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Virgin books The World Without Us Weisman Alan

Virgin books The World Without Us Weisman Alan

цена 3 101 руб.
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"On the day after humans disappear, nature takes over and immediately begins cleaning house - or houses, that is. Cleans them right off the face of the earth. They all go." • What if mankind disappeared right now, forever... what would happen to the Earth in a week, a year, a millennium? Could the planet's climate ever recover from human activity? How would nature destroy our huge cities and our myriad plastics? And what would our final legacy be? • Speaking to experts in fields as diverse as oil production and ecology, and visiting the places that have escaped recent human activity to discover how they have adapted to life without us, Alan Weisman paints an intriguing picture of the future of Earth. Exploring key concerns of our time, this absorbing thought experiment reveals a powerful - and surprising - picture of our planet's future подробнее
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Long before his rise to cult fandom on University Challenge, Bobby Seagull was obsessed with numbers. They were the keys that unlocked the randomness of football results, the beauty of art and the best way to get things done • In his absorbing book, Bobby tells the story of his life through numbers and shows the incredible ways maths can make sense of the world around us. From magic shows to rap lyrics, from hobbies to outer space, from fitness to food – Bobby’s infectious enthusiasm for numbers will change how you think about almost everything • Told through fascinating stories and insights from Bobby’s life, and with head-scratching puzzles in every chapter, you’ll never look at numbers the same way again
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3 101 руб.
The inside, behind-the-scenes story of airbnb -- the company reshaping how we travel • In 2008, two broke art school graduates and their coder-whiz friend set up a platform that - in less than a decade - became one of the largest provider of accommodations in the world. Now valued at $31 billion, Airbnb is in the very top tier of Silicon Valley's 'unicorn' startups • Yet the company has not been without controversy - disrupting a $500 billion hotel industry makes you a few enemies. This is also a story of regulators who want to shut it down, hotel industry leaders who want it to disappear and neighbourhoods that struggle with private homes open for public rental. But beyond the headlines and the horror stories, Airbnb has changed the terms of travel for a whole generation - where a sense of belonging has built trust between hosts and guests seeking a more original travel experience that hotels have struggled to replicate
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Susan Cain taught us the value of being Quiet. Now, The Introvert Entrepreneur takes the next step and shows us how introverts can channel their inner quiet in order to thrive in the world of business • Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos are often grouped together as some of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time, but they also have something else in common – they are all introverts. In The Introvert Entrepreneur professional coach Beth Buelow shows us how introverts can utilise their natural gifts (such as listening) and overcome their weaknesses (such as an aversion to networking) when it comes to starting a business, taking on the mistaken but prevailing assumption that entrepreneurial success belongs to the extroverts
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Discover the lost art of reading nature's own signposts with this beautiful tenth anniversary edition of The Natural Navigator • Starting with a simple question – 'Which way am I looking?' – Tristan Gooley blends natural science, myth, folklore and the history of travel to introduce you to the forgotten art of finding your way using nature's clues, from the feel of a rock to the look of the moon • Using Tristan's expert insight and anecdotes, you'll develop a unique insight into the world around you. From learning why some trees grow the way they do and how they can help you find your way in the countryside, to discovering how it's possible to find North simply by looking at a puddle and how natural signs can be used to navigate on the open ocean or in the heart of the city
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Быть лидером и быть боссом - совсем разные вещи • В сентябре 2012 года опрос общественного мнения показал, что большинство британских работников выбрали бы на роль своего начальника Ричарда Брэнсона, будь у них такая возможность • Ричард Брэнсон - икона бизнеса и инноватор в сфере реализации гуманитарных проектов, занимающийся предпринимательством уже более 40 лет. В этой книге он делится квинтэссенцией своих секретов успеха и эффективного руководства. Обращаясь к случаям из своей практики и эпизодам из жизни вдохновляющих его людей (политиков, дельцов, первооткрывателей, учёных и филантропов), Брэнсон рассказывает о качествах, необходимых современному бизнесмену • Это вовсе не типичная книга про лидерство. В ней нет никаких правил - лишь секреты, которые автор постиг, продвигаясь по своему профессиональному пути от звукозаписывающей компании Virgin Records до сотрудничества с глобальной НКО The Elders
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2 946 руб.
Starting with a simple question - 'Which way am I looking?' - Tristan Gooley blends natural science, myth, folklore and the history of travel to introduce you to the rare and ancient art of finding your way using nature's own sign-posts, from the feel of a rock to the look of the moon • With Tristan's help, you'll learn why some trees grow the way they do and how they can help you find your way in the countryside. You'll discover how it's possible to find North simply by looking at a puddle and how natural signs can be used to navigate on the open ocean and in the heart of the city. Wonderfully detailed and full of fascinating stories, this is a glorious exploration of the rediscovered art of natural navigation • The Natural Navigator Pocket Guide is a user-friendly, practical book and the beautiful illustrations are a useful tool to help travellers on their instrument-free journey
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3 099 руб.
Would you sacrifice yourself to save thousands of others? • In the Summer of 1940, after the Nazi occupation of Poland, an underground operative called Witold Pilecki accepted a mission to uncover the fate of thousands of people being interned at a new concentration camp on the border of the Reich • His mission was to report on Nazi crimes and raise a secret army to stage an uprising. The name of the detention centre - Auschwitz • It was only after arriving at the camp that he started to discover the Nazi’s terrifying plans. Over the next two and half years, Witold forged an underground army that smuggled evidence of Nazi atrocities out of Auschwitz. His reports from the camp were to shape the Allies response to the Holocaust - yet his story was all but forgotten for decades
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We all need more hours in the day, as we spend more time than ever working, studying and caring • So what if we could reclaim an entire hour, every day, to spend on the things we love? • With proven advice from over 300 busy contributors, The Extra Hour condenses the best strategies and secrets into just 190 pages, to instantly supercharge your productivity • Whether you're a time-poor student, a frazzled entrepreneur or burned-out at work, waste no time in discovering how to • · cut time spent on emails in half • · banish distracting thoughts for good • · power-surf the web • · and much, much more • This is the last productivity book you'll ever need • So, what will you do with your Extra Hour?
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Have you ever wondered why there is a light in your fridge but not in your freezer? Or why 24-hour shops bother having locks on their doors? Or why soft drink cans are cylindrical, but milk cartons are square? The answer is simple: economics • For years, economist Robert Frank has been encouraging his students to ask questions about the conundrums and strange occurrences they encounter in everyday life and to try to explain them using economics. Now in this bestselling book, he shares the most intriguing - and bizarre - questions and the economic principles that answer them to reveal why many of the most puzzling parts of everyday life actually make perfect (economic) sense
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Ash Ambirge - creator of The Middle Finger Project, a revolutionary online community that makes working women feel creative, inspired and alive again - shares her inspiring story so others can blaze their own path to success • Do you have an existential crisis every time your alarm goes off? • Did you used to be fun/effervescent/happy/less of a bitter old b*tch - and now, let's just say, YOU ARE NOT? • Do you want to feel creative, inspired and, well, just ALIVE again? • Let Ash Ambirge - one of Huffington Post's 50 Must-Follow Women, and founder of the multi-million-dollar, multi-award-winning website and blog The Middle Finger Project - offer you a spunky new alternative to traditional concepts of 'work' • Growing up in a trailer park, by her twenty-first birthday Ash was a jobless, homeless orphan with only $26 to her name
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