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William Collins Pygmalion Shaw George Bernard

William Collins Pygmalion Shaw George Bernard

цена 1 100 руб.
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Крупнейший английский драматург конца XIX - первой половины XX в. Джордж Бернард Шоу (1856-1950) в своих произведениях выступает как мастер интеллектуальной драмы-дискуссии, построенной на острых диалогах, полной парадоксальных ситуаций, разрушающей все традиционные представления о театре. Его пьесы бичуют политическую реакцию, нормативную мораль, лицемерие, ханжество. В 1925 г. писателю была присуждена Нобелевская премия • "Пигмалион" - озорная и искрометная комедия, в которой социальная сатира соседствует с подкупающим лиризмом, а едкий сарказм - с мягким, добрым юмором • Книга на английском языке • HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics • George Bernard Shaw’s classic play and satire of the British class system, first performed in 1913 подробнее
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George Bernard Shaw, (1856-1950) was an Irish playwright. He is the only person to have been awarded both the Nobel Prize for Literature (1925) and an Oscar (1938)
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«Баламут предлагает тост» – продолжение одной из самых известных книг британского писателя и теолога Клайва Стейплза Льюиса. Оригинальное произведение, «Письма Баламута», было оформлено в виде писем старого беса Баламута, опытного искусителя и верного прислужника «всенизшего». Письма были адресованы его племяннику, юному бесу Гнусику, и попали в руки Льюиса тайным путём, который он отказывался рассекречивать. Несмотря на колебания автора, через несколько лет после публикации «Писем» читатель всё же смог добиться от него продолжения • Теперь, в 75-ю годовщину первой публикации «Писем», издательство William Collins представляет новое издание книги «Баламут предлагает тост», включающее также и другие произведения автора • «Баламут предлагает тост», книга выдающегося британского писателя Клайва Стейплза Льюиса, является знаковым произведением для направления популярной теологии
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Henry II conquered the largest empire of any English medieval king. Yet it is the people around him we remember: his wife Eleanor, whom he seduced from the French king; his son Richard the Lionheart; Thomas Becket, murdered in his cathedral. Who was this great, yet tragic king? For fans of Dan Jones, George RR Martin and Bernard Cornwell • The only thing that could have stopped Henry was himself • Henry II had all the gifts of the gods. He was charismatic, clever, learned, empathetic, a brilliant tactician, with great physical strength and an astonishing self-belief. Henry was the creator of the Plantagenet dynasty of kings, who ruled through eight generations in command of vast lands in Britain and Europe. Virtually unbeaten in battle, and engaged in a ceaseless round of conquest and diplomacy, Henry forged an empire that matched Charlemagne's
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Anne Bonny and Mary Read, pirate queens of the Caribbean • Tipu Sultan, the Indian ruler who kept the British at bay • Olaudah Equiano, the former slave whose story shocked the world • Mary Wollstonecraft, the feminist who fought for women’s rights • Ladies of Llangollen, the lovers who built paradise in a Welsh valley • ‘Mad, bad and dangerous to know’ is how Lord Byron, the poet who drank wine from a monk’s skull and slept with his half-sister, was described by one of his many lovers. But ‘mad, bad and dangerous’ serves as a good description for the entire Georgian period: often neglected, the hundred or so years between the coronation of George I in 1714 and the death of George IV in 1830 were years when the modern world was formed, and changes came thick and fast
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Eddy Merckx. Fausto Coppi. Jacques Anquetil. Bernard Hinault. Beryl Burton. Marianne Vos • Since the first road race in May 1869, revealed here for the very first time, cycle road racing has been dominated by iconic cyclists who redefined endurance and fortitude. The battles facing these cyclists are not fought over just one race, but an annual series beginning with the Spring Classics and culminating in the three great tours – the Giro d’Italia, Vuelta a Espana and the Tour de France – before the cyclists retire to lick their wounds and start on another winter of training • How were the great races founded and developed? How have the great riders stamped their authority on them through the ages? Truly international in scope, looking at road racing in North and Latin America, Australia, Africa and Asia, as well as continental Europe, The Call of the Road is essential reading for anyone who is interested in the history, tactics or personalities of cycle road racing
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1 845 руб.
Combining practical birdwatching tips, the insights of internationally renowned ornithologists and the science, nature, art and history of birds, The Collins Garden Birdwatcher’s Bible is a glorious celebration of the stunning world of birds • Brimming with lavish photographs, The Collins Garden Birdwatcher’s Bible offers handy tips on identifying and attracting British garden birds, as well as discovering more about the evolution, history and art of birds of the world. With detailed visual profiles of the key birds of the region, readers will learn how to identify birds by their colours, calls and behaviour, the best equipment and resources to use, as well as learning to create bird-friendly gardens and bird houses, choosing the ideal food for bird types by season and how we can become better bird advocates
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Introducing the Collins Modern Classics, a series featuring some of the most significant books of recent times, books that shed light on the human experience – classics which will endure for generations to come • What if intelligent life on earth not only evolved on land, but also in the sea? • Other Minds is a bold new story of how nature became aware of itself – a story that largely occurs in the ocean, where animals first appeared. Tracking the mind’s fitful development over millennia, Other Minds explores the incredible evolutionary journey of the cephalopods. What kind of intelligence do they possess? And how did the octopus, a solitary creature with little social life, become so smart? • Heralded as the ‘scuba-diving philosopher’ when Other Minds first published, Peter Godfrey-Smith explores the underwater world and the concept of sentience to trace the question of inner life back to its roots
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HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics • ‘The woman who first gives life, light, and form to our shadowy conceptions of beauty, fills a void in our spiritual nature that has remained unknown to us till she appeared.’ • One of the earliest works of ‘detective’ fiction with a narrative woven together from multiple characters, Wilkie Collins partly based his infamous novel on a real-life eighteenth century case of abduction and wrongful imprisonment. In 1859, the story caused a sensation with its readers, hooking their attention with the ghostly first scene where the mysterious ‘Woman in White’ Anne Catherick comes across Walter Hartright. Chilling, suspenseful and tense in mood, the novel remains as emotive for its readers today as when it was first published
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"SAS. Абсолютное руководство по выживанию в любом месте" Джона Уайзмана - это карманный компаньон для искателей приключений. Будьте готовы как на суше, так и на море - от разбивки лагеря и поиска пищи в дикой природе до обеспечения безопасности и самообороны на улицах • Книга на английском языке • The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Anywhere • The Collins Gem SAS Survival Guide is the pocket companion for adventurers everywhere. From making camp and finding food in the wild to security and self-defence in the streets, be prepared on land or sea. SAS legend John 'Lofty' Wiseman's unrivalled guide will teach you • Preparation - Understanding and assembling latest, most resilient, kit • Navigation - Skills, technologies and techniques to get you through unfamiliar terrain
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1 234 руб.
Bill Bryson’s biography of William Shakespeare unravels the superstitions, academic discoveries and myths surrounding the life of our greatest poet and playwright • Ever since he took the theatre of Elizabethan London by storm over 400 years ago, Shakespeare has remained centre stage. His fame stems not only from his plays – performed everywhere from school halls to the world's most illustrious theatres – but also from his enigmatic persona. His face is familiar to all, yet in reality very little is known about the man behind the masterpieces • Shakespeare’s life, despite the scrutiny of generations of biographers and scholars, is still a thicket of myths and traditions, some preposterous, some conflicting, arranged around the few scant facts known about the Bard – from his birth in Stratford to the bequest of his second best bed to his wife when he died
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Всемирно известный роман английского писателя и публициста Герберта Уэллса (1866-1946), одного из основоположников жанра научной фантастики, "Война миров" (1897) многократно экранизировался, лег в основу знаменитой радиопостановки 1938 года американского режиссера Орсона Уэллса и вдохновлял последующие поколения писателей-фантастов на создание все новых произведений о борьбе цивилизаций. В нем впервые была поднята тема вражды между людьми и инопланетянами, а также предсказаны войны с применением отравляющих газов и лазеров. "Хроника" нападения марсиан на нашу планету по-настоящему пугает и захватывает • Книга на английском языке • "For a time I believed that mankind had been swept out of existence, and that I stood there alone, the last man left alive
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1 100 руб.
«Кто управляет прошлым, — гласит партийный лозунг, — тот управляет будущим; кто управляет настоящим, тот управляет прошлым» • Долгие годы войны и раздора привели к падению Британии, ныне известной как Взлётная полоса–1. Теперь она входит в состав Океании, одной из трёх тоталитарных сверхдержав, претендующих на власть над миром. Большой брат, загадочный лидер управляющей Океанией Партии, держит население под контролем с помощью строгого наблюдения и полицейских репрессий. В обществе, где всякие проявления индивидуальности жестоко подавляются, власти активно манипулируют мыслями подконтрольных им людей, историей и языком. Один из тех, кто переписывает историю во благо Партии – сотрудник Министерства правды Уинстон Смит. В нём зреют мятежные страсти и недовольство существующим строем, и со временем его жизнь расцветает новыми красками благодаря любви к Джулии, его коллеге из другого отдела
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 257 руб.
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