructor's Handbook, 4th edition, is the ultimate resource for anyone working in, or wishing to enter, the fitness industry. Packed full of illustrations, exercise photos, case studies, revision questions and sample programmes – this guide covers every aspect of the theory needed to work as a fitness instructor • Clear, concise and accessible, the content is organised with the specific needs of the fitness professional in mind and covers topics such as • – The skeletal system • – Muscles and tendons • – The energy system • – Circulation and respiration • – Components of fitness • – Safety issues • – Customer service • – Screening clients • – Planning and programme design • – Exercise evaluation • This new edition includes advice on how to avoid poor exercise technique that can increase the risk of injury
My-shop.ru г. Москва
6 205 руб.
The captivating prequel to the treasured Grantchester series follows the life, loves and losses of a young Sidney Chambers in post-war London • It is 1938, and eighteen-year-old Sidney Chambers is dancing the quickstep with Amanda Kendall at her brother Robert's birthday party at the Caledonian Club. No one can believe, on this golden evening, that there could ever be another war • Returning to London seven years later, Sidney has gained a Military Cross, and lost his best friend on the battlefields of Italy. The carefree youth that he and his friends were promised has been blown apart, just like the rest of the world – and Sidney, carrying a terrible, secret guilt, must decide what to do with the rest of his life. But he has heard a call: constant, though quiet, and growing ever more persistent
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2 067 руб.
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