г. Москва, Московская область

Visions Of Atlantis. The Deep And The Dark (CD)

Новый студийный альбом австрийских мастеров симфонического металла VISIONS OF ATLANTIS "THE DEEP AND THE DARK" • После перерыва в пять лет австрийские мастера симфонического металла Visions Of Atlantis выпускают новый альбом "The Deep & The Dark" • Вот что говорят по этому поводу музыканты • Это тот
Актуальные предложения интернет-магазинов
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
390 руб.
AD 634 • Anglo Saxon Britain • Confusion and conflict continue as warlords battle across Britain to become the first King of the English • After a stunning victory against the native Waelisc, Beobrand returns to a hero's welcome. His valour is rewarded by wealth and land by Oswald, King of Northumbria • Exhausted, he retires to his new estate with his bride only to find himself surrounded once again by enemies old and new. With treachery and death on all sides, Beobrand fears he will lose all he holds dear • On a quest for revenge and redemption, he accepts the mantle of lord, leading his men into the darkest of nights and the bloodiest of battles • The Cross and the Curse is the second gripping, action-packed instalment in The Bernicia Chronicles
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 737 руб.
And so, for the very first time, we meet the young Moomin, Moominmamma and Sniff as they search through forest and flood for long lost Moominpappa, last seen wandering with the Hattifatteners. Along the way, in a series of delightful adventures, they encounter Hemulens, stranded kittens and the blue-haired Tulippa • The Moomins and the Great Flood was the original Moomin story, published in Finland in 1945. A rediscovered gem, it offers an extraordinary glimpse into Tove Jansson’s unique vision, featuring beautiful sepia watercolours as well as the pen and ink drawings that would become her trademark
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 053 руб.
In Dubai, a luxury apartment block is built in the shape of a giant iPod. In China, President Xi Jinping denounces the trend of constructing ‘bizarre’ new buildings in wacky shapes and colours. In Cincinnati, celebrity architect Zaha Hadid is paid millions to design a single ‘iconic’ structure – with the hope of single-handedly transforming the region’s ailing fortunes. These incidents are all part of the same story: the rise of the age of spectacle • Over the last fifty years, there has been a revolution in how our cities operate. In The Age of Spectacle, Tom Dyckhoff tells the story of how architecture became obsessed with the flashy, the monumental and the ostentatious – and how we all have to live with the consequences. Exploring cityscapes from New York to Beijing, and from Bilbao to Portsmouth, Dyckhoff shows that we are not just witnessing a new kind of building: we are living through a fundamental transformation in how our urban spaces work
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 193 руб.
For 312 years the rotstorm has blighted the ruins of the Ferron Empire • Born of an unholy war between gods themselves, it scours the land with acid mists and deadly lightning, spawning twisted monstrosities from its nightmarish depths • On the Stormwall, the men and women of the Stormguard maintain their vigil - eyes sharp, blade sharper - defending the Undal Protectorate from the worst of the rotstorm's corruption • But behind the stormfront, something is stirring, kindling the embers of an ancient conflict and a plan to kill a god • Will Stormguard steel be enough to meet the coming tempest? • *** • Sergeant Flore Artollen patrols the wind-gnarled pines of Hookstone Forest for the Watch. But it wasn't always so • She spent years on the wall with the Stormguard, face to face with the bloodshed and horror of the rotstorm
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 737 руб.
For 312 years the rotstorm has blighted the ruins of the Ferron Empire • Born of an unholy war between gods themselves, it scours the land with acid mists and deadly lightning, spawning twisted monstrosities from its nightmarish depths • On the Stormwall, the men and women of the Stormguard maintain their vigil - eyes sharp, blades sharper - defending the Undal Protectorate from the worst of the rotstorm's corruption • But behind the stormfront, something is stirring, kindling the embers of an ancient conflict and a plan to kill a god • Will Stormguard steel be enough to meet the coming tempest? • *** • As the children of the storm carve a bloody swathe across the Northern Marches, the whitestaffs - the Protectorate's healers and sages - have fled, retreating to their island citadel of Riven
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 929 руб.
Wicked stepmothers and beautiful princesses … magic forests and enchanted towers … little pigs and big bad wolves … Fairy tales have been an integral part of childhood for hundreds of years. But what do they really mean? • In this award-winning work of criticism, renowned psychoanalyst Dr Bruno Bettelheim presents a thought provoking and stimulating exploration of the best-known fairy stories. He reveals the true content of the stories and shows how children can use them to cope with their baffling emotions and anxieties
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 996 руб.
After her grandmother died, Hadley Freeman travelled to her apartment to try and make sense of a woman she'd never really known. Sala Glass was a European expat in America - defiantly clinging to her French influences, famously reserved, fashionable to the end - yet to Hadley much of her life remained a mystery. Sala's experience of surviving one of the most tumultuous periods in modern history was never spoken about • When Hadley found a shoebox filled with her grandmother's treasured belongings, it started a decade-long quest to find out their haunting significance and to dig deep into the extraordinary lives of Sala and her three brothers. The search takes Hadley from Picasso's archives in Paris to a secret room in a farmhouse in Auvergne to Long Island and to Auschwitz
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 545 руб.
Думаете, вы все знаете о динозаврах? • Подумайте еще раз! • Откройте для себя умопомрачительную правду, стоящую за реальной доисторической историей, рассказанной вам лучшим в мире профессором динозавров. Книга "Эпоха динозавров. Расцвет и падение самых замечательных животных в мире" - обязательное приобретение для любого юного любителя динозавров! • Вы, вероятно, видели "Парк Юрского периода", слышали о Годзилле и знаете о Рексе из "Истории игрушек". Динозавры есть везде: по телевизору, в книгах, вы можете поискать их в Интернете и увидеть их кости в музеях. И вы можете думать, что знаете все, что только можно знать о динозаврах; но что, если вы ошибаетесь? • Присоединяйтесь к современному охотнику на динозавров доктору Стиву Брусатте, который отправит вас в блестящее доисторическое путешествие - вооруженный передовыми технологиями, он собирает воедино полную историю о том, как динозавры правили землей в течение 150 миллионов лет
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 446 руб.
Прекрасное издание в мягкой обложке "Коня и его мальчика", третьей книги классической серии фэнтези "Хроники Нарнии". Это издание дополнено обложкой и оформлением интерьера, выполненным оригинальным иллюстратором Полин Бейнс. В отчаянном путешествии двое беглецов встречаются и объединяют свои силы. Хотя они всего лишь хотят сбежать от своей суровой и ограниченной жизни, вскоре они оказываются в центре ужасной битвы. Это битва, которая решит их судьбу и судьбу самой Нарнии. "Конь и его мальчик" - третья книга в серии C. S. Классическая серия фэнтези Льюиса, которая уже более шестидесяти лет увлекает читателей всех возрастов в волшебную страну, где разговаривают лошади и ждет судьба. Это роман, который стоит сам по себе, но если вы хотите вернуться в Нарнию, прочтите "Принца Каспиана", четвертую книгу "Хроник Нарнии"
My-shop.ru г. Москва
734 руб.
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
1 499 руб.
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
2 649 руб.
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