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Vintage books Shadow City. A Woman Walks Kabul Khan Taran N

Vintage books Shadow City. A Woman Walks Kabul Khan Taran N

цена 2 382 руб.
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One of the first things I was told when I arrived in Kabul was never to walk • When journalist Taran Khan arrives in Kabul, she uncovers a place that defies her expectations. Her wanderings with other Kabulis reveal a fragile city in a state of flux: stricken by near-constant war, but flickering with the promise of peace; governed by age-old codes but experimenting with new modes of living • Her walks take her to the unvisited tombs of the dead, and to the land of the living - like the booksellers, archaeologists, film-makers and entrepreneurs who are remaking this 3,000-year-old city. And as NATO troops begin to withdraw from the country, Khan watches the cycle of transformation begin again подробнее
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