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William Collins Living Planet. The Web of Life on Earth Attenborough David

William Collins Living Planet. The Web of Life on Earth Attenborough David

цена 1 845 руб.
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A new, fully updated narrative edition of David Attenborough’s seminal biography of our world, The Living Planet • Nowhere on our planet is devoid of life. Plants and animals thrive or survive within every extreme of climate and habitat that it offers. Single species, and often whole communities adapt to make the most of ice cap and tundra, forest and plain, desert, ocean and volcano. These adaptations can be truly extraordinary: fish that walk or lay eggs on leaves in mid-air; snakes that fly; flightless birds that graze like deer; and bears that grow hair on the soles of their feet • In The Living Planet, David Attenborough’s searching eye, unfailing curiosity and infectious enthusiasm explain and illuminate the intricate lives of the these colonies, from the lonely heights of the Himalayas to the wild creatures that have established themselves in the most recent of environments, the city подробнее
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David Attenborough is one of the most influential and admired figures in English television. When 26, he applied for a job in the BBC – which then meant radio – and was promptly turned down. But someone saw his rejected application and asked, would he like to try television? He would, and sixty years later, he is still at it. Elegantly told, often very funny, here is his story • At home there is his rise to controlling BBC2, introducing colour television to Britain, encounters with Montgomery, Anthony Eden, singers, athletes, explorers, the Queen, Benjamin Britten. Abroad there are people just as remarkable, journeys up tropical rivers, to the interior of New Guinea or the Australian outback, dragons, birds of paradise, flying snakes and walls of cockroaches
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For billions of years, Earth was an inhospitably alien place - covered with churning seas, slowly crafting its landscape by way of incessant volcanic eruptions, the atmosphere in a constant state of chemical flux. And yet, despite facing literally every conceivable setback that living organisms could encounter, life has been extinguished and picked itself up to evolve again. Life has learned and adapted and continued through the billions of years that followed. It has weathered fire and ice. Slimes begat sponges, who through billions of years of complex evolution and adaptation grew a backbone, braved the unknown of pitiless shores, and sought an existence beyond the sea • From that first foray to the spread of early hominids who later became Homo sapiens, life has persisted, undaunted
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165 миллионов лет назад зародился ритм • 66 миллионов лет назад появилась первая мелодия • 40 тысяч лет назад Homo sapiens создал первый музыкальный инструмент • Сегодня музыка наполняет нашу жизнь. То, как мы создавали, исполняли и слушали музыку на протяжении всей истории, определило, что представляет собой наш биологический вид и как мы понимаем, кто мы такие. Тем не менее, это упущенная из виду часть нашей истории происхождения • The Musical Human отправляет нас в увлекательное путешествие сквозь века – от Баха до BTS и обратно – чтобы исследовать яркие взаимоотношения между музыкой и человеческим видом. Опираясь на знания из множества дисциплин, ведущий мировой музыковед Майкл Спитцер представляет глобальную историю музыки на максимально широком полотне, от глобальной истории до нашей повседневной жизни, от насекомых до обезьян, от людей до искусственного интеллекта
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Наблюдайте, как наш мир оживает среди бурлящих вулканов и электрических бурь, в ярко иллюстрированной книге Фатти Бурк "Что видели динозавры. Жизнь на Земле до появления людей", рассказывающей о жизни на Земле до появления людей. Пришло время узнать, что видели динозавры • Вся наша вселенная начиналась как крошечная точка, меньшая, чем эта точка отсчета. Меньше, чем все, что вы когда-либо видели в своей жизни. Эта точка была наполнена таким количеством горячей, плотной энергии, что она взорвалась и породила величайшее событие всех времен - большой взрыв! От самых ранних зарождений жизни 3,5 миллиарда лет назад в агрессивной атмосфере до могучих динозавров, которые бродили по Земле 250 миллионов лет назад, узнайте, как жизнь адаптировалась, эволюционировала и пережила взрывающиеся звезды, летающие метеориты и стихийные бедствия
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In this fascinating follow-up to the bestselling Information is Beautiful and Knowledge is Beautiful, the king of infographics David McCandless uses spectacular visuals to give us all a bit of good news • We are living in the Information Age, in which we are constantly bombarded with data – on television, in print and online. How can we relate to this mind-numbing overload? Enter David McCandless and his amazing infographics: simple, elegant ways to understand information too complex or abstract to grasp any way but visually. In his unique signature style, he creates dazzling displays that blend facts with their connections, contexts and relationships, making information meaningful, entertaining – and beautiful • In his highly anticipated third book, McCandless illustrates positive news from around the world, for an informative, engaging and uplifting collection of new infographic art
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A new, fully updated edition of David Attenborough’s groundbreaking Life on Earth.David Attenborough’s unforgettable meeting with gorillas became an iconic moment for millions of television viewers. Life on Earth, the series and accompanying book, fundamentally changed the way we view and interact with the natural world setting a new benchmark of quality, influencing a generation of nature lovers.Told through an examination of animal and plant life, this is an astonishing celebration of the evolution of life on earth, with a cast of characters drawn from the whole range of organisms that have ever lived on this planet. Attenborough’s perceptive, dynamic approach to the evolution of millions of species of living organisms takes the reader on an unforgettable journey of discovery from the very first spark of life to the blue and green wonder we know today
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