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Bloomsbury The Digital Republic. On Freedom and Democracy in the 21st Century Susskind Jamie

Bloomsbury The Digital Republic. On Freedom and Democracy in the 21st Century Susskind Jamie

цена 5 748 руб.
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The Digital Republic is the definitive guide to the great political question of our time: how can freedom and democracy survive in a world of powerful digital technologies? • Not long ago, the tech industry was widely admired and the internet was regarded as a tonic for freedom and democracy. Not anymore. Every day, the headlines blaze with reports of racist algorithms, data leaks, and social media platforms festering with falsehood and hate. In The Digital Republic, acclaimed author Jamie Susskind argues that these problems are not the fault of a few bad apples at the top of the industry. They are the result of our failure to govern technology properly, a failure derived from decades of muddled ideas and wishful thinking • The Digital Republic charts a new course, with new legal standards, new public bodies and institutions, new duties on platforms, new rights and regulators, and new codes of conduct for people in the tech industry подробнее
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Кто будет у власти в 21 веке? Правительства? Крупный бизнес? Интернет-титаны? И как мы влияем на будущее? • Цифровые технологии меняют власть быстрее, чем когда-либо в истории. Недоверие и неравенство подпитывают политическую и экономическую неопределенность. Каркас, построенный вокруг глобального порядка, хрупок, и системы сдержек и противовесов, создававшиеся веками для защиты свободы, подвергаются испытаниям, возможно, на разрушение. Том Флетчер, самый молодой высокопоставленный посол Великобритании за последние двести лет, размышляет о том, как мы - правительства, предприятия, частные лица - можем выжить и процветать в двадцать первом веке. И как мы можем гарантировать, что технологии действительно облегчат гражданам возвращение контроля • Ранее публиковался под названием "Голая дипломатия"
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1 952 руб.
We live at a time when billions have access to unbelievably powerful technology. The most extraordinary tool that has been invented in the last century, the smartphone, is forcing radical changes in the way we live and work - and unlike previous technologies it is in the hands of just about everyone • Coupled with the rise of social media, this has ushered in a new era of deeply personal technology, where individuals now have the ability to work, create and communicate on their own terms, rather than wait for permission from giant corporations or governments. At least that is the optimistic view • This book takes readers on an entertaining ride through this turbulent era, as related by an author with a ringside seat to the key moments of the technology revolution
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This collection of original articles provides a state-of-the-art overview of key issues and approaches in contemporary language teaching. Written by internationally prominent researchers, educators, and emerging scholars, the chapters are grouped into five sections: rethinking our understanding of teaching, learner diversity and classroom learning, pedagogical approaches and practices, components of the curriculum, and media and materials. Each chapter covers key topics in teaching methodology such as reflective pedagogy, teaching large classes, outcomes-based language learning, speaking instruction, and technology in the classroom. Chapters assume no particular background knowledge and are written in an accessible style • Key features • A companion to The Cambridge Guide to Second Language Teacher Education, this anthology provides a valuable resource for a course in methodology
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Throughout the world, thousands of people give their time, skill and energy to serving on a board. From local councils to international corporations – boards play a critical role in the running and success of any organisation, large and small • In On Board John Tusa brings us behind the closed doors of the boardroom to provide an insight into the inner-working of boards. From personal squabbles to financial crises, Tusa shares his experiences serving on a wide variety of international boards such as the British Museum and American Public Radio. These lively life-stories unveil how boards overcome deep-set divisions, appoint new members and survive in times of chaos • Through these stories, Tusa provides lessons and tips on how to effectively operate in cooperative business environments
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2 987 руб.
'All men must die': or 'Valar Morghulis', as the traditional Essos greeting is rendered in High Valyrian. And die they do – in prodigious numbers; in imaginatively varied and gruesome ways; and often in terror within the viciously unpredictable world that is HBO's sensational evocation of Game of Thrones. Epic in scope and in imaginative breadth, the stories that are brought to life tell of the dramatic rise and fall of nations, the brutal sweeping away of old orders and the advent of new autarchs in the eternal quest for dominion • Yet, as this book reveals, many potent and intimate narratives of love and passion can be found within these grand landscapes of heroism, honour and death. They focus on strong relationships between women and family, as well as among the anti-heroes, the 'cripples, bastards and broken things'
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‘That is how it works in the City. Every time you think you know the answer to a question, you discover that the question makes no sense . . .’ • This is the story of Anna Blume and her journey to find her lost brother, William, in the unnamed City. Like the City itself, however, it is a journey that is doomed, and so all that is left is Anna’s unwritten account of what happened • Paul Auster takes us to an unspecified and devastated world in which the self disappears amidst the horrors that surround us. But this is not just an imaginary, futuristic world: like the settings of Kafka stories, it is one that echoes our own, and in doing so addresses some of our darker legacies • In the Country of Last Things is a tense, psychological take on the dystopian novel
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From Cnut to D-Day, the history and science of the unceasing tide is explored for the first time • Half of the world's population lives in coastal regions lapped by tidal waters. Yet how little most of us know about the tide - a key force on our planet that has altered the course of history and will transform our future • Our ability to predict and understand the tide depends on centuries of science, from the observations of Aristotle and the theories of Newton to today's supercomputer calculations. This story is punctuated here by notable tidal episodes in history, from Caesar's thwarted invasion of Britain to the catastrophic flooding of Venice, and interwoven with a rich folklore that continues to inspire art and literature today • With Aldersey-Williams as our guide to the most feared and celebrated tidal features on the planet, from the original maelstrom in Scandinavia to the world's highest tides in Nova Scotia to the crumbling coast of East Anglia, the importance of the tide, and the way it has shaped - and will continue to shape - our civilization, becomes startlingly clear
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2 491 руб.
Guy de la Bedoyere's gripping narrative history gives a sense of what it was like to be a soldier in the army that brought the Romans their empire • The Roman army was the greatest fighting machine the ancient world produced. The Roman Empire depended on soldiers not just to win its wars, defend its frontiers and control the seas but also to act as the engine of the state. Roman legionaries and auxiliaries came from across the Roman world and beyond. They served as tax collectors, policemen, surveyors, civil engineers and, if they survived, in retirement as civic worthies, craftsmen and politicians. Some even rose to become emperors • Gladius takes the reader right into the heart of what it meant to be a part of the Roman army through the words of Roman historians, and those of the men themselves through their religious dedications, tombstones, and even private letters and graffiti
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2 628 руб.
В конце апреля 1945 года на Берлин обрушилась страшная буря. Разрывные снаряды били по зданиями, а жители некогда славного города, в который вошли неудержимые войска Востока и Запада, укрывались в темных подвалах – как и фюрер в своем бункере. Битва за Берлин стала ключевым моментом в истории и ознаменовала конец смертоносного режима. Во время холодной войны противоборствующие сверхдержавы разделили поверженный город на две части • В книге Berlin. Life and Loss in the City That Shaped the Century историк и автор бестселлеров Синклер Маккей, опираясь на ранее не публиковавшиеся рассказы очевидцев, рисует подлинный портрет города, опустошенного идеологией, войной и горем. Однако чтобы полностью понять падение Берлина необходимо подробно изучить предшествующие ему годы и проследить за его разделом
My-shop.ru г. Москва
4 773 руб.
На протяжении всего XX века Берлин находился в самом центре стремительно меняющегося мира. Разные эпизоды из его истории принято рассматривать в отрыве друг от друга. Город, прошедший через страдания Первой мировой войны; космополитический центр науки, культуры и свободы; столица страны, переживающей резкий экономический спад; заставшая приход нацистов к власти, ужасы и разрушения Второй мировой войны и геноцид; город, разделенный надвое двумя конкурирующими идеологиями. Все эти эпохи сменяли друг друга, но жители Берлина просто продолжали жить – или выживать – так же, как и раньше. Подлинную историю немецкой столицы расскажут не правители, а те, кто ходил по ее улицам • В своей книге Berlin. Life and Loss in the City That Shaped the Century историк и автор бестселлеров Синклер Маккей проливает свет на жизни самых известных обитателей города, от ученого-идеалиста Альберта Эйнштейна до нацистского архитектора Альберта Шпеера, используя рассказы очевидцев
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 349 руб.
Виктор, писатель-призрак, как раз собирается завести роман с Мартой, замужней женщиной, когда - в спальне, полураздетая - она падает замертво в его объятия. Он впадает в панику и ускользает. Но семья Марты слишком хорошо осведомлена о том, что она была не одна, когда умерла, и Дин, овдовевший муж, полон решимости выяснить, кто делил с ней постель в ту ночь. Виктор, привыкший к притворству, понимает, что не может вечно жить в тени • Книга на английском языке • Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me is a gripping and moving meditation on the hold that the dead have over the living, by Javier Marias, whose highly-anticipated new novel The Infatuations is published in 2013 • Victor, a ghostwriter, is just about to have an affair with Marta, a married woman, when - in the bedroom, half-undressed - she drops dead in his arms
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 384 руб.
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