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William Collins The White Ship. Conquest, Anarchy and the Wrecking of Henry I’s Dream Spencer Charles

William Collins The White Ship. Conquest, Anarchy and the Wrecking of Henry I’s Dream Spencer Charles

цена 1 476 руб.
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The sinking of the White Ship in 1120 is one of the greatest disasters England has ever suffered. In one catastrophic night, the king’s heir and the flower of Anglo-Norman society were drowned and the future of the crown was thrown violently off course • In a riveting narrative, Charles Spencer follows the story from the Norman Conquest through to the decades that would become known as the Anarchy: a civil war of untold violence that saw families turn in on each other with English and Norman barons, rebellious Welsh princes and the Scottish king all playing a part in a desperate game of thrones. All because of the loss of one vessel – the White Ship – the medieval Titanic подробнее
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In this extraordinary journey through twenty-six countries, Simon Mundy meets the people on the front lines of the climate crisis, showing how the struggle to respond is already reshaping the modern world - shattering communities, shaking up global business, and propelling a groundbreaking wave of cutting-edge innovation • How is China's green energy push driving a hazardous mining rush in Congo? • Why is a maverick scientist building a home for engineered mammoths in northeast Siberia? • Can an Israeli fake meat startup make a fortune while helping to save the Amazon? • Will Greenland's melting sea ice put its people at the centre of a global power struggle? • Who are the entrepreneurs chasing breakthroughs in fusion power, electric cars, and technology to suck carbon from the atmosphere? • As the impacts of climate change cascade across the planet and the global economy, who is battling to survive the worst impacts - and who is chasing the most lucrative rewards? • Telling unforgettable human stories from six continents, this is an account of disaster, of promise, of frantic adaptation and relentless innovation, of hope, of survival, and of the forces that will define our future
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From one of the most important economic thinkers of our time, a brilliant and far-seeing analysis of the current populist backlash against globalization and how revitalising community can save liberal market democracy • Raghuram Rajan, author of the 2010 FT & Goldman-Sachs Book of the Year Fault Lines, has an unparalleled vantage point onto the social and economic consequences of globalization and their ultimate effect on politics and society • In The Third Pillar he offers up a magnificent big-picture framework for understanding how three key forces – the economy, society, and the state – interact, why things begin to break down, and how we can find our way back to a more secure and stable plane • The ‘third pillar’ of the title is society. Economists all too often understand their field as the relationship between the market and government, and leave social issues for other people
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An intimate, revealing and profoundly moving biography of Jean Rhys, acclaimed author of Wide Sargasso Sea • An obsessive and troubled genius, Jean Rhys is one of the most compelling and unnerving writers of the twentieth century. Memories of a conflicted Caribbean childhood haunt the four fictions that Rhys wrote during her extraordinary years as an exile in 1920s Paris and later in England. Rhys's experiences of heartbreak, poverty, notoriety, breakdowns and even imprisonment all became grist for her writing, forming an iconic 'Rhys woman' whose personality - vulnerable, witty, watchful and angry - was often mistaken, and still is, for a self-portrait • Many details of Rhys's life emerge from her memoir, Smile Please and the stories she wrote throughout her long and challenging career
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What is the nature of things? Must I think my own way through the world? What is justice? How can I be me? How should we treat each other? • Before the Greeks, the idea of the world was dominated by god-kings and their priests, in a life ruled by imagined metaphysical monsters. 2,500 years ago, in a succession of small eastern Mediterranean harbour-cities, that way of thinking began to change. Men (and some women) decided to cast off mental subservience and apply their own worrying and thinking minds to the conundrums of life • These great innovators shaped the beginnings of philosophy. Through the questioning voyager Odysseus, Homer explored how we might navigate our way through the world. Heraclitus in Ephesus was the first to consider the interrelatedness of things
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In this compelling journey through twenty-six countries, Simon Mundy traces how the struggle to respond to the climate crisis is rapidly reshaping the modern world - shattering communities, shaking global business and propelling waves of cutting-edge innovation • Telling unforgettable human stories, meeting scientists and business tycoons, activists and political leaders, this is an account of disaster and survival, of frantic adaptation and groundbreaking innovation, of hope, and of the forces that will define our future
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We are at a pivotal moment in the fight against climate change – with the ultimate opportunity to reassess what society values and how we can better respond to future crises • This book asks why it is that the things we value most – from the environment to frontline workers to keeping children well fed and educated – are so often neglected by the market • In Value(s), one of the great global thinkers of our time examines how what we value has become misaligned and how we can rethink and rebuild before it is too late • Drawing on a truly international perspective, this book offers a blueprint for how we can channel the dynamism of the market to transform intractable global problems into opportunities. And in so doing build a better world for all
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Когда Алиса следует за Белым кроликом по волшебному туннелю, ее мир меняется навсегда • В Стране чудес, месте, где все не совсем так, как кажется, Алиса встречает Чеширского кота, который может исчезать по своему желанию; Безумного Шляпника, который любит загадывать загадки; и ужасающую Королеву Червей, которая ничего так не любит, как отрубать людям головы • Представляя некоторых из самых культовых литературных персонажей, безумные чаепития и игры в крокет с фламинго, "Приключения Алисы в стране чудес" Льюиса Кэрролла и "В зазеркалье" завоевывают сердца и воображение читателей уже более 150 лет • Книга на английском языке • HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics • ‘Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 081 руб.
В апреле 2018 года опытный искатель приключений Бен Фогл и золотая медалистка Олимпийских игр по велоспорту Виктория Пендлтон вместе с альпинистом Кентоном Кулом приняли самое изнурительное на сегодняшний день испытание – поднялись на Эверест для Британского Красного Креста, чтобы привлечь внимание к экологическим проблемам, с которыми сталкиваются горы. Это было бы мучительно и волнующе в равной мере, поскольку они шли по тонкой грани между жизнью и смертью • Для Бена семинедельная экспедиция в зону смерти должна была стать приключением всей его жизни, а также унизительным и поучительным путешествием. Для его жены Марины, собиравшей семью дома, это было мучительное ожидание новостей • Книга "Вверх. Путешествие моей жизни на вершину Эвереста", частично мемуары, частично захватывающее приключение - рассказ Бена и Марины Фогл о его восхождении на крышу мира рассказан с присущими им юмором и теплотой, а также с глубоким состраданием
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 390 руб.
В этой захватывающей книге Ричард Холмс, автор бестселлера "Эпоха чудес",рассказывает о смелых и загадочных мужчинах и женщинах,которые рисковали своей жизнью,чтобы подняться в воздух. Почему они это сделали, что думали о них современники и как их полеты раскрыли тайны нашей планеты - это захватывающее приключение,о котором мог рассказать только Холмс • Это не обычная история полетов на воздушном шаре. В каком-то смысле на самом деле речь идет вовсе не о воздушных шарах. Речь идет о том,что породили воздушные шары. Речь идет о самом духе открытий и о той необычайной человеческой драме, которую он порождает • От драматического и волнующего раннего англо-французского соперничества на воздушных шарах,сумасшедших полетов красавицы Софи Бланшар с фейерверками,дальних перелетов американского предпринимателя Джона Уайза и французского фотографа Феликса Надара до воздушных шаров,используемых для наблюдения за ужасами современных сражений во время Гражданской войны
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 008 руб.
On a sunlit evening in l882, Lord Frederick Cavendish and Thomas Burke, Chief Secretary and Undersecretary for Ireland, were ambushed and stabbed to death while strolling through Phoenix Park in Dublin. The murders were carried out by the Invincibles, a militant faction of republicans armed with specially-made surgeon’s blades. They ended what should have been a turning point in Anglo-Irish relations. A new spirit of goodwill had been burgeoning between Prime Minister William Gladstone and Ireland’s leader Charles Stewart Parnell, with both men forging in secret a pact to achieve peace and independence in Ireland – with the newly appointed Cavendish, Gladstone’s protege, to play an instrumental role. The impact of the Phoenix Park murders was so cataclysmic that it destroyed the pact, almost brought down the government and set in motion repercussions that would last long into the twentieth century
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 765 руб.
A wonderfully readable investigation of the origins of the modern garden in 18th-century England. Popular history at its finest • One January morning in 1734, cloth merchant Peter Collinson hurried down to the docks at London's Custom House to collect cargo just arrived from John Bartram in the American colonies. But it was not bales of cotton that awaited him, but plants and seeds • Over the next forty years, Bartram would send hundreds of American species to England, where Collinson was one of a handful of men who would foster a national obsession and change the gardens of Britain forever: Philip Miller, author of the bestselling Gardeners Dictionary; the Swede Carl Linnaeus, whose standardised botanical nomenclature popularised botany; the botanist-adventurer Joseph Banks and his colleague Daniel Solander who both explored the strange flora of Tahiti and Australia on Captain Cook's Endeavour
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 195 руб.
In the 6th century AD, the Near East was divided between two great empires: the Persian and the Roman. A hundred years on, and one had vanished for ever, while the other was a dismembered, bleeding trunk. In their place, a new superpower had arisen: the empire of the Arabs. So profound was this upheaval that it spelled, in effect, the end of the ancient world • But the changes that marked the period were more than merely political or even cultural: there was also a transformation of human society with incalculable consequences for the future. Today, over half the world's population subscribes to one of the various religions that took on something like their final form during the last centuries of antiquity. Wherever men or women are inspired by belief in a single god to think or behave in a certain way, they bear witness to the abiding impact of this extraordinary, convulsive age - though as Tom Holland demonstrates, much of what Jews, Christians and Muslims believe about the origins of their religion is open to debate
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 957 руб.
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