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Vintage books Metropolis. A History of the City, Humankind’s Greatest Invention Wilson Ben

Vintage books Metropolis. A History of the City, Humankind’s Greatest Invention Wilson Ben

цена 1 432 руб.
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The story of the city is the story of civilisation. From Uruk and Babylon to Baghdad and Venice, and on to London, New York, Shanghai and Lagos, Ben Wilson takes us through millennia on a thrilling global tour of the key urban centres of history • Rich with individual characters, scenes and snapshots of daily life, Metropolis is at once the story of these extraordinary places and of the vital role they have played in making us who we are подробнее
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'Flaneuse [flanne-euhze], noun, from the French. Feminine form of flaneur [flanne-euhr], an idler, a dawdling observer, usually found in cities • That is an imaginary definition.' • If the word flaneur conjures up visions of Baudelaire, boulevards and bohemia – then what exactly is a flaneuse? • In this gloriously provocative and celebratory book, Lauren Elkin defines her as ‘a determined resourceful woman keenly attuned to the creative potential of the city, and the liberating possibilities of a good walk’. Part cultural meander, part memoir, Flaneuse traces the relationship between the city and creativity through a journey that begins in New York and moves us to Paris, via Venice, Tokyo and London, exploring along the way the paths taken by the flaneuses who have lived and walked in those cities
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Действие этого замечательного романа разворачивается в Оксфорде в 1660-х годах - времени и месте большого интеллектуального, религиозного, научного и политического брожения - вокруг молодой женщины Сары Бланди, которая обвиняется в убийстве Роберта Гроува, студента Нью-колледжа. Четыре свидетеля описывают события, связанные с его смертью: Марко да Кола, венецианский католик, намеревающийся присвоить себе заслугу в изобретении переливания крови; Джек Прескотт, сын предполагаемого предателя дела роялистов, полный решимости оправдать своего отца; Джон Уоллис, главный криптограф Кромвеля и Карла II, математик, теолог и мастер шпионажа; и Энтони Вуд, знаменитый оксфордский антиквар • Каждый из них рассказывает свою версию произошедшего, но только один раскрывает невероятную правду
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The completely updated edition of J. M. Roberts and Odd Arne Westad's widely acclaimed, landmark bestseller The Penguin History of the World • For generations of readers The Penguin History of the World has been one of the great cultural experiences - the entire story of human endeavour laid out in all its grandeur and folly, drama and pain in a single authoritative book. Now, for the first time, it has been completely overhauled for its 6th edition - not just bringing it up to date, but revising it throughout in the light of new research and discoveries, such as the revolution in our understanding of many civilizations in the Ancient World. The closing sections of the book reflect what now seems to be the inexorable rise of Asia and the increasingly troubled situation in the West
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A delightful journey through time and through the streets of one of the greatest cultural capitals in Europe • A magnet for trade and travellers from all over the world, stylish, cosmopolitan Amsterdam is a city of dreams and nightmares, of grand civic architecture and legendary beauty, but also of civil wars, bloody religious purges, and the tragedy of Anne Frank • In this fascinating examination of the city's soul, part history, part travel guide, Geert Mak imaginatively recreates the lives of the early Amsterdammers, and traces Amsterdam's progress from waterlogged settlement to a major financial centre and thriving modern metropolis
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Мы знаем, что Америка распространила свои деньги, язык и культуру по всему миру, но мы все еще думаем о ней как о замкнутой территории, окруженной Канадой сверху, Мексикой снизу и океанами по обе стороны. Но это огромное заблуждение • Книга Дэниела Иммервара "Как спрятать империю. Краткая история Великих Соединенных Штатов" - это история страны за пределами США – от завоеваний девятнадцатого века, таких как Аляска и Пуэрто-Рико, до каталога островов, архипелагов и военных баз, разбросанных по всему земному шару. Полная сюрпризов и ранее забытых эпизодов, эта увлекательная книга представляет прошлое и настоящее Америки в новом свете • Книга на английском языке • 'Wry, readable and often astonishing... A provocative and absorbing history of the United States' New York Times • The United States denies having dreams of empire
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See history as it happened - from the evolution of early humans to the space race - with 130 detailed maps that bring pivotal episodes of world history to life.Including a foreword by renowned broadcaster and historian Peter Snow, this history atlas shows you the history of the world in thrilling action. Follow Napoleon as he conquers Europe, explore the rise of the Roman Empire, or chart the progress of the Russian Revolution as each map presents an overview of the story then takes you, step by step, through how it developed, leaving its mark on land and ocean.With cutting-edge design and breathtaking scope, History of the World Map by Map charts ancient, medieval, and modern history in all corners of the world. Discover how patterns of global trade, exploration, conflict, and technological advances shaped key moments in human civilization, such as the success of ancient Egypt, the conquest of Peru, the decolonization of Africa and Asia, the American Civil War, and the energy and environmental challenges of the 21st century
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'History, reportage, travel writing, wisdom and recipes - entertaining and enlightening' Sunday Times • The Basques are Europe's oldest people, their origins a mystery, their language related to no other on Earth, and even though few in population and from a remote and rugged corner of Spain and France, they have had a profound impact on the world. Whilst inward-looking, preserving their ancient language and customs, the Basques also struck out for new horizons, pioneers of whaling and cod fishing, leading the way in exploration of the Americas and Asia, were among the first capitalists and later led Southern Europe's industrial revolution • Mark Kurlansky, the author of the acclaimed Cod, blends human stories with economic, political, literary and culinary history to paint a fascinating picture of an intriguing people
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The Northmen’s Fury tells the Viking story, from the first pinprick raids of the eighth century to the great armies that left their Scandinavian homelands to conquer larger parts of France, Britain and Ireland. It recounts the epic voyages that took them across the Atlantic to the icy fjords of Greenland and to North America over four centuries before Columbus and east to the great rivers of Russia and the riches of the Byzantine empire • One summer’s day in 793, death arrived from the sea. The raiders who sacked the island monastery of Lindisfarne were the first Vikings, sea-borne attackers who brought two centuries of terror to northern Europe. Before long the sight of their dragon-prowed longships and the very name of Viking gave rise to fear and dread, so much so that monks were reputed to pray each night for delivery from ‘the Northmen’s Fury’
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The Italian Renaissance shaped Western culture - but it was far stranger and darker than many of us realise. We know the Mona Lisa for her smile, but not that she was married to a slave-trader. We revere Leonardo da Vinci for his art, but few now appreciate his ingenious designs for weaponry. We visit Florence to see Michelangelo's David, but hear nothing of the massacre that forced the republic's surrender. In fact, many of the Renaissance's most celebrated artists and thinkers emerged not during the celebrated 'rebirth' of the fifteenth century but amidst the death and destruction of the sixteenth century • The Beauty and the Terror is an enrapturing narrative which includes the forgotten women writers, Jewish merchants, mercenaries, prostitutes, farmers and citizens who lived the Renaissance every day
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'The mind is a time machine that travels backwards in memory and forwards in prophecy, but he has done with prophecy now...' Sequestered in his blitz-battered Regent's Park house in 1944, the ailing Herbert George Wells, 'H.G.' to his family and friends, looks back on a life crowded with incident, books, and women. Has it been a success or a failure? Once he was the most famous writer in the world, 'the man who invented tomorrow'; now he feels like yesterday's man, deserted by readers and depressed by the collapse of his utopian dreams. He recalls his unpromising start, and early struggles to acquire an education and make a living as a teacher; his rapid rise to fame as a writer with a prophetic imagination and a comic common touch which brought him into contact with most of the important literary, intellectual, and political figures of his time; his plunge into socialist politics; and, his belief in free love, and energetic practice of it
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The Gulag, the Stalinist labour camps to which millions of Russians were condemned for political deviation, has become a household word in the West. This is due to the accounts of many witnesses, but most of all to the publication, in 1962, of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, the novel that first brought Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn to public attention. His story of one typical day in a labour camp as experienced by prisoner Ivan Denisovich Shukhov is sufficient to describe the entire world of the Soviet camps
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