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William Collins Treasure Island Stevenson Robert Louis

William Collins Treasure Island Stevenson Robert Louis

цена 1 033 руб.
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«Пятнадцать человек на сундук мертвеца – Йо-хо-хо, и бутылка рома!» • Когда юный Джим Хокинс находит старую карту с расположением несметных сокровищ, он присоединяется к команде шхуны «Испаньола» и отправляется на поиски. Однако вскоре на корабле случается бунт под предводительством вероломного пирата Долговязого Джона Сильвера. Теперь, когда поиски сокровища грозят смертью, мужество Джима испытывается на прочность, и скоро ему предстоит многое узнать о дружбе, верности и предательстве • Классика приключенческой прозы, роман Роберта Стивенсона «Остров сокровищ», станет отличным подарком для любителей остросюжетной литературы • Книга на английском языке • 'Fifteen men on the dead man's chest –Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!' • When young Jim Hawkins finds an old map showing the location of a hoard of buried treasure, he joins the crew of the Hispaniola who set sail to find it подробнее
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A beautiful hardback edition of Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. This lovely edition is part of the highly collectible Puffin 'cloth' Classics series - all the titles in the range have attractive 'cloth' textured covers with a stunning repeat pattern design specific to each story. Treasure Island makes a perfect addition to the collection which includes some of the best-loved Puffin titles of all time • Following the demise of bloodthirsty buccaneer Captain Flint, young Jim Hawkins finds himself with the key to a fortune. For he has discovered a map that will lead him to the fabled Treasure Island. But a host of villains, wild beasts and deadly savages stand between him and the stash of gold. Not to mention the most infamous pirate ever to sail the high seas
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Das Böse und Unheimliche ist nicht irgendwo da draußen, sondern Teil von uns selbst: Kein Text hat die Beunruhigung, die von dieser Erkenntnis ausgeht, eindrucksvoller geschildert als Robert Louis Stevensons Erzählung ›Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde‹. Wie spannend so ein Klassiker der Weltliteratur sein kann – bei Stevensons berühmter Doppelgänger-Geschichte, ohne die Romane wie ›American Psycho‹ oder Filme wie ›Fight Club‹ nicht denkbar wären, kann man es erleben • Mit dem Werkbeitrag aus Kindlers Literatur Lexikon
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This beautiful edition of Treasure Island is illustrated by H. M. Brock, with an afterword by Sam Gilpin. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector’s Library is a series of beautifully bound gift editions of much loved classic titles. When young Jim Hawkins finds a mysterious map in a dead sailor’s sea trunk, it marks the start of a thrilling treasure hunt – and a very dangerous adventure. Accompanied by the local doctor and squire, he sets off on the high seas as a cabin-boy, determined to find the buried hoard. But they are not alone in their quest, a band of pirates – led by the enigmatic, one-legged Long John Silver – will stop at nothing to take back what they believe is theirs. One of the best-loved children’s stories of all time, Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island is a thrilling tale of swashbuckling heroes and dastardly villains that continues to enchant readers young and old
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An enchanting biography of the most resonant – and most necessary – chemical element on Earth • Carbon. It is the building block of every cell that makes up every living thing. It is the essential component of the food we eat, the fuel we burn, the wood we use and the air we breathe. It is worth billions as a luxury and half a trillion as a necessity, but there are still mysteries to be solved about the element that can be both diamond and coal. Where does it come from, what does it do, and why, above all, does life need it? • In Symphony in C, leading carbon scientist Robert M. Hazen takes us on a vibrant journey through the origin and evolution of life’s most widespread element. The story unfolds in four movements – Earth, Air, Fire and Water – and transports us through nearly 14 billion years of cosmic history, explaining how carbon is formed in the hearts of stars and why all life forms – earthbound or alien – use it as the basis of their biology
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In the tradition of ‘Agent Zigzag’ comes a breathtaking biography of WWII’s ‘Scarlet Pimpernel’ as fast-paced and emotionally intuitive as the best spy thrillers. This celebrates unsung hero Robert de La Rochefoucauld, an aristocrat turned anti-Nazi saboteur, and his exploits as a British Special Operations Executive-trained resistant • When the Nazis invaded France during the Second World War and imprisoned his father, Robert de La Rochefoucauld – a scion of one of the oldest aristocratic families in France – escaped to England and trained in the dark arts of anarchy and combat. Under the guidance of SOE spies, he learned to crack safes, plant bombs and kill enemies with his bare hands • Then, back in France, he organised Resistance cells, killed Nazi officers and interfered with German missions
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