г. Москва, Московская область
Амфора Записки о Рейчел Эмис Мартин

Амфора Записки о Рейчел Эмис Мартин

цена 233 руб.
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В 1973 году Мартин Эмис, известный английский прозаик и критик, удачно дебютировал романом "Записки о Рейчел". Действие романа происходит за сутки до того, как герою-повествователю, Чарльзу Хайвэю, исполнится двадцать, и сосредоточено на его болезненных амурных переживаниях. Критики, за малым исключением, оценили мастерство создания комических ситуаций. В следующем году книга удостоилась премии Сомерсета Моэма подробнее
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По словам автора, известного питерского рокера Анатолия Гуницкого, "Записки" нив коей мере не являются воспоминаниями и не претендуют на объективность. Они представляют собой многолетнюю серию журналистских и художественных наблюдений и отражают личное восприятие музыкально-рок-н-ролльных процессов, которые бурлили в Питере начиная с восьмидесятых годов прошлого - увы! - века • Черно-белые фотографии
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Политикой и журналистикой он начал заниматься одновременно - с детства. Именно тот случай, когда профессия и хобби совпадают. Двадцатого ноября девяносто восьмого он был ранен двумя выстрелами в голову. Помощник Галины Старовойтовой выжил, и с тех пор враги называют его не иначе как "недобиток" • Книга Руслана Линькова - не мемуары, не дневник и не роман, это именно записки, в которых больше не сарказма по отношению к узнаваемым персонажам, а авторской самоиронии
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Новая офисная искренность! Новые дизайны склеростикеров post-it не пускают пыль в глаза, серия «Я не хочу писать записки» как никогда правдива. Мы за то, чтобы рабочий день проходил на волне весёлой честности, вы с нами?
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A sharp twist on the noir genre from one of England’s finest fiction writers • 'I worked one hundred murders,' says Detective Mike Hoolihan, an American policewoman. 'In my time I have come in on the aftermath of maybe a thousand suspicious deaths, most of which turned out to be suicides, accidentals or plain unattendeds. So I've seen them all: jumpers, stumpers, dumpers, dunkers, bleeders, floaters, poppers, bursters. But of all the bodies I have ever seen none has stayed with me, in my gut, like the body of Jennifer Rockwell. I say all this because I am part of the story I am going to tell, and I feel the need to give you some idea of where I'm coming from.' • Night Train is a mystery story which lingers in the reader's mind even after Mike Hoolihan declares the case closed
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'Other People had me purring with pleasure' The Times • Like a ghost or a fugitive, Mary roams through London - pursuing and pursued by memory and forgetting, by the compelling Amy Hide and the charming Mr Wrong • Martin Amis sustains an unnervingly high degree of suspense as Mary and the reader yearn to grasp what has happened to Mary's past and ponder what its loss has gained her. Unfolding is a metaphysical thriller where jealousy guarded secrets jostle with startling insights. Other People is ambitious and accomplished, heralding for Amis an unexpected new direction as a novelist and for the rest of us an experience not to be missed
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Lionel Asbo has just won ?139,999,999.50 on the Lottery • A horribly violent, but horribly unsuccessful criminal, Lionel’s attentions up to now have all been on his nephew, Desmond Pepperdine. He showers him with fatherly advice (‘carry a knife’) and introduces Des to the joys of internet porn. Meanwhile, Des desires nothing more than books, a girl to love and to steer clear Uncle Li’s psychotic pitbulls, Joe and Jeff • But Lionel’s winnings are not necessarily all good news. For Des has a secret, and its discovery could unleash his uncle’s implacable vengeance
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An ex-circus strongman, veteran of Warsaw, 1939, and Notting Hill rough-justice artist, meets his own personal holocaust and 'Einsteinian' destiny; maximum boredom and minimum love-making are advised in a 2020 epidemic; a virulent new strain of schizophrenia overwhelms the young son of a 'father of the nuclear age'; evolution takes a rebarbative turn in a Kafkaesque love story; and the history of the earth is frankly discussed by one who has witnessed it all • The stories in this collection form a unity and reveal a deep preoccupation: '"Einstein's Monsters" refers to nuclear weapons but also to ourselves,' writes Amis in his enlightening introductory essay, 'We are Einstein's monsters: not fully human, not for now.'
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Life...is shapeless, it does not point to and gather round anything, it does not cohere. Artistically, it's dead. Life's dead • So begins a love letter to life, a resuscitation of sorts, encountering vibrant characters from Saul Bellow, to Philip Larkin to Iris Murdoch and Elizabeth Jane Howard, and to the person who captivated Amis' twenties, the alluringly amoral Phoebe Phelps • Amis addresses our burning questions: how to live, how to grieve, and how to die?
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'The best thing Martin Amis has done in fiction for years' Literary Review • There were conjugal visits in the slave camps of the USSR. Valiant women would travel continental distances, over weeks and months, in the hope of spending a night, with their particular enemy of the people, in the House of Meetings. The consequences of these liaisons were almost invariably tragic • House of Meetings is about one such liaison. It is a triangular romance: two brothers fall in love with the same girl, a nineteen-year-old Jewess, in Moscow, which is poised for pogrom in the gap between the war and the death of Stalin. Both brothers are arrested, and their rivalry slowly complicates itself over a decade in the slave camp above the Arctic Circle
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2 382 руб.
Tod. T. Friendly is living his life backwards • Doctor Friendly has just died, but after weeks of improving in the hospital, he is sent home to his affable, melting-pot, primary-colour existence in suburban America • From the fresh-cut lawns of his retirement to the hustle of New York, and then the boat back to war-torn Europe, Friendly carries with him a secret. Trapped in his body from grave to cradle, Friendly’s consciousness can only watch as he struggles to make sense of the good doctor’s most ambitious project yet – the final solution
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2 382 руб.
'Cracking prose - highly inventive, inimitably stylish and funny' The Times • In Martin Amis's short stories whole worlds are created - or inverted. In 'Straight Fiction', everyone is gay, apart from the beleaguered 'straight' community; in 'Career Move', screenplay writers submit their works to little magazines, while poets are flown first-class to Los Angeles; in 'The Janitor of Mars', a sardonic robot gives us some strange news about life in the solar system. In 'Let Me Count the Times' a man has a mad affair with himself. 'Heavy Water', portrays the exhaustion of working-class culture, and 'State of England' its weird resuscitation. And in 'The Coincidence of the Arts' an English baronet becomes entangled with an African-American chess hustler
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Martin Amis first wrote about September 11 a week later in a piece for The Guardian beginning, 'It was the advent of the second plane, sharking in low over the Statue of Liberty: that was the defining moment.' • He has kept returning to September 11, in essays and reviews, and in two remarkable short stories, 'In the Palace of the End' and 'The Last Days of Muhammad Atta'. All are collected here, together with an expanded account of his travels with Tony Blair in 2007 - to Belfast, to Washington, and to Baghdad and Basra • 'We are arriving at an axiom in long-term thinking about international terrorism,' he writes: 'the real danger lies, not in what it inflicts, but in what it provokes. Thus by far the gravest consequence of September 11, to date, is Iraq
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