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What Katy Did. Level 3 (+ Audio CD) Coolidge Susan Helbling Languages

Katy Carr likes running around. She wants to set a good example to her five brothers and sisters but she is always untidy and forgetful. She also dreams of being grown up and famous. Then, one terrible day all her dreams seem to come to an end. Katy feels very sorry for herself until Cousin Helen comes to stay and she teaches Katy an invaluable lesson. Will Katy be able to learn from her situation and become the Katy everyone knows and loves again?
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Katy, a twelve-year-old gangly tomboy, dreams of blossoming into a sophisticated young woman, capable of grand deeds and adventures. She is however prone to mischief, and leads her six siblings into various scrapes, much to the annoyance of her kindly father and domineering aunt. Her life is turned upside down by a terrible accident, which leaves her a bedridden invalid. Now she is forced to learn the virtues of patience, sacrifice and hopefulness, as she comes to terms with her disability • A heart-warming tale that has become a children's classic since its publication in 1872, Susan Coolidge's What Katy Did is a lesson in the value of good humour and perseverance against the odds for young readers. Beautifully illustrated by Susan Hellard, this is a poignant and timeless story that every child should read
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 382 руб.
What Katy Did by Susan Coolidge is a classic much loved by adults and children alike • Katy Carr intends to be beautiful and beloved and as sweet as an angel one day. For now, though, her hair is forever in a tangle, her dress is always torn and she doesn't care at all for being called 'good'. But then a terrible accident happens and Katy must find the courage to remember her daydreams and the delightful plans she once schemed; for when she is grown up she wants to do something grand • A wonderful, family story, with an inspiring introduction from Cathy Cassidy, author of The Chocolate Box Girls and other hugely popular fiction for young teens
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 528 руб.
"Что Кэти делала в школе" и "Что Кэти сделала дальше" продолжают историю энергичной и непокорной американской девочки Кэти Карр и ее семьи, которые впервые появились в фильме "Что сделала Кэти" • "Что Кэти делала в школе" - это захватывающий рассказ об интригах жизни в школе-интернате для девочек в Новой Англии, которую посещает Кэти. Все ее испытания и приключения переплетены с чувством юмора и легкой иронией • То, что Кэти сделала дальше, описывает тур Кэти по Европе, когда она превращается из ребенка из предыдущих книг в энергичную молодую женщину, и завершает эту восхитительную трилогию • Книга на английском языке • What Katy Did at School and What Katy Did Next continue the story of the high-spirited and rebellious American girl, Katy Carr, and her family, who first appeared in What Katy Did
My-shop.ru г. Москва
328 руб.
Twelve-year old Katy Carr is forever dreaming of the important things she will do one day. But then an awful accident happens, and her hopes for the future seem more and more out of reach ... Can Katy hang on to her enthusiasm and spirit, when everything appears to be against her An exciting tale of bravery, strength, and determination, What Katy Did is a story to be enjoyed by readers of all ages
My-shop.ru г. Москва
633 руб.
Twelve-year old Katy Carr is full of dreams of important things she will do one day. But then an awful accident happens, and Katy must remember her hopes for the future, even when everything seems against her. An exciting tale of bravery, strength and ambition, What Katy Did is sure to be enjoyed by all children aged 8 and up
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 528 руб.
First Friends - это увлекательный двухуровневый курс для дошкольников, который развивает словарный запас, тренирует фонетику и учит семейным ценностям • First Friends делает первый год изучения английского языка мотивирующим и веселым • Регулярный цикл занятий и привлекательные вспомогательные ресурсы помогут создать благоприятную среду обучения, в которой дети смогут развить уверенность в себе, расширить словарный запас и попрактиковаться в фонетике • Тщательно разработанная программа по фонетике дает уроки, которые идеально подходящие для детей, не использующих латинский алфавит • К учебнику прилагается диск с аудиозаписями • First Friends is a fun two-level beginner's course that develops vocabulary, practises phonics, and teaches family values
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CD плеер, оснащен более стабильным тактовым генератором, ЦАП Burr Brown PCM1793, аналоговые выходы DIN и RCA, частотный диапазон: 10 Гц - 20 кГц, искажения: 0,007процентов, габариты: 70 x 432 x 301 мм, вес: 8,1 кг
SalonHIFI г. Москва
249 000 руб.
Henry Harris can't say the letter H . He hates haitches more than he hates homework or horrible Hannah Hunter who laughs at him • Then one day something happens to Henry's best friend, Harry • What happens when Henry helps Harry?
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 351 руб.
Vous trouverez sur ces CD tous les supports audio du livre élève, à savoir: > tous les documents déclencheurs des leçons > tous les documents utiles aux leçons > toutes les activités de phonétique ainsi que les activités de phonie-graphie, déjà présentes sur le CD élève > les 9 tests des dossiers Conçu autour de documents authentiques et attractifs, ces CD contiennent notamment une chanson intégrale de Sinsémilia, «Tout le bonheur du monde» (dossier 5)
Оптомарт г. Москва
7 280 руб.
Vous trouverez sur ces CD tous les supports audio du livre de l'élève, à savoir: > tous les dialogues des leçons > toutes les activités de phonétique > les 9 tests des dossiers >4 bilans que vous trouverez dans le Carnet complémentaire, Evaluation/Entrainement au DELF
Оптомарт г. Москва
6 490 руб.
Energising Your Classroom is an exciting and inspirational resource book with short physical and mental activities which teachers can use to bring energy to their classrooms, their students and themselves. Energising Your Classroom is about creating a stimulating environment, in which regular teaching is enhanced by a variety of additional activities. Sometimes these raise energy levels through physical movement; sometimes they allow the students a moment to relax and switch off; sometimes they challenge them to refocus their thoughts. All have the aim of giving the students the opportunity to recharge their batteries, refresh their thinking and return to their language learning with renewed vitality, enthusiasm and the capacity for increased concentration
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 562 руб.
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
2 149 руб.
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