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Windmill Books Strictly English: The Correct Way To Write : And Why It Matters Heffer Simon

Windmill Books Strictly English: The Correct Way To Write : And Why It Matters Heffer Simon

цена 2 953 руб.
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Язвительные и забавно полные отчаяния электронные письма автора коллегам из "The Daily Telegraph" о грамматических ошибках и стилистических промахах с годами привлекают все больше ярых поклонников. В книге "Строго по-английски. Правильный Способ Написания... И почему это так важно" Саймон Хеффер страстно призывает покончить с неряшливостью, которая стала такой характерной чертой повседневной речи и письма • Книга на английском языке • Издание полностью на английском языке • The author's incisive and amusingly despairing emails to colleagues at the "The Daily Telegraph" about grammatical mistakes and stylistic slips have attracted a growing band of ardent fans over the years. In this book, he makes an impassioned case for an end to the sloppiness that has become such a hallmark of everyday speech and writing подробнее
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The Danish word hygge is one of those beautiful words that doesn't directly translate into English, but it more or less means comfort, warmth or togetherness. Hygge is the feeling you get when you are cuddled up on a sofa with a loved one, in warm knitted socks, in front of the fire, when it is dark, cold and stormy outside. It that feeling when you are sharing good, comfort food with your closest friends, by candle light and exchanging easy conversation. It is those cold, crisp blue sky mornings when the light through your window is just right. Denmark is the happiest nation in the world and Meik puts this largely down to them living the hygge way. They focus on the small things that really matter, spend more quality time with friends and family and enjoy the good things in life
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