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Weidenfeld & Nicolson Dogs of Summer Abreu Andrea

Weidenfeld & Nicolson Dogs of Summer Abreu Andrea

цена 3 664 руб.
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It is June and our ten-year-old heroine is sad. She knows she will not get to leave her neighbourhood that summer, and the beach is far, far away. And that clouds like the bottom of a donkey’s belly will hover all summer over her town, high among the volcanoes of northern Tenerife. But she has a best friend, Isora • And she likes everything about Isora. The colour of her arms and her hair and her eyes. Her handwriting and the way she writes the letter g with a huge tail. The way she calls her Shit because poop is a beautiful thing like the mist round the pines • But she envies her too. Envies her grits and gut. The way she talks to grown-ups. The fact that she has got her period and pubes on her minky • As the summer goes on, she finds it increasingly hard to keep up with Isora – growing up at full tilt without her подробнее
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From bestselling books to blockbusting Hollywood movies, the myths of the Scandinavian gods and heroes are part of the modern day landscape • For over a millennium before the arrival of Christianity, the legends permeated everyday life in Iceland and the northern reaches of Europe. Since that time, they have been perpetuated in literature and the arts in forms as diverse as Tolkien and Wagner, graphic novels to the world of Marvel • This book covers the entire cast of supernatural beings, from gods to trolls, heroes to monsters, and deals with the social and historical background to the myths, topics such as burial rites, sacrificial practices and runes
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A dark and addictive story of betrayal and desire • Nineteenth-century rural France • Before he is called to bless the body of a woman at the nearby asylum, Father Gabriel receives a strange, troubling confession: hidden under the woman's dress he will find the notebooks in which she confided the abuses she suffered and the twisted motivations behind them • And so Rose's terrible story comes to light: sold as a teenage girl to a rich man, hidden away in an old manor house deep in the woods and caught in a perverse web, manipulated by those society considers her betters. A girl whose only escape is to capture her life - in all its devastation and hope - in the pages of her diary • The English-language debut of critically acclaimed author Franck Bouysse, this exquisitely written novel is both a keen social commentary and a chilling horror story
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How far would you go to belong? • Fourteen-year-old Linda lives with her parents in an ex-commune beside a lake in the beautiful, austere backwoods of northern Minnesota. The other girls at school call Linda 'Freak', or 'Commie'. Her parents mostly leave her to her own devices, whilst the other inhabitants have grown up and moved on • So when the perfect family - mother, father and their little boy, Paul - move into the cabin across the lake, Linda insinuates her way into their orbit. She begins to babysit Paul and feels welcome, that she finally has a place to belong • Yet something isn't right. Drawn into secrets she doesn't understand, Linda must make a choice. But how can a girl with no real knowledge of the world understand what the consequences will be?
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Jack Foley was busting out of Florida's Glades Prison when he ran head-on into Karen Sisco with a shotgun. Suddenly the world-class gentleman felon was sharing a cramped car trunk with a disarmed federal marshal - whose Chanel suit cost more than the take from Foley's last bank job - and the chemistry was working overtime. Here's a lady Jack could fall for in a big way, if she weren't a dedicated representative of the law that he breaks for a living. And as soon as she escapes, he's already missing her • But there are some seriously bad men and a major score waiting for Jack in Motown. And there's a good chance that when his path crosses Karen's again, she's going to be there for business, not pleasure
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Alba used to live a hectic life, working as a book publicist in Italy, and yet she always felt like a woman on the run. And so one day she decided to stop running and go back to Lucignana, the small village on the Tuscan hills where she was born, to open a tiny bookshop • Alba's enterprise seems doomed from day one but it surprisingly sparks the enthusiasm of many across Italy. And after surviving a fire and multiple Covid lockdowns, the 'Bookshop on the Hill' becomes a refuge for an ever-growing community of people: from local friends and family to the many, many readers who come to visit from afar or place orders online, safe in the knowledge that Alba will be able to find the perfect book for them
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Ноябрь 1940 года. И.А. Серебин – писатель из Одессы и герой Советского Союза. Получив загадочное письмо от бывшей возлюбленной, он отправляется в Стамбул, якобы по делам организации русских эмигрантов из Парижа. В Стамбуле перед ним открывается тайный мир международных шпионов и крупных политических игроков • Война в Европе неизбежна. Серебина нанимает секретная британская служба. Его цель – остановить экспорт румынской нефти в Германию • Судьба заведет Серебина в роскошные салоны Парижа, темные аллеи Бухареста и порты на Черном море. Время на исходе… • Blood Victory – это исторический роман американского писателя Алана Ферста, седьмая часть цикла Night Soldiers. Роман станет прекрасным подарком для поклонников исторической прозы • Книга на английском языке
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2 021 руб.
Салоники, 1940 год. В темных переулках за оживленными тавернами ведется секретная война. Незаметными движениями рук передаются конверты, содержащие информацию первой важности; слухи разносятся с невероятной скоростью… • Коста Заннис – главный инспектор полиции, человек, у которого есть связи на Балканском полуострове и далеко за его пределами. Именно к нему обращаются за помощью, когда через порт проходят неизвестные корабли и британские «путешествующие писатели». Вернувшись из Македонии, где он помогал разбить итальянские войска, Заннис обнаруживает, что все в Салониках затаили дыхание. Несмотря на поражение итальянцев, немцы готовы бороться за регион. А положение дел в самой Германии ухудшается с каждым днем. Заннис помогает вывезти евреев из Европы в Стамбул
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 824 руб.
1996: in a Ugandan dive bar, the 'freight dogs' gather. An anarchic group of mercenary pilots from Texas, Russia, Kenya and Belgium who transport weapons between warring African nations, without allegiance • And tonight they have a new recruit - Manu, a nineteen-year-old cowherd fleeing Congo's bloody war • Taken in by this band of unlikely brothers, Manu hopes to reinvent himself. But no matter how fast he flies, trouble always seems to follow closely behind
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Every summer Teresa follows her father to his childhood home in Puglia, down in the heel of Italy, a land of relentless, shimmering heat and centuries-old olive groves. There Teresa spends long afternoons enveloped in a sun-struck stupor, reading her grandmother's cheap crime paperbacks • Everything changes the summer she meets the three boys who live on the masseria next door: Nicola, Tommaso and Bern - the man Teresa will love for the rest of her life. Raised like brothers on a farm that feels to Teresa almost suspended in time, the three boys share a complex, intimate and seemingly unassailable bond • But no bond is unbreakable and no summer truly endless, as Teresa soon discovers
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2 442 руб.
Fully updated to include the 2017-18 season and Ronaldo's transfer to Juventus • Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the greatest footballers of all time, a dream he pursued from the age of just twelve when he left his humble origins on Madeira behind • It wasn't long before he had the biggest clubs in Europe knocking on his door, but it was Manchester United who won the race for his signature. Under the tutelage of Sir Alex Ferguson, Ronaldo developed into the complete footballer and athlete, winning three league titles and a Champions League along the way • He then became the biggest galactico of them all when he transferred to Real Madrid for a record-breaking fee. Unprecedented success in the Champions League and a record-equalling five Ballons d'Or followed, before his sensational move to Juventus in the summer of 2018
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2 628 руб.
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