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VIZ Media Dragon Ball. Volume 10 Toriyama Akira

VIZ Media Dragon Ball. Volume 10 Toriyama Akira

цена 1 442 руб.
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Eath's greatest hero...is from outerspace! • Dragon Ball introduces a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (a wry update of the classic Chinese "Monkey King" legend), whose quiet life changes when he meets a girl named Bulma who is on a quest to collect seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma could use the help of a certain super-strong boy... (In Japan, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were originally a single 42-volume series. VIZ Media's Dragon Ball contains vols. 1-16 of the original Japanese Dragon Ball, from the beginning of the series to the climax of Goku's last fight with Piccolo.) • Goku needs just one more Dragon Ball to wish Upa's father back to life подробнее
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Eath's greatest hero...is from outerspace! • Dragon Ball introduces a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (a wry update of the classic Chinese "Monkey King" legend), whose quiet life changes when he meets a girl named Bulma who is on a quest to collect seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma could use the help of a certain super-strong boy... (In Japan, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were originally a single 42-volume series. VIZ Media's Dragon Ball contains vols. 1-16 of the original Japanese Dragon Ball, from the beginning of the series to the climax of Goku's last fight with Piccolo.) • Only Goku, Bulma and Kuririn stand between the Red Ribbon Army and the seven Dragon Balls which can grant any wish in the world! Using a submarine loaned by Kame-Sen'nin, the heroic trio explores a pirate's undersea cave in search of the next Dragon Ball, but gun-toting bad guys are on their tail! Now they must face not only perilous pirate traps but the sinister General Blue, a martial artist with powers even Goku doesn't have! Can they escape the cave alive? As the battle continues, Goku and General Blue go to Penguin Village, the home of the weird scientist Dr
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 442 руб.
Eath's greatest hero...is from outerspace! • Dragon Ball introduces a young monkey-tailed boy named Goku (a wry update of the classic Chinese "Monkey King" legend), whose quiet life changes when he meets a girl named Bulma who is on a quest to collect seven "Dragon Balls." If she gathers them all, an incredibly powerful dragon will appear and grant her one wish. But the precious orbs are scattered all over the world, and Bulma could use the help of a certain super-strong boy... (In Japan, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were originally a single 42-volume series. VIZ Media's Dragon Ball contains vols. 1-16 of the original Japanese Dragon Ball, from the beginning of the series to the climax of Goku's last fight with Piccolo.) • Tired of losing their best operatives to Son Goku, the commanders of the Red Ribbon Army hire Taopaipai, the world's greatest assassin, to "take care" of him permanently! To have a chance of defeating this new opponent, Goku must climb the miles-high Karin Tower, where a mysterious hermit guards a jug of magic water which will grant the one who drinks it super strength
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 442 руб.
After years of training and adventure, Goku has become Earth's ultimate warrior. And his son, Gohan, shows even greater promise. But the strikes are increasing as even deadlier enemies threaten the planet. More action-packed than the stories of Goku's youth, DRAGON BALL Z is the ultimate science fiction martial arts manga. Get ready for action as time travellers, aliens, deities and the mighty Super Saiyans clash over the fate of the universe! (In Japan, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were originally a single 42-volume series. VIZ Media's Dragon Ball Z contains vols. 27-42 of the original Japanese Dragon Ball, from the first appearance of Goku's son Gohan to the climax of the series.) • Trapped on war-torn Planet Namek, Earth's heroes Gohan, Kuririn and Bulma struggle to keep the Dragon Balls out of the hands of both Vegeta and the planet-destroying Emperor Freeza
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 442 руб.
Goku’s adventure from the best-selling classic manga Dragon Ball continues in this new series written by Akira Toriyama himself! • Ever since Goku became Earth’s greatest hero and gathered the seven Dragon Balls to defeat the evil Boo, his life on Earth has grown a little dull. But new threats loom overhead, and Goku and his friends will have to defend the planet once again in this continuation of Akira Toriyama’s best-selling series, Dragon Ball! • Moro’s goons have arrived on Earth, but the planet’s protectors aren’t about to go down without a fight! However, when Moro himself finally appears and pits a powered-up Saganbo against Gohan and friends, the good guys struggle to keep up. With a planet in peril, will Goku and Vegeta make it back in time?!
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 442 руб.
Goku’s adventure from the best-selling classic manga Dragon Ball continues in this new series written by Akira Toriyama himself! • Ever since Goku became Earth’s greatest hero and gathered the seven Dragon Balls to defeat the evil Boo, his life on Earth has grown a little dull. But new threats loom overhead, and Goku and his friends will have to defend the planet once again in this continuation of Akira Toriyama’s best-selling series, Dragon Ball! • The battle between Granolah, Goku, and Vegeta continues on planet Cereal. Despite this battle being fueled by the lies and manipulation of the Heeters, Granolah’s burning drive for revenge has him convinced that this is a fight worth dying for—and that’s exactly what the Heeters want. Sensing something is amiss, Vegeta begins to piece together the mystery of why Granolah hates the Saiyans so much
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 442 руб.
After years of training and adventure, Goku has become Earth's ultimate warrior. And his son, Gohan, shows even greater promise. But the strikes are increasing as even deadlier enemies threaten the planet. More action-packed than the stories of Goku's youth, Dragon Ball Zis the ultimate science fiction martial arts manga. Get ready for action as time travellers, aliens, deities and the mighty Super Saiyans clash over the fate of the universe! • On the green skies and blue plains of Planet Namek, a war rages between two equally evil forces: Emperor Freeza, who wants to use Namek's Dragon Balls to become immortal, and Vegeta, last prince of the Saiyans, who has betrayed his former master in search of the same prize. Trapped between these two mighty enemies are the peaceful Namekians, and Earth's heroes Kuririn, Gohan and Bulma! As Freeza's henchmen Dodoria and Zarbon trade blows with the ever-stronger Vegeta, the Earthlings put their own lives at risk to protect the Namekians until Son Goku's spaceship arrives
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 442 руб.
Goku and Captain Ginyu fight it out to the end - in each other's bodies! With Goku's life hanging by a thread, Gohan and Kuririn must use the seven Dragon Balls of Namek to summon the mighty Dragon Lord, who can grant any three wishes! But they'd better wish fast, because converging on them are Freeza, lord of the universe, and Vegeta, their evil ally - both seeking the Dragon Balls to wish for eternal life for themselves. Soon, all our heroes are forced to fight together against Freeza - and their salvation may come in the form of not Goku, but Piccolo, now stronger than ever!
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 442 руб.
As Freeza changes into new forms, each more powerful than the last, the desperate heroes - Gohan, Kuririn, Piccolo and the self-serving Vegeta - find themselves struggling merely to stay alive. Desperate for a trump card, Vegeta asks Kuririn to mortally wound him, so that his auto-evolving mechanism will turn him into the legendary strongest fighter in the universe - the Super Saiyan! On the other side of the planet, Goku awakens from within his healing capsule and streaks to the battlefield to turn the tide. But even in his final, supposedly deadliest form, Freeza has an ace up his sleeve
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 442 руб.
Enter Trunks • As the battle on Namek turns the entire planet into a fireball, Goku and Freeza fight it out to the end--and Goku makes a fateful decision. Awaiting Goku's return from outer space, Earth's heroes are shocked to find another, faster spaceship heading towards them--Freeza is back, stronger than ever, swearing to destroy the Earth before Goku can get there to defend it! But as the heroes prepare to make one last stand, another mysterious warrior appears out of nowhere. His name is Trunks, and he has come to warn the heroes about an enemy who makes Freeza look like a walk in the park
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 442 руб.
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 442 руб.
С тех пор, как Гоку собрал все семь Драконьих Жемчужин и стал величайшим героем Земли, его жизнь текла спокойно, хоть и скучно. Но вот очередная опасность нависает над планетой, поэтому Гоку и его друзьям вновь предстоит спасать мир • Продолжается Турнир Разрушителей между Вселенными 6 и 7. Гоку сражается с кем-то, удивительно похожим на Фризу. У него даже те же трансформации и силы, что и у Фризы! Сможет ли Гоку и воины из Вселенной 7 выдержать все испытания и победить в турнире? В конце концов, на кону не простой приз, а Драконьи Супержемчужины! • Издание включает 2 том манги • «Драконий жемчуг: Супер», продолжение культовой манги легендарного Акиры Ториямы, станет отличным подарком для ценителей творчества автора • По манге снято популярное аниме
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 442 руб.
Годы приключений и тренировок сделали Гоку сильнейшим воином на Земле. Его сын Гохан тоже подаёт большие надежды. Но рано или поздно на горизонте появляются новые, ещё более смертоносные враги • Усиливая свои атаки с помощью кайокена, Гоку яростно сражается с Веджетой, но элитный сайянский воин оказывается слишком силён даже для новых приёмов! В отчаянии Гоку использует разрушительную Генки-даму, духовную сферу, которая черпает энергию из самой Земли, её жителей, животных и растений. Но даже Гоку не справится в одиночку. Гохан, Куририн и Яджиробе торопятся на помощь, а взбешённый Веджета обещает уничтожить не только человечество, но и саму планету • Издание включает 4 том манги • «Жемчуг Дракона Z», продолжение культовой манги легендарного Акиры Ториямы, станет отличным подарком для ценителей творчества автора
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 442 руб.
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