г. Москва, Московская область

War and Peace Tolstoy Leo Random House, Inc.

Tolstoy's enthralling epic depicts Russia's war with Napoleon and its effects on the lives of those caught up in the conflict. He creates some of the most vital and involving characters in literature as he follows the rise and fall of families in St Petersburg and Moscow who are linked by their personal and political relationships. His heroes are the thoughtful yet impulsive Pierre Bezukhov, his ambitious friend, Prince Andrei, and the woman who becomes indispensable to both of them, the enchanting Natasha Rostov.
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This is the official tie-in edition to the BBC adaptation of War and Peace with an exclusive introduction written by Andrew Davies. Tolstoy's beguiling masterpiece entwines love, death and determinism with Russia's war with Napoleon and its effects on those swept up by the terror it brings. The lives of Pierre, Prince Andrei and Natasha are changed forever as conflict rages throughout the early nineteenth century. Following the rise and fall of some of society's most influential families, this truthful and poignant epic is as relevant today as ever. This six part adaptation has been written by Bafta-winning author Andrew Davies and will be directed by Tom Harper (Peaky Blinders, The Scouting Book for Boys, Woman in Black: Angel of Death). Accompanied by a stellar cast including Paul Dano (12 Years a Slave, Prisoners, There Will Be Blood) as the idealistic Pierre, James Norton (Happy Valley, Belle, Grantchester) as the ambitious Prince Andrei and Lily James (Cinderella, Downton Abbey) as the impulsive beauty Natasha
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
894 руб.
Нашумевший перевод Ричарда Певира и Ларисы Волохонской • От изысканных московских званых вечеров до головокружительных поездок на тройке по снегу, от кровавой линии фронта под Аустерлицем до смерти жены при родах - Толстой рисует широкую панораму богатой, беспорядочной, красивой и униженной человеческой жизни. Мы следим за судьбами открытого сердца, импульсивного Пьера Безухова, его меланхоличного друга князя Андрея и очаровательной Наташи Ростовой, поскольку история и вымысел сочетаются в одном из самых мудрых и захватывающих романов, когда-либо написанных. "Приятно читать... Ощущение того, что ты действительно находишься в шкуре этих людей, феноменально, блестяще передано этим переводом". (Симон Шама) • Серия "Винтажная русская классика" • Книга на английском языке
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 086 руб.
Полный, неадаптированный текст произведения
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
246 руб.
WAR&PEACE: a compelling portrait of post-post-perestroika Russia. WAR&PEACE brings together 12 stories by new generation of Russian writers. These 'state of the nation' stories imaginatively explore current Russian definitions of war and peace. WAR: controversial stories about life in the modern Russian army where the continuing war in the Caucasus has bred discontent and corruption. PEACE: stories from the frontline of contemporary life for women in Russia - from relationships and violence to aging and the generation gap
My-shop.ru г. Москва
220 руб.
Великолепный роман-эпопея Толстого о любви, конфликте, судьбе и человеческой жизни во всем ее несовершенстве и величии • "Война и мир" начинается на блестящей светской вечеринке в Санкт-Петербурге в 1805 году, где в разговорах преобладает перспектива войны. Террор стремительно охватывает страну, когда армия Наполеона наступает на Россию, и жизни трех молодых людей меняются навсегда. Истории донкихотствующего Пьера, циничного Андрея и порывистой Наташи переплетаются с огромным количеством персонажей, от аристократов и крестьян до солдат и самого Наполеона • Книга на английском языке • Tolstoy's magnificent epic novel of love, conflict, fate and human life in all its imperfection and grandeur • War and Peace begins at a glittering society party in St Petersburg in 1805, where conversations are dominated by the prospect of war
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 557 руб.
In three thousand years of history, China has spent at least eleven centuries at war. The Roman Empire was in conflict during at least 50 per cent of its lifetime. Since 1776, the United States has spent over one hundred years at war. The dream of peace has been universal in the history of humanity. So why have we so rarely been able to achieve it? • In A Political History of the World, Jonathan Holslag has produced a sweeping history of the world, from the Iron Age to the present, that investigates the causes of conflict between empires, nations and peoples and the attempts at diplomacy and cosmopolitanism. A birds-eye view of three thousand years of history, the book illuminates the forces shaping world politics from Ancient Egypt to the Han Dynasty, the Pax Romana to the rise of Islam, the Peace of Westphalia to the creation of the United Nations
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 557 руб.
"Солдаты" - это очень личное собрание искрометных, захватывающих рассказов многих писателей о мужчинах и женщинах, которые носили оружие, отражающее всю жизнь историка-бестселлера Макса Гастингса, изучавшего войну. В нем прослеживаются перемены на протяжении веков, между героическим, трагическим и комическим, знаменитым и скромным. Почти 350 историй наглядно иллюстрируют, каково это - сражаться на войнах, жить и умереть как воин, начиная со времен Греции и Рима и заканчивая недавними конфликтами в Ираке и Афганистане • Здесь вы встретите еврейских героев Библии, римского стража ворот, королеву Боудикку, Жанну д`Арк, Кромвеля, Веллингтона, маршалов Наполеона, Улисса С. Гранта, Джорджа С. Паттона и современную SAS. Есть рассказы о великих писателях, которые служили в военной форме, включая Коббета и Толстого, Эдварда Гиббона и Зигфрида Сассуна, Марселя Пруста и Эвелин Во, Джорджа Оруэлла и Джорджа Макдональда Фрейзера
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 864 руб.
'It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.' • The year is 1984 and war and revolution have left the world unrecognisable. Great Britain, now known as Airstrip One, is ruled by the Party, led by Big Brother. Mass surveillance is everything and The Thought Police are employed to ensure that no individual thinking is allowed. Winston Smith works at The Ministry of Truth, carefully rewriting history, but he dreams of freedom and of rebellion. It is here that he meets and falls in love with Julia. They start a secret, forbidden affair - but nothing can be kept secret, and they are forced to face consequences more terrifying than either of them could have ever imagined • A DYSTOPIAN MASTERPIECE, NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR IS THE POWERFUL AND PROPHETIC NOVEL THAT DEFINED THE 20TH CENTURY
My-shop.ru г. Москва
756 руб.
From the reign of Tsar Nicholas II to the brutal cult of Stalin to the ebullient, uncertain days of perestroika, nowhere has the inextricable relationship between politics and culture been more starkly illustrated than in twentieth-century Russia. In the first book to fully examine the intricate and often deadly interconnection between Russian rulers and Russian artists, cultural historian Solomon Volkov brings to life the experiences that inspired artists like Tolstoy, Stravinsky, Akhmatova, Nijinsky, Nabokov, and Eisenstein to create some of the greatest masterpieces of our time. Epic in scope and intimate in detail, The Magical Chorus is the definitive account of a remarkable era in Russia's complex cultural life
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 774 руб.
A new and definitive account of the German invasion of Poland that initiated WWII in 1939, written by a historian at the height of his abilities • 'Deeply researched, very well-written... This book will be the standard work on the subject for many years to come' - Andrew Roberts, author of Churchill: Walking with Destiny • The Polish campaign is the forgotten story of the Second World War • The war began on 1 September 1939, when German tanks, trucks and infantry crossed the Polish border, and the Luftwaffe began bombing Poland's towns and cities. The Polish army fought bravely but could not withstand the concentrated attack. When the Red Army invaded from the east, the country's fate was sealed • This is the first history of the Polish war for almost half a century
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 163 руб.
In 1918 Ernest Hemingway went to war. He volunteered for ambulance service in Italy, was wounded and twice decorated. Out of his experience came A Farewell to Arms. Hemingway's description of war is unforgettable. He recreates the fear, the comradeship, the courage of his young American volunteer, and the men and women he meets in Italy, with total conviction. But A Farewell to Arms is not only a novel of war. In it Hemingway has also created a love story of immense drama and uncompromising passion
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 897 руб.
A soldier falls asleep on duty and is threatened with being court-martialled. An officer lies in mud, fighting for his life and the life of his men. A young man walks across Waterloo Bridge, explosives in his rucksack, heart pounding. In this powerfully moving book, Faulks shows us the true face of war. These are stories of death and survival, of hope and despair, and of ordinary people whose lives will never be the same again
My-shop.ru г. Москва
402 руб.
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