г. Москва, Московская область

We should all be feminists. Дискуссия о равенстве полов

978-5-04-099518-9 • Перед вами откровенное и глубокое исследование природы феминизма от авторитетного американского автора. В нем она старается затронуть все аспекты зарождения этого явления,
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Бестселлер Нью-Йорк Таймс на русском языке! • Очень личное и красноречивое эссе, в котором вы найдете инклюзивное определение феминизма, которое пытается разрушить все стереотипы, связанные с этим понятием. С помощью анекдотов и историй из жизни Адичи пытается донести, что просто сосредоточиться на общих правах человека недостаточно, важно акцентировать внимание на феминизме и доносить его принципы до каждого человека в этом мире. Приводя примеры из разных культур, автор откровенно заявляет, что положение женщин в истории всегда было неустойчивым и что отголоски этих стереотипов до сих пор портят жизнь многим молодым девушкам, поэтому нужно перестать отрицать проблему и начать действовать - всем вместе! Легкий юмористический тон повествования поможет вам без труда вникнуть в исследование и сделать свои выводы
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
245 руб.
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
432 руб.
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
164 руб.
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
289 руб.
В интернет-магазине shop.buka.ru вы можете купить цифровую версию игры We should talk. с активацией в сервисе Steam • В разделе «Мы должны поговорить» вы будете использовать счетчик предложений, чтобы собирать модульные предложения в ответ на внутриигровых персонажей. Тщательно подбирайте слова, чтобы выразить себя, обсуждая текущие проблемы жизни и романтики с Сэмом, вашим партнером по игре, в текстовых сообщениях, а также общаясь с друзьями и незнакомцами в любимом местном баре. Комбинация слов, которую вы выбираете, влияет на ваш разговор, на то, насколько искренне вы сможете общаться со своим партнером и смогут ли ваши отношения пережить ночь. Как вы отреагируете, зависит от вас — в зависимости от того, как вы общаетесь, вы увидите один из многих возможных финалов
БУКА г. Москва
88 руб.
We Are All Made of Glue is the wickedly funny third novel from bestselling author Marina Lewycka • Georgie Sinclair's life is coming unstuck. Her husband's left her. Her son's obsessed with the End of the World. And now her elderly neighbour Mrs Shapiro has decided they are related • Or so the hospital informs her when Mrs Shapiro has an accident and names Georgie next of kin. This, however, is not a case of a quick ward visit: Mrs Shapiro has a large rickety house full of stinky cats that needs looking after and that a pair of estate agents seem intent on swindling from her. Plus there are the 'Uselesses' trying to repair it (uselessly). Then there's social worker who wants to put her in a nursing home. Not to mention some letters that point to a mysterious, painful past
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 706 руб.
I know I can't change the way I look. But maybe, just maybe, people can change the way they see • For younger readers, the unforgettable story of August Pullman and Wonder reimagined in this gorgeous picture book • With spare, powerful text and richly-imagined illustrations, We're All Wonders shows readers what it's like to live in Auggie's world - a world in which he feels like any other kid, but he's not always seen that way • We're All Wonders taps into every child's longing to belong, and to be seen for who they truly are. It's the perfect way for families and teachers to talk about empathy, difference and kindness with young children
My-shop.ru г. Москва
862 руб.
A bright and uplifting celebration of cultural diversity, belonging and community, from the creators of the New York Times bestselling picture book, All Are Welcome • Let's go walking down our street • Friends and neighbours here to greet • Oh so many folks to meet • We are all neighbours here • Welcome to a neighbourhood where everyone is welcome. A neighbourhood where children of every culture play together, sharing food and laughter, and learning from each other's traditions. A neighbourhood where diversity is a strength • From the creators of the no.1 New York Times bestselling All Are Welcome comes a triumphant picture book that celebrates diversity, kindness and the power of community. Here, we are ALL neighbours!
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 270 руб.
Sara Davies is the queen of crafts. Whilst working as an intern in a small company, Sara noticed a gap in the industry and decided to pursue it. By the time she left university, she was running a business with a half million-pound turnover from her student bedroom. When she became the youngest of BBC 1's iconic Dragons, that turnover was ?25 million. Today, she is one of Britain's biggest business names • In her first book - as full of warmth, wit and wisdom as she is - Sara shares what it took to get there: from manning factories overnight with her mam and dad to hitting the trade shows of Las Vegas alone, armed with little more than ambition and passion • We Can All Make It chronicles everything from what she looks for in a business investment to how she manages to find time to enjoy family life while running an empire
My-shop.ru г. Москва
4 012 руб.
We're constantly told the same things about the monarchy • But the monarchy is good for tourism • It isn't! Evidence points to some royal weddings actually having a negative impact on inbound tourism • But the monarchy makes a big difference to charity • Of the approx. 1,200 charities with a royal patron, 74% had no contact with their patron during the preceding year • But everyone loves the monarchy • A January 2023 poll showed support for the monarchy is down 55 percent • It's wrong in principle and it doesn't work in practice. It doesn't have to be this way • They say Britain should be proud to have the mother of parliaments, to be a shining beacon of democracy and an example to other nations. But there's an elephant in the room • At the heart of power is a single family
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 344 руб.
New technologies have always provoked panic about workers being replaced by machines. In the past, such fears have been misplaced, and many economists maintain that they remain so today. Yet in "A World Without Work", Daniel Susskind shows why this time really is different. Advances in artificial intelligence mean that all kinds of tasks - from diagnosing illnesses to drafting contracts - are increasingly within the reach of computers. The threat of technological unemployment is real • So how can we all thrive in a world with less work? Susskind reminds us that technological progress could bring about unprecedented prosperity, solving one of mankind's oldest problems: how to ensure everyone has enough to live on. The challenge will be to distribute this prosperity fairly, constrain the power of Big Tech, and provide meaning in a world where work is no longer the centre of our lives
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 198 руб.
Reach for the stars and learn all about space in this fact-packed new book from the bestselling creator of the Fantastically great women series! Mixing STEM topics with a sweet story of figuring out your place in the world, this is the perfect introduction to space for the next generation of space travellers, whoever they may be • Budding astronaut Luna Scope wants nothing more than to blast off into space and explore the cosmos, but how does she go from a cardboard rocket in her room to running experiments on the International Space Station? Enter Granny, who's about to teach Luna just how to make her dream a reality • From discovering what shooting stars are really made of and learning how to complete a spacewalk, to rocket building lessons by Mary Jackson and space shuttle trips with Mae Jemison- Luna and her Granny take us on a crash course adventure into how to become a successful astronaut
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 378 руб.
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