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William Collins The Secret Life of the Mind. How Our Brain Thinks, Feels and Decides Sigman Mariano

William Collins The Secret Life of the Mind. How Our Brain Thinks, Feels and Decides Sigman Mariano

цена 1 699 руб.
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Where do our thoughts come from? • How can we manipulate our dreams? • What is the role of the unconscious? • How do we make decisions and trust the judgement of both others and ourselves? • In this mind-bending international bestseller by Mariano Sigman, one of the world’s leading neuroscientists reveals his life’s work exploring the intricacies of the human brain. Building on his awe-inspiring TED talk and drawing on examples in science and the arts, The Secret Life of the Mind offers an accessible guide to how the human brain works and its impact on our everyday life. This informative, lucid book is essential reading for anyone curious about how we perceive, reason and communicate подробнее
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"How to describe the ecstatic song of larks? How the writers and poets have tried..." • Skylarks are the heralds of our countryside. Their music is the quintessential sound of spring. The spirit of English pastoralism, they inspire poets, composers and farmers alike. In the trenches of World War I they were a reminder of the chattering meadows of home • Perhaps you were up with the lark, or as happy as one. History has seen us poeticise and musicise the bird, but also capture and eat them. We watch as they climb the sky, delight in their joyful singing, and yet we harm them too • The Soaring life of the Lark explores the music and poetry; the breath-taking heights and struggle to survive of one of Britain's most iconic songbirds
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