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Vintage books The File on H Кадарэ Исмаиль

Vintage books The File on H Кадарэ Исмаиль

цена 2 382 руб.
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A haunting yet humorous evocation of a society dangerously trapped in its past • Two Irish-American scholars from Harvard journey to Albania in the 1930s with a tape recorder (a 'new fangled' invention) in order to record the last genuinely oral epic singers. Their purpose, they say, is to show how Homer's epics might have been culled from a verbal tradition. But the local Governor believes its an elaborate spying mission and arranges for his own spy to follow them.The two dedicated scholars realise only too late that they have stumbled over an ants' nest • This simple tale by Albania's most eminent and gifted novelist serves to lift the veil on one of the most secret and mysterious countries of modern Europe подробнее
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'Her brilliance in capturing the ripples on the surface of family life gives her a claim to be the Jane Austen of our age' Daily Mail • Having sacked her handyman, newly-widowed Mrs Emerson finds a replacement in Elizabeth, a lanky, awkward girl. The Emersons, with their seven adult children, have a reputation for craziness, and Elizabeth finds herself drawn into their disorderly lives against her will. But in the end it is hard to tell whether she is a victim of the needy Emersons, or the de facto ruler of the family
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In this absorbing volume, David Lodge turns his incisive critical skills onto his own profession, salutes the great writers who have influenced his work, wonders about the motives of biographers, ponders the merits of creative writing courses, pulls the rug from under certain theoretical critics and throws open the curtains on his own workshop
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Шляпа, лента, птичка, роза. Для жителей острова исчезнувшая вещь больше не имеет никакого значения. Его можно сжечь в саду, выбросить в реку или передать Полиции памяти. Довольно скоро остров забывает о его существовании • Когда молодая писательница обнаруживает, что ее редактору грозит опасность быть арестованным Полицией памяти, она отчаянно хочет спасти его. По какой-то причине он не забывает, и ему становится все труднее скрывать свои воспоминания. Кто знает, что исчезнет в следующий раз? • "Полиция памяти" Ёко Огавы - красивая, захватывающая и провокационная басня о силе памяти и травме утраты, написанная одним из величайших писателей Японии • Книга на английском языке • Hat, ribbon, bird, rose. To the people on the island, a disappeared thing no longer has any meaning
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The breathtaking short story collection from the Costa-shortlisted Irish writer • Three gunshots on the Irish border define the course of a young man's life; a writer clings fast to a star-crossed affair with a woman who has never been fully in his reach; a fisherman accustomed to hard labour rolls up his sleeves to dig a grave for his child; a pair of newly-weds embark on their first adventure, living wild on the deserted Beginish Island • Spanning a century and two continents - from the muddy fields of Ireland to a hotel room in Paris, a dingy bar in Segovia to an aeroplane bound for Taipei - these densely layered tales reveal the quiet heroism and gentle dignity of ordinary life. Ranging from the elegiac to the brutally confrontational, Billy O'Callaghan's stories explore the resilience of the human heart and its ability to keep beating even in the wake of grief, trauma and lost love
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2 382 руб.
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