г. Москва, Московская область
Bloomsbury On Board. The Insider's Guide to Surviving Life in the Boardroom Tusa John

Bloomsbury On Board. The Insider's Guide to Surviving Life in the Boardroom Tusa John

цена 2 502 руб.
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Throughout the world, thousands of people give their time, skill and energy to serving on a board. From local councils to international corporations – boards play a critical role in the running and success of any organisation, large and small • In On Board John Tusa brings us behind the closed doors of the boardroom to provide an insight into the inner-working of boards. From personal squabbles to financial crises, Tusa shares his experiences serving on a wide variety of international boards such as the British Museum and American Public Radio. These lively life-stories unveil how boards overcome deep-set divisions, appoint new members and survive in times of chaos • Through these stories, Tusa provides lessons and tips on how to effectively operate in cooperative business environments подробнее
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