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Wordsworth Tales from the Arabian Nights

Wordsworth Tales from the Arabian Nights

цена 812 руб.
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Царственный супруг прекрасной Шахерезады угрожает убить ее, поэтому каждую ночь она развлекает его, рассказывая чудесные истории о фантастических приключениях, оставляя каждую историю незаконченной, чтобы он сохранил ей жизнь, чтобы завтра услышать окончание • Это предыстория "Тысячи и одной ночи". В этой подборке, сделанной мастером фольклора и сказок Эндрю Лэнгом, читатель знакомится с Аладдином с его чудесной лампой, Заколдованным конем, принцессой Бадурой, Синдбадом-мореходом и великим халифом Багдада Гарун-аль-Рашидом • Книга на английском языке • The beautiful Scheherazade's royal husband threatens to kill her, so each night she diverts him by w^eaving wonderful tales of fantastic adventure, leaving each story unfinished so that he spares her life to hear the ending on the morrow подробнее
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This is the essential one-volume edition of Tales from 1,001 Nights, drawn from the acclaimed landmark translation published in 3 volumes by Penguin Classics in 2008. It contains 'Aladdin', 'Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves', 'Sindbad the Sailor' and many others of the most enjoyable and beloved tales from the Arabian Nights • This new translation was described as 'magnificent' and 'the most ambitious and thorough translation' in the Guardian and lauded in the Telegraph as 'outstanding'. The Sunday Times said 'The new Penguin edition is the one to have'
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These are the tales of an extraordinary journey: from the small towns of Sweden to the deserts of Nevada to the bitter chill of Siberia. A journey where children make friends with abandoned robots... in a world where dinosaurs roam freely • These are the Tales from the Loop • Stories told in both words and haunting illustrations, TALES FROM THE LOOP captures a not-too-distant reality that is both haunting and imminent: addressing the many ways developing technology and nature can create havoc and wonder in our world... and the hope we might still find in that future • Perfect for fans of everything from STRANGER THINGS to JURASSIC PARK to JUMANJI, Tales from the Loop is an incredible, unmissable work of genius
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For everyone who loves watching Amanda Owen and her family on Our Yorkshire Farm, or enjoys reading her bestselling books, comes this delightful and uplifting collection of her monthly Dalesman columns • In Tales From the Farm by the Yorkshire Shepherdess Amanda takes readers on an evocative journey to Ravenseat, where she lives with husband Clive and their nine children, not to mention their flock of sheep, herd of cows, hardworking dogs and a formidable chicken called Linda • Covering events from 2019 through to early 2021, Amanda describes saving the life of a newborn calf on New Year's Eve and watching, mouth agape, as their livestock trailer was swept away by floodwater in March. Son Sidney braves the wrath of Linda and husband Clive crafts an unusual Valentine's Day gift
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No library's complete without the classics! This new, enhanced leather-bound edition collects the beloved tales of Arabian Nights, translated by Sir Richard Burton • They are ancient stories, but they still enchant our imaginations today. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. Sinbad the Sailor. Aladdin. These and the other Middle Eastern stories collected in Arabian Nights are delightful, fascinating, and fun for fans and first-time readers alike • This beautiful, leather-bound edition collects the classic tales of Arabian Nights in a new, redesigned format. Specially designed end papers, gilded edges, a ribbon bookmark, and other decorative elements enhance the reading experience, while an expert introduction provides new information and context for these well-known stories
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