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Vintage books Time's Arrow Эмис Мартин

Vintage books Time's Arrow Эмис Мартин

цена 2 382 руб.
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Tod. T. Friendly is living his life backwards • Doctor Friendly has just died, but after weeks of improving in the hospital, he is sent home to his affable, melting-pot, primary-colour existence in suburban America • From the fresh-cut lawns of his retirement to the hustle of New York, and then the boat back to war-torn Europe, Friendly carries with him a secret. Trapped in his body from grave to cradle, Friendly’s consciousness can only watch as he struggles to make sense of the good doctor’s most ambitious project yet – the final solution подробнее
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A sharp twist on the noir genre from one of England’s finest fiction writers • 'I worked one hundred murders,' says Detective Mike Hoolihan, an American policewoman. 'In my time I have come in on the aftermath of maybe a thousand suspicious deaths, most of which turned out to be suicides, accidentals or plain unattendeds. So I've seen them all: jumpers, stumpers, dumpers, dunkers, bleeders, floaters, poppers, bursters. But of all the bodies I have ever seen none has stayed with me, in my gut, like the body of Jennifer Rockwell. I say all this because I am part of the story I am going to tell, and I feel the need to give you some idea of where I'm coming from.' • Night Train is a mystery story which lingers in the reader's mind even after Mike Hoolihan declares the case closed
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Lionel Asbo has just won ?139,999,999.50 on the Lottery • A horribly violent, but horribly unsuccessful criminal, Lionel’s attentions up to now have all been on his nephew, Desmond Pepperdine. He showers him with fatherly advice (‘carry a knife’) and introduces Des to the joys of internet porn. Meanwhile, Des desires nothing more than books, a girl to love and to steer clear Uncle Li’s psychotic pitbulls, Joe and Jeff • But Lionel’s winnings are not necessarily all good news. For Des has a secret, and its discovery could unleash his uncle’s implacable vengeance
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'Other People had me purring with pleasure' The Times • Like a ghost or a fugitive, Mary roams through London - pursuing and pursued by memory and forgetting, by the compelling Amy Hide and the charming Mr Wrong • Martin Amis sustains an unnervingly high degree of suspense as Mary and the reader yearn to grasp what has happened to Mary's past and ponder what its loss has gained her. Unfolding is a metaphysical thriller where jealousy guarded secrets jostle with startling insights. Other People is ambitious and accomplished, heralding for Amis an unexpected new direction as a novelist and for the rest of us an experience not to be missed
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Life...is shapeless, it does not point to and gather round anything, it does not cohere. Artistically, it's dead. Life's dead • So begins a love letter to life, a resuscitation of sorts, encountering vibrant characters from Saul Bellow, to Philip Larkin to Iris Murdoch and Elizabeth Jane Howard, and to the person who captivated Amis' twenties, the alluringly amoral Phoebe Phelps • Amis addresses our burning questions: how to live, how to grieve, and how to die?
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Time Regained begins in the bleak and uncertain years of World War I. Years later, after the war's end, Proust's narrator returns to Paris and reflects on time, reality, jealousy, artistic creation, and the raw material of literature - his past life • This edition includes the indispensable A Guide to Proust, compiled by Terence Kilmartin and revised by Joanna Kilmartin
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Discover Kingsley Amis's classic James Bond tie-in. First published in 1968, four years after Ian Fleming's death, this was the first Bond 'continuation' novel. Catch up on this new take on Bond before the release of No Time to Die • 'A man in my line of business shouldn't work to a timetable' • Lunch at Scott's, a quiet game of golf, a routine social call on his chief M - James Bond's life has begun to fall into a pattern that threatens complacency...until the sunny afternoon when M is kidnapped and his house staff savagely murdered. The action ricochets across the globe to a volcanic Greek island where, stripped of all professional aids, Bond must avert a world-menacing conspiracy and face unarmed the monstrous devices of the glacial, merciless Colonel Sun
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A visit from relatives sparks an implosion in the life of a good-natured family man • The decision to invite his Southern relatives to stay proves a fateful one for Austin King. By the time they leave, his reputation and his marriage have suffered irreparable damage. Against the perfectly-drawn background of small-town Illinois at the turn of the 20th century, Maxwell once again uncovers the seeds of potential tragedy at the heart of a happily-established family
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Hubert Anvil is a 10 year old boy blessed with the voice of an angel. The Church hierarchy decrees that Hubert should be turned into a castrato - an alteration that could bring Hubert fame and fortune, but would also cut him off from an adult world he is curious to discover. In a dystopian world where Martin Luther never reformed and where the Holy Office's power is absolute, where will Hubert turn if he decides to defy their wishes?
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Иэн Макьюэн - один из "правящего триумвирата" современной британской прозы (наряду с Джулианом Барнсом и Мартином Эмисом), лауреат Букеровской премии за роман "Амстердам" • "Искупление" - это поразительная в своей искренности "хроника утраченного времени", которую ведет девочка-подросток, на свой причудливый и по-детски жестокий лад переоценивая и переосмысливая события "взрослой" жизни. Став свидетелем изнасилования, она трактует его по-своему - и приводит в действие цепочку роковых событий, которая аукнется самым неожиданным образом через много-много лет • Книга на английском языке • The publication of Atonement cemented Ian McEwan’s reputation as one of the most exciting and accomplished writers of his generation. From its breath-taking opening section, telling the events of a fateful summer’s day in 1935, McEwan unravels a tale of love and war that breaks the heart, even as the master novelist’s provocative twists of form dazzle the senses
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У Малкольма, Питера, Чарли и их проспиртованных из-за непомерного употребления вина жён осталась лишь одна мечта: выпить в Уэльсе всё, что горит. Но появление в их жизни орденоносного писателя и профессионального валлийца Алуна Уивера вместе с его супругой Рианнон становится потрясением для их повседневной жизни. Точнее, оно её взбалтывает и смешивает • "Старые черти" - удостоенный Букеровской премии роман Кингсли Эмиса • Книга на английском языке • Malcolm, Peter and Charlie and their Soave-sodden wives have one main ambition left in life: to drink Wales dry. But their routine is both shaken and stirred when they are joined by professional Welshman Alun Weaver (CBE) and his wife, Rhiannon
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After ten years' journeying Odysseus returns, again and again, to Ithaca. Each time he finds something different: his patient wife Penelope has betrayed him and married; his arrival accelerates time and he watches his family age and die in front of him; he walks into an empty house in ruins; he returns but is so bored he sets sail again to repeat his voyage; he comes back to find Penelope is dead • In these forty-four retellings of passages from Homer's Odyssey, Zachary Mason uses Homer's linear narrative and explodes it: presenting alternative and contradictory fragments of familiar stories - the Trojan Horse, the Cyclops, Circe, the Sirens - allowing us to see Homer's masterpiece afresh. Elegant, provocative and utterly fascinating, The Lost Books of the Odyssey seems destined to become a modern classic
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2 380 руб.
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